Keep hearing about the college meme

>keep hearing about the college meme
>decide to look into it
>burgers are literally spending $250,000 ($250,000) on 4 year courses

Holy shit why? You do realise that an going to an actual academic institution in Europe costs a fraction of that (and are often a year shorter) and that university likely has hundreds of years of experience. What the FUCK is making your shitholes so expensive??

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I refuse to do it. I refuse to get myself into 10-15+ years of debt just so I can enter the workforce and afford a measly 1 bedroom apartment.

i used my GI Bill on a trade school so i have no debt and save my money. Even if i didn't have the GI Bill it was only around $5000 and can be paid off pretty fast. I've always understood that i'm not too smart and can't be anything i set my heart on, but i'm happy with this route because in about 4-5 years of saving i'll be able to buy a house in cash. Its not my fault the idiots believed the lie about a 4 year degree.

What really astonishes me is there are kids who go into that kind of debt to study gender studies or whatever they call it. If you're paying an exorbitant amount of money for your studies, at least study something you can't easily study on your own by going to the library and borrowing a couple of books.

My dad is rich so he can afford to pay for all 4 years. Basically I'm lazy and this is the easiest way to become recognizable for employment for tons of jobs.

Or at least thats what I'm told. Any 30 year old boomer's here? How necessary is a degree for a well paying job?

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Pretty necessary. Even if you have experience they use it as a point to offer you lower pay

I mean, it's £9,250 per year here atm. That's the price for our shittiest universities because they can all charge that (And why wouldn't they charge as much as possible?)

Granted that's a lot less but I assume you're looking at one of the better places in America

Only retards actually pay for college. If you didn't get a full academic scholarship then you are literally subhuman.

Trade schools seem like a decent way to go about it these days. Might not be for everyone though but they're so much cheaper than unis and often pay afterwards is the same or better for a good trade skill