Microsoft is sending subliminal messages

Jewgle back at it again.
>In the past few weeks, pictures in which pathways, lines, roads are featured prominently have been displayed on Microsoft Windows's lock screen.
>Notice in this particular example the pathway, which the viewer is supposed to imagine themselves going down, is more to the right side of the image. The 'right' in this particular context is the political right, and Microsoft appears to be trying to brainwash users into voting Republican.

Attached: fascist_propaganda.png (598x332, 328K)

Memeflagging no link faggot sage options field


are you actually fucking retarded?


is that an argument?

Seems we have swayed even the mega corps to subconsciously do our will.

A list of stuff is happening. Hillary has compromised our country.

Thanks for this thread faggot

No source = sage


>using Micropenisoft Windows


You're either a fucking retard or a shill trying to make it look like big tech "conspiracy theorists" are stupid. Fuck off faggot.

>expecting the media to talk about it

most probably a tranny thread died for this anyway

it's more subtler than that OP, look at the image, there's a small curve going to the left
what this obviously means is that those that lean right end up making a violent turn left so it's what you should do aswell and become the best member of the gay disco you possibly can be

>a company that wants to keep h1b visas and cheap labour would sublinially put out endorsements for a platform that has at the very least, talked about ending the constant stream of cheap labour and bullshit visas

Leftists are so fucking retarded. They think they're the rebels when every government and big corporation leads them.

Yeah sage advice

>is more to the right side of the image.
but it clearly turns left down the road.

The left was never good at matching motive, intent, and result. Pretty much all they check is intent, whereas the conservatives match intent and result.

Only the Traditonalist matches all 3

Attached: IMG_1791.jpg (433x400, 68K)

Attached: 1526695447428.jpg (600x441, 45K)

>are you seriously fucking retarded?
>is that an argument?
Not an argument but a rhetorical question you fucking retard.

Attached: 7DD75C50-7FA3-449C-9FF5-7A02E1E7F81E.jpg (600x778, 119K)

Attached: 1535236546758.jpg (650x426, 68K)

Bill 'close the' Gates has always been my favorite billionaire tbqhwy