If racial discrimination isn't real then why blacks and latinos have lower socio-economic status?

Why blacks and latinos have on average lower income than whites?

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Lower IQ. You omitted Asians who are the smallest and physically most disadvantaged - yet they crush it socioeconomically in the west.

This. Even the most neurotic and socially awkward gooks and half-gooks I know blow academic subjects out of the water.

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The original question didn't involve Asians.

Okay, let's assume that they have lower IQ test results. But lower IQ test results are result of lower education. But the reason for less education is poverty and racial discrimination.

>But lower IQ test results are result of lower education

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i would say that it isnt inherently blacks or latinos as a race. When Asian or african immigrants come they tend to do very well and well above the average of the native population. I would say because their ancestors were poor in america the decedents had a harder time. Data shows that if you are poor then your children are morelikely to be poor. Whether you are black white etc.

Things are getting better for them tho.

Who are you, I see you have much knowledge, but you don't present it us.

have you not heard of segregation?

IQ test result = crystallized iq + fluid iq. Higher education, therefore wider knowledte increases the crystallized part.

Literally every study on race and IQ

>Civil Rights Act of 1694

Income is a social construct

when you can't provide a source so you say "its common sense bro" "its all the sources"


This is not entirely correct. Your fluid IQ is something that is innate within you. There is not much you can do to improve it. Your concrete or crystallized IQ is just the accumulation of facts one amasses in their life which can be increased with better education. With all that said, niggers and spics are just stupid. You know this to be true if you’ve ever been around a large group of them for even a short while.

tl;dr you’re a nigger lover. Stop making excuses for them

Go look at a racial breakdown of IQs and you'll find the answer you're looking for.

It's literally that simple.

>Okay, let's assume that they have lower IQ test results.
You don't need to assume, it's tested and true. Don't go around pretending this problem doesn't exist, otherwise you will never be able to solve it.

>But lower IQ test results are result of lower education. But the reason for less education is poverty and racial discrimination.
Education doesn't change your IQ. However, if you have poor nutrition, poor sleep, or are stressed out, you will have a lower IQ because your body is constantly being drained of energy. Try going a night without sleep and taking an IQ test the next morning; you will do absolutely horrible. If you're in poverty, this is a trap you cannot get out of because poverty stresses you out, which in turn lowers your IQ, which prevents you from making good decisions, which in turn keeps you in poverty.

False, you just had a black POTUS
Niggers don't work

right so this was 60 years ago. There are many blacks today that have lived through this and raised their kids through this. Blacks were pushed into ghettos and just because this act was passed doesnt mean that all the blacks just moved to good neighborhoods. Even those that tried were rejected due to redlinning.
You seriously think this has no effect on blacks today?

Not to mention schools are still extremely segregated which proves my point still

>Knowledge and IQ are related
Nigger, learn what IQ is.
Untill then, fuck off back to plebbit

Sounds good, but what's the cause of that IQ disparity between blacks and whites genetics or poverty?

Vietnamese Americans were dirt farmers that had nothing since they fled their own nation. FF a few decades and they make twice the amount niggers make. How's that work?

source? Also this is the same for African immigrants expecially nigeria

At some point someone has to take responsibility. There's no doubt that there are very high performing black people in the states but a lot of black folks are just lazy and incompetent. You might blame this on family. Some (like Jow Forums) blame it on genetics. I personally blame it on the culture overall. This is why you see Africans attempt to distance themselves from blacks when they come off the boat here. It's really fascinating to watch.

A kike false false flagin to justify the socieconomic status of jews after pol give him the iq response
Kill yourself subhuman

This , they are so bothersome

>but what's the cause of that IQ disparity between blacks and whites genetics or poverty?

I think it's both. Humans aren't magical containers that hold identical souls. Our brains physical objects that are subject to evolution just as much as our bone structure and skin color are.

We cannot do anything about genetics though, so the best course of action with the blacks is to get rid of the absurd 70% single motherhood rate which effectively prevents accrual of generational wealth (families cannot pass their wealth down) which keeps them locked in poverty, and therefore, stupid and dragging the rest of society down.

it's da joos. you really sound like blacks, who blame whites for everything.

sure but culture is in response to policy and other cultures. If the culture of whites 60 years ago was hang the niggers then their culture is a response to that.

