Rouhani plays hardball with Trump as tensions flare after the seizure of the Hormuz Strait.

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So...regime change to please the kikes then?

War with Iran is the best way to sink Trump 2020. Clever plot.

We can only thank USA for this.

Israel has stretched out her hand to Iran and tried to resolve a nuclear agreement. But the Americans have not pressured Iran enough with sanctions, trade deals and their massive political power.

This is worse than the previous deal between the United States and Iran, where the United States just donated trillions of taxpayer-money to Iran who did not maintain the nuclear agreement anyway.

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I'll get in touch with my American goys and see what I can do.

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Israel is so fucked. Do you not see what is happening?

It's a prelude to a false flag because of corrupt politics.

You poor fools.

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Get ready for the draft and the honor of dying for them burger.

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I dont get it, whats wrong with war with russia? Society has become degenerate and at this point there's no fixing it without a hard reset. A nuclear war would be beneficial.

Usually I'd dismiss these kind of posts as a LARP but I'm hearing an unbelievable amount of chatter re: Iran, Hormuz, Saudi. So who knows.

As if ZOG could do that.If it was possible it would have been done long time ago.

We, the good people, may not survive to live in such a world.

Remember that this is about power more than anything else. Forget the kikes since this distraction could bring everything crashing down on us.

Trump will do shit.He will just say stuff that the likudniks like and thats about it.


The NSA/Mossad Stuxnet operation had completely stopped the Iranian nuclear program and was completely undetectable. Then Mossad deliberately and unilaterally altered the code to make it detectable because they were afraid that Israel wouldn't get the war that they wanted us to fight for them for decades.

The highest honor for any American is fighting and dying for Israel.

you used the wrong flag

What are you talking about? Any evil he may do against Iran will be regarded as "muh 4d chess" by the brainlets who follow him. If anything it will create a republican wave. Plus Islam is the religion of Iran better believe his supporters will cling to him even more.

I'm using the right flag and you know what I say is true you fucking mutt. Once we force the Iranians to capitulate we move onward to Syria....we have unfinished business.

Why people hate Jews in a nutshell.
>reach out our hand (implying sacrifice)
>threat from third party required
You are all such duplicitous pieces of shit. I can’t wait for whatever is coming that snaps against you people.

And the libshits won't defend a real tyrant like Khomeini.

Kristallnacht 2.0 when?

Time to unleash EMP's that completely shut down all Iranian defenses. Do we have such a weapon? It seems like the easiest solution. Anyone with knowledge about EMPs and related weapons? Do we have them? Should we use them? When should they be used?

never again!
G-d protects Israel

Aren't we a net gas exporter now? If so, who cares about anything in the ME anymore?

Ooooo say can you shart

The asteroid is on its way to Iran as we speak. Space Force is nothing to be fucked with.

why done we just bomb the iran facilities that cannot be traced to any nation

Exactly! They have No power, they arent blockng waterways, that is a lie and distraction. Itan top are imploding, their currency is dirt and they cant buy shit with it. I pray the govt will topple and free their citizens to how it used to be. Top Gun highly decorated former pilot spilt the beans off the record.

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Now Israel is doomed by their own bloodlust. Any nation is justified in vaporizing Israel.

All hail the first mayor of a spiritually and geographically united Jerusalem

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can you elaborate user? I see what you’re getting at but I don’t see how you got there

>tensions flare after the seizure of the Hormuz Strait.
If this was true the price of oil would be over $100 right now.

I pray that your "nation" is nuked into oblivion.

No way, leaf.

>I pray the govt will topple and free their citizens to how it used to be.
Trump's administration is literally supporting COMMIE Islamists called MEK/NCRI (parent groups) as alternatives to the present regime, IRI. They are even more oppressive. Also, Khomeini was initially backed by Carter's administration because the Shah was no longer an OPEC puppet. The best way to help Iran is to stop sanctions and not intervene.

>we have unfinished business.

100% wrong flag