For the last time, there is no white genocide. You really look stupid pushing this meme

For the last time, there is no white genocide. You really look stupid pushing this meme.

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If Jews are kvetching about it. That means he was spot on and doing the right thing for us.

Also they put their commie bullshit on hold at least for the moment. Not that they will ever give Trump the credit.

Hi Joan.

I'm in your data fucking everything up. You'll have to throw this out now because I've attached 30 bots to this thread now...each with a randomly selected viewpoint.

Sorry to do this to your "study", but your funders need to find out what a total fraud you are.


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Digits OP is a faggot
No Nigits OP is a kike faggot

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He never said there was.

This, the more backlash you get the MORE you should push it.

>there is no white genocide they are just systematically killing whites and removing them from their own land

That's in the internationally accepted definition of genocide though.

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #438 - 'Replacement Migration' - www_un_org_esa_population_publica (765x414, 34K)

>tfw marrying a white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair
>she wants 4+ kids
Just doing my part

its either this (pic related)

niggers couldnt even dig wells it took white mission after white misson trip to do it for em

wonder why all African food has that UN bag o rice taste?

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would be a shame if someone gassed the cucks who wrote these things someday.

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even if there was, SA doesn't even need white farmers

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He never said "white genocide," nor did he say what he referenced happening was actually happening. He said there were reports and that he was going to have his Sec of State look into it...

...and the lefties took the bait and blasted him. While his support amongst blacks continued to rise. He's not stupid, you know.


wtf burger. Spain has some real cuties why put that goblin in for us

>united states
>low fertility country
you fucking wot m8? we have blacks and rednecks shitting babies out every second here for them sweet welfare gibs, and you wanna say the US is """"low fertility"""" what kind of fake ass report is this?

it wouldn't

my #1 fantasm

No, you need to ignore all those gore pics that show up here regularly.

Ukraine had it worse.

>Food generates magically on the shelves of stores

This is what retards think.

Just shut the fuck up and let it happen goyim

Here you go, that explains it perfectly


Attached: crtezS.jpg (857x580, 163K)

>low fertility
Literally every nigger in Detroit has 6 niglets.

When do we invade south africa and start killing niggers?

Dog bless you user

These are the people leading the country. Imagine what the "dumb" Africans are like.

Open your eyes...

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Funny you ask. The peace loving communists in Cuba did exactly that in the 1970's - Angola


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>for the last time
Well your wrong about one thing
Explore a house fire

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Thank you for your concern.

Its the CHINKS!

fugg I wanted the italian qt, ended up with the mountain jew

White farmers in South Africa are three times as likely to be murdered than a regular citizen, in one of the most violent countries in the world. And then they say there's no genocide because it's not politically motivated, even though these murders are clearly racially motivated. So what's your point? It's not genocidal enough yet?

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That's a goblin in your eyes? I guess you get 10/10s easily only then. Bro she is fine, above fine