Why are you against free migration, Jow Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.
Why are you against free migration, Jow Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP
GOTCHA now that i have your attention,
IOTBW is happening again this year get in here:
Why are you against leaf genocide, Jow Forums? According to Hiro, leaf genocide would double the boards quality.
the point of this thread is to redirect you to a more important thread:
Growth for the sake of growth is the mentality of cancer
IOTBW is happening again this year get in here:
You know who else increased GDP?
HITLER, you fucking fascist scum.
Doubling the worlds GDP will make every country poor you idiot
Is this what reverse shilling looks like
OP you're a faggot who posts the same shit. I'd rather live in a beautiful, peaceful cohesive society where I can prosper and be happy rather than a few GDP points which btw only the top 1% would reap the benefit from a.k.a (((THEY))) Kill yourself Gdp isnt fucking shit don't you know economics
All you people can think about is muh money muh shekels muh GDP, there's more to life, capitalism has brainwashed people into only being concerned with the dollar above all else. How soulless.
Ignore this slide thread, we've got a huge problem.
yes it is, weaponize their own shill threads against them
Fuck you leaf
it's a redirect thread to the IOTBW post campaign thread:
Oh shit
More welfare means less government investment outside of the safety net.
Immigration imbalances the division of labor through gluts leading to unemployment, often structural.
The same 'economists' who predicted a Trump win would crash the economy, ruin the stock market and cause WW3...
Bad idea bro.
Social cohesion is more important than GDP anyway.
I'm ok with people like you living in Chile.
We strive for decent people rather than for maximizing profits.
you're correct, now come to the real thread - IOTBW is happening again this Halloween:
Fuck no
Our GDP has been rising for the last decade but living standards have stagnated, same with wages
Fuck open immigration
Jesus Christ stop shilling your shitty childish threads. I hope you get banned.
>According to economists
Every single prediction 'economists' do turn out to be false.
That's provided that the migrants don't affect the western world's institution and social infrastructure.
Kinda like saying that if beer had no calories then beer bellies would be impossible.