The future looks horrible. depressing. how do you deal with this fact?

the future looks horrible. depressing. how do you deal with this fact?

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Just embrace cosmicism dude

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Lucid dreaming

I dealt with it by drinking for the past 7 or so years, but I cant physically keep doing that anymore so I spend a lot more time just reflecting and praying for a quick death

Because its lookwd horrible before and never stays that way.

Taking a shower once in a while would probably help

That's my QB *sniff*


>drew bledsoe
The quarterback?

your cucked feelings are not facts

that tiny death drew bledsoe must experience every time he encounters an image or video of tom brady unexpectedly

Learned that in the end it’s all about being able love. Develop a sense of spirituality (regardless of religion) and try praying, oddly it helped me grow past my self destructive behaviours.
- I don’t associate with church though, too much bullshit.

Actually the future looks fucking fantastic

it actually dows get better
30s > 20s > teens
at least for guys

t boomer

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you are in mexico. things are even worst down there.

>t. kyle

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by taking the white pill and knowing that through horrible violence and abject misery we will come out the other side stronger than before even if I don't live to see it.

And tell your friends to stay home too
There's nothing here for you, little bean
America is a hellhole, save your friends

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>behind you
>goading you into attacking their enemies
>stabbing you in the back

He never answers our prayers in that regard.

Money and designing a fortress of solitude. Have the land and building permits sorted. It's going to be comfy af.

By becoming a stronger harder person physically, mentally, and emotionally. I allocate time each day for physical training, reading, and staring at gore (both human and animal) i take cold showers and eat a simple nutritious diet. I go to the range and practice shooting with handgun and rifle. On weekends I go to bars and pay drunk people a dollar to call me names and slap me. I am the apex predator ready for the hard times that will come.

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Nut-Up or Shut-up, you pussies; and clean your room while your at it!

Most of anxiety and fear is caused by shit that will never happen. If it does happen then you no longer need to fear it because the event is over. There is no future there is only past, consciousness is simply out memory of the immediate past. Imagine being on a ship and looking at the wake. We can look at this past and imagine what the future would hold, or see the outcomes of our actions and try to make better actions. The future has you standing with your shoes off on a beach listening to the waves. It also has you standing next to a casket listening to family members crying.

As far as humanities future, we will see wars and treaties, kings and queens die and tyrants rise. We'll see terrors the likes of which the world has never seen before and we'll see unfathomable love poured out for the survivors.

I find a cold morning and the first rays of sunlight to be the best cure for the knowledge that we're hurtling towards the infinite unknown.

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Fuck that nigger I'm looking into the feasibility of a moat.

get used to it
when life gives you lemons make lemonade


He really took the Tom Brady shit to heart


Waiting for war to break out, so that I can shoot shitskins on the streets.

Find a piece of land between two rivers. It would make a natural moat and keep scavengers out. Especially if you build behind the tree line and out of sight. Set up a retractable bridge and you're golden.

Almost had me until the paying drunk people.

Go to self improvement general on eight # chan. Read stoicism. Epictetus is really good if your outlook is super blackpilled. Something has to change soon though, I am with you there.


>encourages you to live on a sandbar
>next spring you're washed away
These commies are getting smarter by the minute

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Live in the present and play the position you have instead of worrying.

The land is non negotiable anyway. Wooded, fishing access and above sea level.

Also TFW they won't let you build curtain walls.

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My 20s have been infinitely worse than my teenage years

Thank god I'm around 30 and unironically being a boomer right now, riding my motorcycle and chilling on the mountains every chance I get. I truly do not envy today's kids, they're going to have a twisted life, like a Lovecraft tier twisted life full of negroids and sjws.

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Lifting... keeping my body in condition for when SHTF, all the while stockpling whatever supplies and munitions I can. I actually look forward to great collapse of it all, whatever it may be.

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*in fighting condition

Fuck me

Get off the Internet and out of the house/work. Do something outside everyday. Interact with people in person. Accomplish some small task daily such as working out, organize your junk drawer, etc. Be kind and helpful to those around you.


Yeah man im glad i was born in 1993

it got better for me

I try to stay productive and always furthering my career or education. I like to get up early on my days off, drink my coffee, go for a long run in the sun, lift some weights. Every night before bed instead of getting on my phone or computer, I read a book instead. I'm trying to drink less but struggling with that. Not much I can do, I'm probably not going to have a great fulfilling life but I'm not going to kill myself.

I lift, meditate, try to enjoy the little things of a peaceful life.
Oh and I bank my hatred like electricity in a Nokia 3310 battery.