Why isn't she locked up yet?
Why isn't she locked up yet?
how do you know she isn't?
Because (((they))) don't want to.
"national security" they would probably rather her let her die due to old age then make the country look dysfunctional by jailing her.
He left her out to destroy any chances of a healthy Democrat rival. He won the re election just by sparing her 4 years
Because our country is cucked
Because she didn't do anything wrong.
she sucked the right dick
Because that negro Obama gave everyone and himself a pardon from all crimes. It’s pretty obvious at this point.
All in due time.
Because Jeff sessions cucked on day 1.
because shes not republican.
Because she didn't commit high crimes; only fireable offenses by not following email compliance.
I dunno. Trump campaigned on locking her up but he cucked out on it like 90% of his other promises
Spoken like a truly Jewish person
no my friend I know a thing or two about records management, sorry.
Or Huma did for her
The guy on the left has something wrong with him
Lock her up!
>the deep state didn't lock up their criminals
>they didn't reveal themselves as traitors
>this means they're innocent
Get the fuck out of here you stupid retard. The whole thing is fucking corrupt and indictments don't mean a fucking thing. I hope they do try to remove Trump from office, I'll take the first plane down to USA, a one-way ticket, to fight in the 2nd civil war. You bums have lost.
fuck off jew
hi Hillary
Different standards for crimes commited by men and women.
A corrupt senator that had made half of what she did would be treated like we treated McCain.
no you faggot, “e-mail compliance” is not why she ought to be in prison
Ya think?
Stop pretending you’d do anything I bet you haven’t even assaulted a refugee yet today you cuck.
Can't tell the difference from someone who didn't take compliance seriously enough and someone who actually gives documents to wikileaks, can you.
>email compliance
Nigger please she sold info by putting it openly to be taken from her servers
If I assault a refugee I go to prison where I will be dead within 6 months. Pointless. Doesn't help anybody. If there is a civil war occuring I will fight and die for the cause. Civil wars are all or nothing. They are absolutely the time to stand up and fight. I pray everyday for one to break out in Europe. I'm voting for accelerationism in any way I can.
She never will be. Hillary has been investigated for a cumulative total of what, 10 years?
And there have been zero indictments.
Trump, on the other hand...
you might not like this but there's an underlying sentiment in most branches that it simply wouldn't look good for the US. We're going to open this massive unending headache, can of worms, general shitstorm over what? She's stupid and got her emails stolen by China? It's just not worth the trouble and rocks the boat for everyone
she serves rome
at this pointy ignoring her failures and the ability to compromise the inelegance community with a few buck$, would be worse
everyone knows that our goverment is full of whore that dont care about integrity, to let this continue would be for more damaging.
she stole a TROVE of classified CIA/NSA/FBI material that basically had dirt on every major political player in DC.
she lost to obama because she had no dirt on him, but she still has relevant dirt on a lot of big names.
she uses this dirt to blackmail and bribe her way around DC and out of a 5x8 cell.
She sent 33k rmails or more to China
She is fucked
>for more damaging.
far more*
>SAPs hooked up to internet
>not high crimes
it's obvious. james comey testified to congres that she deleted or didn't turn over in excess of 10K+ emails / documents, some of which WERE marked classified. she blatantly broke felonies and walked away with a hour long interview slap on the wrist.
there isn't any real solid proof she ever did anything wrong
or she's a master at hiding her tracks
Killary named sec of state in 2009...
what are you talking about.. Comey testified to congress that she used an illegal independent server to host state material, some of which was marked classified.. anyone else would be a felon by now.
33k out of a possible million, is nothing, the 33k is the ones she failed to provide to congress, but her server handled every communication her state department sent and received, possible millions of emails out there.
She probably actually sold it too. Via "donations" to her pay-to-play foundation.
>FBI is corrupted
>Obama pardoned here for "any and all crimes she may have committed" up until the time he left office (it's a above top secret pardon)
Obama did it on the same day he pardoned all those MS-13 members to undermine Trump and Americans. Also every president pardons themselves secretly when they leave office.
