The Ultimate Redpill

Sea Water is perfectly drinkable and anyone who says otherwise is an NWO shill & Rothschild puppet

>yes goyim avoid the water that covers over 70% of earths surface
>it isn't the """""""right type""""""" of water
>drink ''"""""fresh""""" water instead ( full of steroids, hormones, antibiotics )

Fact: most living things live in the Ocean
if they can drink it, why can't we?

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Sodium poisoning is a thing tho.

what if i swallow a fishy shit?

You should drink fluoride instead :^)

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Someone needs their own YouTube channel... save the world, show us how!

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>find freshwater fish in freshwater stream
>put freshwater fish in a bucket of ocean water
>freshwater fish dies

So there's no link or what

based, jews run the oceans, and thats why they have 'desalinization' plants... they are putting salt on it, just to ruin it for the rest of us

Q predicted this

They are putting hormones in the water to make the goyim gay

i can vow to that, Brazilians have traditionally drank sea water and we're an extremely developed nation