Also im not saying blacks shouldnt take some responsibility but people on Jow Forums will either only blame blame blacks or they will make the genetics argument without taking into account what has happened 60 years ago.

Generally speaking i think that they need to change their culture (which they are doing) but i am more understanding of why they have the culture that they do.


A large part of adult IQ is determined by childhood experiences, this is obvious considering that a malnourished child will eventually turn into a stunted adult, both mentally and physically. And emotionally as well. Children growing up with a single mom are placed under absurd stressors that permanently damage their intelligence.

Im only blaming how insolent and sleep inducing all of your argument are
Repeat again and again the same shit, dasas dont know any better

because Jews aren’t white, therefore if you remove them from the stats, groups such as Nigerians make more money than whites on average.

If they would stop preying on their own people and instead help each other to overcome adversity then they would have an equal socio-economic status. But when a man sells drugs to people in his own neighborhood because he cares more about money than the safety of his neighbors that man is a nigger.

The true is that jews dont deserve by any margin the position they have obtain in usa
Only 6% of the students could enter in ivy universities using sat and other meritocratic text as a proxy

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Indian American : $122,026 (2016)[2]
South African American (2016) : $100,059 [3]
Australian American (2016) : $91,452 [3]
Taiwanese American (2016) : $90,221 [3]
Filipino American (2016) : $88,745 [2]
British American (2016) : $79,872[3]
Austrian American (2016) : $78,127[3]
Russian American (2016): $77,841 (2014)[3]
Latvian American (2016): $77,636[3]
Lithuanian American (2016) : $76,694[3]
Bulgarian American (2016): $76,861[3]
Israeli American (2016) : $76,584 [3]
Slovene American (2016) : $75,940[3]
Lebanese American (2016): $75,337[3]
Sri Lankan American: $73,856[3]
Scandinavian American (2016): $73,797[3]
Croatian American (2016): $73,991[3]
Belgian American (2016) : $73,443[3]
Chinese American (2016): $73,788[2]
(including Taiwanese American)
Chinese American (2016): $72,827[2]
(excluding Taiwanese American)
Swiss American (2016) : $72,823[3]
Iranian American (2016) : $72,733[3]
Italian American (2016) : $72,586[3]
Ukrainian American (2016): $72,449 [3]
Romanian American (2016): $72,381[3]
Greek American (2016): $72,291[3]
Scottish American (2016): $71,925[3]
Danish American (2016) : $71,550[3]
Swedish American (2016): $71,217 [3]
Polish American (2016): $71,172[3]
Slavic American (2016) : $71,163[3]
Norwegian American (2016): $71,142[3]
Canadian American (2016) : $70,809[3]
Welsh American (2016): $70,351[3]
Japanese American : $70,261[4]
Czech American (2016) : $70,454[3]
Czechslovakian American (2016) : $70,084[3]
Finnish American (2016) : $70,045[3]
Serbian American (2016) : $70,028[3]
Hungarian American (2016): $69,515[3]
French Canadian American (2016) : $68,075[3]
Portuguese American (2016): $67,807[3]
Vietnamese American : $67,800[5]
(excluding Foreign Born)
English American (2016) : $67,663[3]
Slovak American (2016) : $67,471[3]
Armenian American (2016): $67,450[3]
German American (2016): $67,306[3]
Korean American : $66,737[2]
Irish American (2016) : $66,688[3]
Ghanaian American (2016): $66,571[3]

Turkish American (2016) : $66,566[3]
Palestinian American (2016): $65,170[3]
Egyptian American (2016) : $64,728[3]
Vietnamese American : $64,191[6]
Scotch-Irish American (2016) : $64,187[3]
Yugoslavian American (2016) : $63,765[3]
Dutch American (2016) : $63,597[3]
French American (2016) : $63,471[3]
Syrian American (2016): $63,096[3]
Pakistani American : $62,848[4][7]
Albanian American (2016) : $62,624[3]
Indonesian American : $61,943[4]
Guyanese American (2016) : $60,968[3]
Nigerian American (2016): $60,732[3]
Nigerians are the 64 in the list jews would be the second but they erased them and only let israel jews

>Jews do better than whites
>”well that’s due to higher iq
>whites do better than blacks
>’racism is the only possible answer

Have you read the bell curve yet?

