Is it okay that i am attracted to old ladies?

They just know how to treat me right.

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Its your life cunt, fuck it how you see fit.

Merkel is a cutie i wish she wasnt a globalist demon

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i agree

young sluts be like, "where is my attention?"

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if you have to ask if it's ok, then part of you already knows it's not.

bruh i'd smash that shit no joke

No, it isn't. Kill yourself.

sex by itself is questionable beyond the confines of marriage and intentional copulation

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Don't see the problem.

dude if you wouldn't grab that thicc ass and play it like bongo drums you're gay as hell

check out this hubba. Not sure if that is her dress rotting or her skin peeling.
Smash worthy.

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better than dogs i guess

can't get pregnant

H-how old are the ones you're into?

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Its more of a body type. I am into the thick ones.

You go for it lad. Whatever league you can handle best. Just watch out you don't powder her hips during your 2 minutes of la amore together.
Love is a beautiful thing.
I prefer my wealthy grills in their 20's or 30's, I don't mind them in their 40's even if they are glamorous, beautiful and generous. It's all the same if she's taking you to Monte Carlo, am I right you sly old leaf you?
My current employer is quite young, her father and grandfather were very successful too. Some things run in the family, if you follow me. She's comfy tier to be frank, you ought to see what I drive thanks to her (as nice a company car as you could imagine). I'm sat at a bar on a shopping spree (using a credit card - I'm sanguine about the outcome though) so sadly I can't timestamp my ride (again) but remind me again some time and I'll tell you to fuck off.

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I like this lady near me she is about 55ish?
Greying hair and very elegant.
I am too shy about it to do anything..

Thesaurus' can post now?


I've been fucking women 35-50 since I was 21. 27 now. Best sex no drama and they dont want money. It's a good life OP.

Kek ya got him son

are you just pretending to be retarded

>they know how to treat me right

You sound like a younger woman so I'm going to say yes. Lesbian relationships with vast age gaps are pretty common.