So really she can only be convicted of new crimes she commits.
Cheers from security intelligence services.
Yes, this
>still fixated on hillary
>massive cult of professional criminals guarding her 6
>maybe not independently wealthy but still practically infinitely wealthy due to involvement in amalgamated network of plutocratic psychos
>obviously a genius in her own intelligence (even if she's still a reckless fool, but recklessness =/= intelligence) and uses this to lay the perfect half-truth down at any given moment for the best effect when it comes to human terrain
>her whole personal team consists of nebulous aliases and shadow men
>her stupidity (as in her evilness) is what left a paper trail we can follow, but this paper trail is very long, confusing, and inherently dangerous to follow for anyone, even elite cops
God saves the best for last. always does always did and that never won't be the case
Because (((they))) protect her, she might still be of some use to (((them))).
Fixed it
Cos she's got serious dirt on Sessions. Only plausible reason.
Never happen. Also, we learned last night that sessions, rosenstein and Huber haven’t intervened Ohr. Qtards hav been told sessions is working behind the scenes and to “trust sessions”. Nope! This cuck is apparently feckless, scared and inept. Worse AG pick of any prez. Sad
>been investigated
cant go to prison if you own all the prisons
>still fixated on hillary
it amazing that hag just wont go away, but topic is relevant TODAY
she lost so we shouldnt talk about her previous crimes being investigated TODAY, based on new evidence
yet Trump Russiais open game for 2 years without providing actual evidence
so KYS fag
Q predicted you’d say that. Trust the plan. These people are stupid.
he was under surveillance when the deep state was watching Flynn
Judicial Watch recovered documents that jeff was also under surveillance all of 2016
>It's 2026
>Hillary passed away 3 years ago. Rest In Pieces.
>The 33k emails still dominate American politics
>Donald Trump, who lost the 2020 election, is running a campaign to have her skeleton imprisoned
>Trump still has a loyal base who protests outside of the White House with chants of "LOCK HER SKELETON UP"
>Holding signs with "WHERE'S THE BODY?"
>Conspiracy theorists believe she is hiding in China under the protection of Xi Jingping
>She's taken refuge in a child sex cult that eats children just before they hit puberty
>A Jow Forums general thread searching Google Maps imagery for pizza shops in China has been continually running for 4 years
We are so close to uncovering the real truth of the world guys
Sharing top secret information is.
>Ignorance of the law is not a defense for breaking it.
Everyone who's ever been to court knows this saying, but it seems to only apply to white male conservatives and Republicans.
>Republican male?
Get criminally charged for making a mistake on taxes.
>Democrat career criminal woman?
Simply refuse to investigate.
yeh and (((they))) are the jesuits - and the Knights Hospitaller
clinton foundation bullet soon i think
kek. i laughed. someone screencap this. guarantee it's gonna become pasta and newfags will rage after reading it.
We already know the truth. The question is what will be done about it.
>Sharing top secret information is.
>>Ignorance of the law is not a defense for breaking it.
correct, law regarding Eyes only material, includes gross negligence, hence why comey changed the wording in his original statement not to include " gross negligence"
Had no dirt on him....
She didn't know he's a faggot cock sucking child molesting coke addicted Muslim married to a man?
No dirt....
I wish she would retire to a nice tropical island, but her hand is still detectable in our political system.
She wasn't just careless about using the right e-mail, it was done in deliberate and treasonous way to leak classified documents.
I agree this is willful noncompliance, but there's a larger issue to be investigated.
Kek’d and check’d
true, she'll just claim that she doesn't know anything about all this computer mumbo jumbo. but in reality she left her server open to BE hacked by chyna creating a "drop box" for them to take all her emails including ones from the magic nigger and ones with the glow niggers names so they could be rounded up. then chyna just donates to the clinton foundation "repaying" her for this drop box. i'm sure there is plausible deniability in there somewhere, but let's hope they can nail this bitch down and hang her in washington dc for all to see!!!
She will never be locked up