Jews came here and lived in ghettos. What’s your next excuse?

Racial inferiority.

South african american are very rich , must be only the rich scaping from the shithole

You know that there is a massive time difference between how long jews and and blacks have been segregated. Also when jews were in ghettos they were not in the same places as blacks. Blacks had it worse than them at that time.

I would also say that Jews kept their culture through the entire thing while blacks didnt have a culture or even know where they came from so they developed their culture in response to slavery and segregation.

The real answer evolution.
It wasn't long ago that blacks were mostly found in Africa, a place where hunting game was plentiful, athleticism ruled the savanna, and short-term decision-making was enough to get by.
The blacks who mated and had the most kids were the ones who could run the fastest and spear the biggest animals.
Other races have thousands of years of civilization behind them, coming from climates where long-term planning and dedication to a trade/job were essential.
The whites and asians who mated and had the most kids were the smartest, wealthiest, most stable individuals.
Consequently you see modern blacks still thriving on athleticism and struggling with impulse control, while whites and asians thrive on being productive.
There are physiological components to this (re: IQ, etc) but in my eyes the cultural and evolutionary aspects are by far the most critical factors.

Blacks are lazy. I have a bigger wife and even the best of them have laziness ingrained in them. It's like we worked them too hard in the cotton fields and they've got to take a few dozen generations to recuperate or something.

Niggers aren't stupid because they're poor. They're poor because they're stupid.

sure man slavery segregation redlinning and racism have nothing to do with it.

Less impulse control meaning you pay them they blow their cash out in a short time then end up broke.

Everyone is born equal
Women are just as strong as men
Everyone has the same IQ
Everyone looks exactly the same

because they are dumber, therefore making more impulsive/terrible decisions and not building equity or wealth like whites, Asians and jews do...?

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i mean i guess you can just strawman me without addressing my point at all. Good job man

Are you fucking retarded? Europeans have had 100 IQs since 12,000 B.C and THAT WAS WHEN THERE WAS NO FUCKING CIVILIZATION AT ALL.

Intelligence is nothing more than genetics random genetics and no amount of education muh nurture hogwash can change that.

sure man. That is why northern europe looked like africa until the romans made them slaves. Not to mention romans thought they were retards because they couldnt teach them to read or write.

but sure they had 100 iq

"Racism" is a judeo-Marxist conspiracy theory. It's not a real thing.

>slavery segregation redlinning and racism
>implying any of these apply to (((the current year)))


Pretty safe to say Africa wouldn't have been an impressive civilization had whitey never showed up.

Yeah, sure you have a bit of a point, but you're disregarding the more important factor. Other races have just as hard of a time as blacks and yet they overcome their disadvantages. Blacks have every possible handout you can possibly get and have had access to the exact same education whites have for the past 30 years, so please, tell me how what you are saying is in any way relevant to the current African American situation.

So you are saying that it has no effect on blacks today? None whatsoever?

Also racism is still a thing. There was a study where they got 2 applications that were identical. The only difference was the name. One as a black name the other was a white name. The person with the white name got hired more than the person with a black name.

There is an argument of segregation of schools

Culture is toxic

>lower IQ test results are result of lower education.

That starts from the incorrect assertion that all people are equal. They're not. Africans have access to some of the best, most fertile land in the world, and it's ripe with heavy metals and natural resources that the rest of the world would kill for. Yet, the continent's collective IQ is several standard deviations lower than other countries. It's not a question of education, but of evolution.

Slavery was specifically because they were dumber than all of the other races that encountered them.

Segregation and redlining were to keep a much dumber and destructive group of people away from other more "normal" groups. Thus preventing cities like Chicago, Baltimore, and Detroit.

