Really makes me think...

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... we don't provide people with paper towels and toilet paper though. Does she really not know this? I wish I was a wahmen


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>help women for once
As if women weren't a net loss to the state already.

Fuck that cunt. Why don't we cover beard care products? Or how about ball powder? What's that, you don't want your money paying for something your cunt can never use?

Good idea! Lets force the government to pay for men's razors too!

fucking plebit

>I seriously don't understand arguments
>I want gibs but you won't gib

You know how we have Pre-school? There should be a new kind of school called "Re-school" where they send fuckwits like this white knight.

According to that logic, women need to pay for my condoms.

Fucking idiots...

Just make it a woman only tax.

Both men and women use toilet paper, but only women use pads. So make it a woman tax.

Problem solved, then make it illegal to have jews pay tax, and give white men a x5 tax multiplier!

Give black people a .25 tax rate over base, and then give mexicans a .5 tax rate. Oy! The asians will pay the standard rate, and whites will pay an additional 10% temple tax on top of their other privileges!

Then, use all the money we're saving and give the chosen people a -100% tax rate! Oy Oy!

WE'll be rich! We'll be rich!

OY OY OY!!!!

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>what are public schools
not defending her though

>unironically memeflagging
Fucking facebooker

Feminism: "We have no accountability and you should treat women as inept children while telling us we're your superiors"

They provide period pads in the nurses office though.

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You're not entitled to free shit sweetie


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Hurr durr I'm a woman I spend all my money on clothes I don't need, make up, Sephora, lipstick, shoes I don't need, and starbucks. YOU OWE US VAGINA PAPER.

Tampons are such a minuscule part of household finances that I have trouble taking this issue seriously. To get so passionate about it this woman has to be just looking for a fight, even a stupid one.

Fucking fat people man.

If you forget a tampon or start unexpectedly you can ask any woman on earth and one will be happy to provide you with one

>Wants to lose weight
>Eats a whole plate of sugar

Put a fucking cloth in your panties and wear red
Women been doing it since the 1200's

>when you realize women aren't human but a separate parasitic species

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Where do I get my free paper towels and tp please?

>Just fucking help women for once


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I would love free tp thank you

"Do you have a problem supplying basic toilet paper"

They expect their strawmen to be as unprincipled as themselves and it's getting kind of sad

I can’t count the times I jizzed through my pants when I was young, if men have to provide something to absorb the blood from teenage girls’ cunts then girls should be required to provide something to absorb the semen from teenage boys

They could just buy pic related for ca 3$ and wouldn't have to pay shit for several years. But no, they want pads and tampons which have been proven to cause cervical cancer thanks to the bleaching substances used in thr process of creating them. It's a fucking scam and they want the government to pay it for them. Absolute fucking retards.

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what? why do they want help from men? aren't these the people that claim to despise men and the patriarchy?


I sincerely wish for all fats to die

>everyone needs to pop

yup and no one gets free toilet paper

>kys op

...its state law in many states. Also in non ghetto schools they have a vending machine for feminine hygiene products! Fucking never give in to a wahmens demand.

>help women for once
lost cause

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>Thing happens monthly for 80% of their life, hence, period(ical)
>Can't prepare for it on advance
Honestly considering Islam at this point.

>absorb the semen from teenage boys
Are you volunteering?

>everything should be free
What do you get for free?
I've never gotten anything for free, all my shit, razors, cream, toothpaste, everything, it all costs money and is taxed
What the fuck is she talking about?

Came here to post this

I get the little kid part. But Im willing to bet that a kid can ask the nurse for one, just like a bandaid. Plus fuck, 11? Take care of your kids.


strawberries, cherries and grapes topped with whipped cream
Jesus he's a stupid fat fuck

God can you libshits function on your own for ONCE and not be perpetual idiots , go buy your damn products and stop asking for handouts lazy fucks

Im fine with the government paying for pads as long as those women provide mental health handjobs for men who cant afford it.

Schools may be the only place that should have pads available for girls. But it should be in the nurses office. Not in every bathroom.

Also they'll have to stock both bathrooms because we can't be trans exclusive and men can have periods too. *vomits*

What is she talking about? We dont provide free toilet paper. Unless she means businesses, but it is precisely because they are expensive they arent provided for free. People would just keep stealing them.

And school nurses do provide free pads to kids who forget them, btw.

We have a similar topic in germany as well:
Necessities (mostly just food) get taxed 7% while "luxury items" (read: everything else) gets taxed 19%.
Pads and tampons get taxed 19% as well which infuriates the feminists. They demand that taxes are lowered and act as if this was some big conspiracy, invented by the white man.

The thing is, tampons are really dirt cheap. If the taxes were lowered to 7%, the average women would save about 2 bucks a year.
Two. Bucks.

Meanwhile women get raped daily by "new germans".

Next it'll be female-only bursaries for clothes, shoes and make-up.

Sanitary necessities?

So I should get free soap, shampoo, tooth paste, showers, deordorant, hair cuts, beard oil, and razors?

How about a tax that only women that go to pay for this? Seems like a fair comprimise.

Also, "what if I forget my pad!? Why did you put me jn this situation you bigot!?" They cant take responsibility for anything, can they?

>more sugar
>durr luk at my diet y arent i losing wieght
No wonder we're getting so fucking fat. I blame public schools.

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It should ve against the law to be this retarted and any man or women that is should be forced from making children

>everything I need has to be provided by others
Children or inmates?
Normal people take pride in being able to care for themselves.


I hate people that think gorging themselves on fruit is healthy.

Fuck titniggers, Fuck feminists. Sexbots now.

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Wait where do I get my free toilet paper and towels?

Is that Bernie tattoo teary eyed? HOW DID THE TATTOOIST KNOW?

You can thank the (((food pyramid))) for that.
>load up on all these sugars and processed grains goy
>don't bother with all those greens, have some pasta goy
>yes goy, of course ice cream counts as dairy, get plenty of that
>meat is bad for you goy, have some pretzels instead
>remember goy, sugar doesn't count as long as it's not in the top triangle

I hate women. that's enough reason for me to not give a fuck about their fucking pads.

Why should I pay because your uterus sheds its lining once a months.

Slap that bitch in the face beat her for half an hour then make her sleep on the porch