How do we fix Puerto Rico's crony politician problem?

How do we fix Puerto Rico's crony politician problem?

Is there anyway to disinfect the communist infection?

Who thought it was a good idea to let us vote for our own governors and why?

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>Still calling the whole country by the port name and the port by the original country name
Still too stupid.

You could have become the Hawaii of the caribbean. What happened?

Separatist movement from all those associated with the current government while claiming full statehood.

>I'm going to lie down for a bit,Yokai can handle this

>What happened?
I could tell you, but you probably wouldn't like the answer.

>A concerned on Jow Forums
Tell me than faggot.

We have a lot of elderly that wants PR to be independent and thinks the US is Satan unless they're giving us free stuff.

Doesn't help that they also teach their children and grandchildren to think the same way.

>being able to successfully run a country

What's happening here is the culmination of over a century of US rule, though 'mismanagement' may be a more suitable term. I'll try to tldr greentext this as Im short on time.

>US invades and acquires PR from Spain
>Its literally full of hick farmers and nothing else
>Give them US citizenship to use them in WWI
>Spend a fair chunk of the first half of 20th century trying to raise up the people
>Give up after a while
>Start persecuting pro-independence groups
>Knock knock, its the UN
>UN tells US to sort PR's status in the US out
>US makes up the current 'Freely Associated State' status
>UN buys it, even though its literally just a fancy term for 'its a territory'
>US decides to use PR as tax haven in 60s
>PR economy booms, retarded PRs now have more money than they know what to do with
>PRs seemigly think this will go on forever, so they start spending and borrowing money at an alarming rate
>Economy starts to slow down in 80s
>90s, Clinton eliminates law that served to make PR into the tax haven it was
>PRs retardedly continue to spend more than they should
>Law fully expires around 2006-7
>2008 recession happens
>Debnts are now too huge

Basically, its everyone's fault.

we sell it back to Spain and forget we ever owned it.

>How do we fix Puerto Rico's crony politician problem?

Send Trump in to drain the swamp, he's so good at it lmao

you missed the part about continuous PR govt mismanagement, issuing useless bonds, local corruption, graft, and increasing socialist policies that fucked over working people in PR in the end.

Oh, so it's okay when America does it to Puerto Rico, but when Germany does it to Greece for the exact same reason, Jow Forums loses their shit like their at Walmart.

Got it.

>Comparing Puerto Rico to a country like Greece

All that's already covered in the 'gave up after a while' bit.

What do you think is going to happen if you hand power and money to a bunch of poorly-educated folk? PR was not ready for self-rule and a booming econony, and the US is partly to blame for that.

nice strawman there, kraut

Sell the island to Haiti for a dollar fifty.

>PR economy booms, retarded PRs now have more money than they know what to do with
>PRs seemigly think this will go on forever, so they start spending and borrowing money at an alarming rate
>Economy starts to slow down in 80s
>90s, Clinton eliminates law that served to make PR into the tax haven it was
>PRs retardedly continue to spend more than they should
>Law fully expires around 2006-7
>2008 recession happens
>Debnts are now too huge

No he didn't. In all honesty though it sounds like independence is the best way to go. If the USA couldn't fix it in the many decades where it tried I don't see why getting statehood would change anything for them, and we have enough entrepôts for spics and blue-painted permanent dumpsters as it is. Dems there would most likely fuck it up just like they fuck up everywhere else they have safe control over.

>If only you knew how bad things really are

>help us fix our shithole
>dont help us fix our shithole

>perfect analogy that shows your disgusting hypocrisy
>"i have no rebuttal so i'll just call it a strawman, that'll show him!"


>perfect analogy


Puerto Rico is full of spics. It cannot be fixed. No country in history that is majority spic has been anything but a train wreck with the possible exception of Costa Rica and it is more or less just a giant plantation run by a few wealthy families..

>amerifat too dumb and fat and sweaty and fat to come up with a rebuttal


>No country in history that is majority spic has been anything but a train wreck

Welcome to your future lmao

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nice ad hominem, kraut. (claims he's arguing well)


You are in the same boat Hans. Those niggers breed far more than Mexicans.

imagine being this butthurt about all things american. doesn't have a word to say about how his own country is completed cucked now. LMFAO

Samefat lmao

and german men refuse to stand up and stop the raping of their own women.

>refuse to stand up and stop the raping of their own women

So true lmao

Attached: black on white rape.jpg (857x1046, 156K)

lmfao at the endless projection. refuses to talk about his own country. typical german

...he said, while thousands of prime white pussy gets raped this very second lmao

Nice use of your 2nd amendment righs there, cuck :^)

Better to just cut it lose and say bye bye to island spics

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imagine being this butthurt about your country being destroyed

You are run by leftists/liberals. Expect failure.

let the government fail
then a new government will take over
that's how corruption works