>Other races have just as hard of a time as blacks

>Blacks have every possible handout you can possibly get and have had access to the exact same education whites have for the past 30 years, so please, tell me how what you are saying is in any way relevant to the current African American situation.
Im saying it has an effect on them. Why do you think there is affirmative action? Because they are trying to correct the wrongs of past policies and understand that it does effect them today still.
Secondly yes they have the same access but that doesnt mean that they can use it. If you are a poor black person in the ghetto leagally you can move to a white neighborhood that has a better school but it is extremely expensive to do so. I have also read articles where they talk about how redlinning still might be a thing today but it is subtle. There is a reason why schools are still extremely segregated.
>tell me how what you are saying is in any way relevant to the current African American situation.
Im not saying that these things are as bad as it used to be but you have to understand that it effects them still to this day. We should realize and understand this and try to correct it.

Preach it brothers.
It's always the white man's fault.

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Im not addressing the slavery thing because it is not true and that it is immoral imo and doesnt justify anything if it was true.

Segregation and redlining was just another form of racism.

So you blame blacks for the fall of those cities and not the fall of manufacturing jobs that were lost and the rich leaving?

Because they are low IQ. Suits don’t change that.

hmm but they have the fastest growing iq in the US. Its almost like better access to education increases their iq

Why are Asians always omitted from these types of statements. Hmmm..I think I just broke OP's narrative.. oops.

>Im not addressing the slavery thing because it is not true

Horse shit it isn't true. In the time it took other civilizations across the globe (including nonwhites like the Moors, Egyptians and other Northern Africans) to develop science, mathematics, and engineering to the point where they could build ships and navigate to other continents, the East Africans taken as slaves had barely developed writing systems. They were, and their ancestors still are, measurably less intelligent than other races.

>that it is immoral imo and doesnt justify anything if it was true.

I'm not saying it's a justification, but think about it. Black slaves in America in 1865 had a higher literacy rate than peasants in countries like Russia, which means it was leaps and bounds above the countries they came from. They were also much better fed, and had a far better chance of starting a family and seeing that family survive than they would have in Africa. What's more it allowed their ancestors to grow up here as well. Slavery's immorality blinds people to the net good it did for those people. Claiming that it suppressed their intelligence any more than growing up in Africa at the time, is idealistic horse shit.

>Segregation and redlining was just another form of racism.

Yes, it was discrimination based on race, but just calling it racism as though that explains everything is reductionist and ignorant. They had their reasons for thinking that two wildly different groups of people with extremely different cultures would be better off separated, and the big gap in terms of intelligence and ability to think ahead was one of them.

> you blame blacks for the fall of those cities and not the fall of manufacturing jobs that were lost and the rich leaving?

I blame the cities having poor infrastructure on the fail of manufacturing. I blame the constant shootings (one less than every 3 hours in Chicago this year) and gang crime on black culture. Other races aren't like this.

blacks hate every other group and suffer from a form of madness that prevents higher thought under specific situations. as a result they "chimp out" which is a clinical term used because higher thought isnt present

Everyone with a computer has access to college courses online for "FREE". From learning any programming language to programming apps on cell phones, to mathematics from Kahn Academy online. That is where I got my education, so access is there. You need a drive and determination, are you saying that blacks and latinos aren't capable of self teaching themselves? because that's racist.

Too many gibs for too many nigs.
t. 137 IQ black

Blacks perform worse on batteries and subtests related to fluid intelligence.

Who is this smart negoid

>hey have the fastest growing iq in the US

That's the IQ equivalent of Catchup Effect.

>. Its almost like better access to education increases their iq

We could provide "better" more effective education for blacks if folks would admit the IQ disparity is a thing and not just racist propaganda. Imagine how much better teachers could be at teaching inner city niggers if they started from the basis that most of their IQ's are in the 75-90 range instead of assuming they're all in the 100's and trying to teach them like everybody else and wonder why they're not getting it.

Same reason East Asians, Jews, and Indian Americans make more money on average than white people.
IQ predicts all of this.

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>the East Africans taken as slaves had barely developed writing systems. They were, and their ancestors still are, measurably less intelligent than other races.
But east africans had a writing system before northern europe.

>Horse shit it isn't true. In the time it took other civilizations across the globe (including nonwhites like the Moors, Egyptians and other Northern Africans) to develop science, mathematics, and engineering to the point where they could build ships and navigate to other continents
You understand this was all shared knowledge between all these people. Africa was cut off basically from the rest of the world so they couldn't gain this knowledge and couldn't share their own knowledge.

