How do you stop the never ending communism romanticizing by millenials...

How do you stop the never ending communism romanticizing by millenials? Why are they so brazen and belligerent about pushing it hard?

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They're spoiled and want free shit dude.

But why so fucking many? I’m not

Those tits must have been delish when she was 15, now at 21 it's done... don't even think about them when she's 30.... she'll be on suicide watch... so will you for imagining such disgusting image...

Fix capitalism first. If school didn't cost $50,000 and houses didn't cost $500,000 people wouldn't be pissed.

Try breaking your leg and having to pay $30,000 to fix it.

I thought the same thing.
This isn't sexy at all.

You're a retard and you deserve everything you don't get.

Hey fat ugly bitch, we're onto your shit...
Kindly fuck off

user, heavy milkers on mature women are literally my fetish


That's nice, have fun losing every election when cold war brainwashed boomers die off.

he's right. you have been brainwashed to believe capitalism is the problem LOL. pea brain

Jews = modern capitalism. Eliminate capitalism and you eliminate the jews.

You deserve your debt and early death

It’s called being edgy in a state sponsored way.

In the case of American millenials, it's that they have been sheltered from the realities of death ideologies. We have never been an officially Communist nation, nor have we experienced war on our soil since the Civil War. It's easy to say Communism and deny its crimes when you've never experienced them.

This ignorance combined with the shitty reality of our unbridled economic system also pushes people towards the left.

You’ll feel different when your wife is pregnant/nursing

>tfw her tits nearly touch the floor when on all fours and they smack together with every thrust

fug im gonna berry my dick in her asap

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"Capitalism" is a buzz word invented by Marxists meant to demonize free PPL doing what they want w/their labor (wealth)

kek and you wonder why most gen z and millenials are anti capitalism

these millenials are dumb as fuck!
their idea of communism is not the same as your idea of communism
let's get that addressed so we can stop with the bullshit

They're as big a group as the Boomers were, without the Boomer's prosperity. Basically they're driven by jealousy of the Boomers and everything "they had." Millennials are also far less educated than the generations that came before them (ironically thanks to Boomer policy and erosion of of educational institutions over the decades,) so all they can see is the short-term "gib me dats" and not the long term consequences of a communist or socialist regime, even though it's well fucking documented with multiple, MULTIPLE examples of unrelated scenarios across nations.

Zoomers should be worried, tbqh.

It’s not capitalism you commie fucks, it’s central banking and fiat currency, learn why that is.

If we had a gold standard everyone’s purchasing power/labour would be of massive value. When people have more to spend people demand more good etc..

It’s literally the opposite and you should be able to see the spiral up or down.

Because they are idiots who think communism=free shit no matter if you work or not

Haha file baleet'd , nigger

>click on thread to save sweet hanging milkers
>file deleted

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By crushing their skulls under the glorious boots of Bolshevism, raping their mothers, daughters, and sisters, and working them to death in labor camps for the good of the people.

>as OP intended
Muh dik is their best tool my sweet summer child

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Most people know someone hurt or killed by capitalism in some way. I think opiods is the most shining example.
>Insurance companies prefers quick fixes to actual theraputic pain treatment, which is expensive
>Rat-Race elements of capitalism demand people who were hurt in physically laborous jobs to shut up and get back to work or risk losing everything, and to some extent opiods let them do this
>FDA, like all gov agencies/congress, is completely neutred by corporate money
>Massive marketing campaigns billing opiods as safe and nonaddictive, both lies, and they knew they were lies when they ran the campaigns
There, we have 4 functions of capitalism that all lead to what is essentially heroin winding on top of your uncle's fridge.
We could probably draw up a similar set of functions for our most stubborn social ills

>But Venezuela-
People across Europe live longer than us. White American life expectancy is literally in decline mostly because of the opiod epidemic. Some "pro-whites" you all are...

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>europe isnt using capitalism
fucking kill yourself already, make it easy on us all

There's no fucking way the US can ever bring back the gold standard. If the gold standard were back all it would take is a few hundred people exchanging their savings for gold and it would be an economy collapsing bank run. Fort Knox is fucking empty. There isn't enough gold to go around.

The real reason communism is so appealing to the youth is because they have no fucking money. They know college will put them in debt. They know job security is dead. They know they'll be working a dead end job for pennies.

You know who doesn't support communism? People with money in the bank.

The jews tell kids to want things they'll never be able to afford: fancy cars, fancy houses, fancy vacations. Unable to get these things, they turn to communism. Stop brainwashing kids with the "rich kids of instagram" and "Jeffrey Star" bullshit, give them some semblance of a stable future, and this pro-communism nightmare can come to an end.

>Healthcare in Denmark is largely financed through local (regional and municipal)taxationwith integratedfundingand provision ofhealth careat the regional level. The national tax for healthcare is set at around eight percent of the total taxable income.The money is then disbursed to be used by the five administrative regions oflocal governmentaccording to the guidelines set by thecentral government.

Hey, where's the opiod epidemic in Denmark?
Oh, there isn't one?
Maybe because healthcare in Denmark is a social (key term) effort to keep citizens healthy and productive and not a scheme meant to wring money from poor people in pain

>How do you stop the never ending communism romanticizing by millenials?
A severe beating might do the job, but more often than not death is the only cure for this ugly disease. Commies are immunized against facts, you can show them the records, every failed Marxist experiment around the globe, millions of corpses, mass graves, work camps, famines, a century of total failure, but like greasy, pimple faced automatons they will simply shriek: THAT WASN'T REAL COMMUNISM. Just put them down and spare everybody yet another red disaster.

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