Germany is about to fall, what cucks
Germany is about to fall, what cucks
Nice source you got there, pal.
>Germany and France want to circumvent SWIFT
>Protests in the streets
Is this the begining lads?
>Germany is about to fall
If you mean the government institutions that have told us to shut up about refugee murderers and "to tolerate them", you're right I hope.
Minuscule if fabricated.
>Germans finally.waking up from kike brainwashing
>about to fall
No, it's about to cleanse itself with fire and rise anew
civil war because of some hundred of old ugly looking +40 years old made a protest ?
migrants will win in germany , get over it
kys yourselve meme flaggot
You know that they are going to stone every gay, queer, trans, gender fluid and whatever bullshit is out there to death, don't you?