>Black slaves in America in 1865 had a higher literacy rate than peasants in countries like Russia
>They were also much better fed, and had a far better chance of starting a family and seeing that family survive than they would have in Africa.
>Slavery's immorality blinds people to the net good it did for those people
It was not a net good when you could have shared knowledge and had the same results without taking away their culture, home, and family.

Are you aware of affirmative action? Tons of Bhutanese live in my city and are the richest per capita, but this isn't because they are cutting edge scientists and engineers. They perform above average compared to niggers, so instead of flipping burgers they are the restaurant managers, bodega owners, and walmart supervisors. These aren't really businesses that improve the community or require a specific skill, its just mindless dedication that allows them to climb a corporate ladder laid out by white men. When they have kids they get more money around tax seasons than whites, just like blacks, and on top of it they benefit from ESL programs and preferred job placement to white people. In the end they won't do much with their money, they already peaked, they don't build parks or clean the streets, they don't fund tree lighting ceremonies or donate to school program orchestras, they just fucking climb a predetermined course until they hit a wall. Back home they live in huts in the fucking mountains, never bothered to go beyond that.

>They had their reasons for thinking that two wildly different groups of people with extremely different cultures would be better off separated, and the big gap in terms of intelligence and ability to think ahead was one of them.
But this is discrimination i mean what do you want me to say. Pushing them into ghettos and giving them shittier books/food/education/neighborhood has a large effect on a people

>It was not a net good when you could have shared knowledge and had the same results without taking away their culture, home, and family.
They had all that technology when colonialism died, and they threw it away.
Niggers don’t want to be people.
Most recent examples proving this: Rhodesia turning into Zimbabwe.
South Africa
Detroit and Baltimore aren’t fucking anomalies. They’re highly predictable by the people that make up those cities.

this is implying you have internet or a computer.


good job writing all that

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> I blame the constant shootings (one less than every 3 hours in Chicago this year) and gang crime on black culture. Other races aren't like this.
ok so you agree with me that blacks didnt cause those cities to fall you just dont like the crime that follows poverty.

Feel free to disprove my assertion, you “muh white privilege” Alex Jones tier conspiracy theorist fucktard.
There is no systematic oppression that makes black people all stupid criminals worldwide.
It’s occam’s razor.
The answer is in the genes.

>They had their reasons for thinking that two wildly different groups of people with extremely different cultures would be better off separated, and the big gap in terms of intelligence and ability to think ahead was one of them.
But this is discrimination i mean what do you want me to say. Pushing them into ghettos and giving them shittier books/food/education/neighborhood has a large effect on a people

>Jewish American
>Israeli American

There is no correlation between poverty and crime.
There however is a correlation between the percent of blacks in a population and crime.

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Sadly this. In order to address a problem you have to admit there is one.

I do agree that the “systematic privilege” argument works exceedingly well in the case of Jews.
An ethnicity that makes up ~2% of the population somehow filling up half of the top 1% of income earners is sketchy as fuck.
But that has nothing to do with white prople. That’s Jews.

i replied accidentally to you thinking you were another person.
>They had all that technology when colonialism died, and they threw it away.
If someone took your children away, took over your house, and exploited you would you take their charity? I wouldnt.

>We could provide "better" more effective education for blacks if folks would admit the IQ disparity is a thing and not just racist propaganda
well we dont do that now and their iq's are still rising quiet a bit and there seems to be a correlation between the rise if iq and the access of education.

Shit happens. Armenians didn’t turn into brainlet criminals throughout the entire world just because they were genocided. The idea that niggers are violent savages because something shitty happened to their ancestors several generations ago makes no logical sense and has no basis with any other race.

genocide and oppression of a certain group is very different. many armenians flee armenia and came to america where they were considered white and had privileges like better school/access to education. better neighborhood/ community. and had their culture still intact and a form of identity. Blacks did not have any of this.

low impulse control, poor family structures, a 'culture' of self loathing and hypocrisy, inferiority complexes beat into their heads literally by the black guy they elected along with the white guilt retards, i dunno
should i keep going?

>better neighborhood/community
Literally everywhere blacks move to BECOME bad neighborhoods.
There are no bad neighborhoods where there are no black people in America.