>be Italy
>be net contributor to EU budget but still be refused any help from other EU countries during time of crisis
>have EU/Germany continuously fuck up your economy
>have German media launch a smear campaign against your nation
>have a gay Frenchman lecture you about immigration policies while refusing to provide any help
Be Italy
Other urls found in this thread:
Italy's cool
When is Salvini going to save Europe? I'm getting impatient
We're at nigger boat argument #2. One more and shit should hit the fan.
>be Italy
>have African, Jewish and MENA DNA all over the place
>elect Salvini
>try to present him as le BASED WHITE REMOVER
>in reality he is a NON-RACIST cuckold from a party that gave Italy FIRST NIGGER MAYOR
>When is Salvini going to save Europe? I'm getting impatient
Outside his immigrant stance Salvini is pretty retarded though. But there's hope that at least this thing will catch in.
Can he actually remove kebab? I'm half baguette half bulgarian white as a snowflake and was thinking of moving to poland or italy. Can he and di maio make italy great again?
They're still fighting over the Diciotti. Now the maximum cucks up north claim you have to ask permission to the fucking niggers before shipping them to Albany.
His stance on immigration is nothing special: “just not THIS much niggers”
Just pay your local albanian to clean the nigs rather than the toilet and see the results