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how very white supremacist of him


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Why is this guy too busy drinking beer world wide to take over leadership of England and bring it back from the brink of total dissolution?

>This is news/groundbreaking/an audacity to some

I really could've gone without the current timeline.

I have lost so much respect for fellow Europeans.

4 Chan also censoring posts. I was banned the other morning for bringing you the story of an abatoir in an apartment complex garden.

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Original post
This is what /Pol has become. Another jewbook

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have you guys noticed how the leaders of the cucked western euro nations are all childless bitter spinster women?

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>Why is this guy too busy drinking beer world wide to take over leadership of England
because that is what englanders are like.
He's not the hero they need, but he's the one they deserve.

Oh look, a Londoner is posting


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Why do you yard yanks tar all people with the same brush.
I'm guessing then as a yank you must love your sanctuary towns because you love to hold banners up defending them.
Or maybe I should just call you out for being gutless cretins only ever into a war for a few moments before you all say enough is enough before the jobs done. See Vietnam war, gulf war 1, Iraq, Afghanistan, ww2 Europe etc etc.

>juan sanchez lopez de ramirez

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He knows the obama era is over and things are changing. Whites are waking up but we just need someone like Nigel to just fucking say it how it is and you will see Whites come out to help as time goes on.

He needs to step of and take the mast of Britain before it crashes

P A R T & P A R C E L

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Last election I threw away my vote on a substandard UKIP party as I couldn’t face Labour, Lib Dem’s or the torrid (who I KNEW would stab us in the back) if Nige returns to the fray I won’t feel that my vote was wasted anymore
1000 year UKIP reich!!!

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Why didn't you stay, Farage. You could have stayed and been PM

Good man, someone needs to stand up to that witch already.

They didn't do that in their war of independence.

that's nice of him but remember he is just another civic nationalist cuck

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