*glows in the dark*

>*glows in the dark*

Attached: Goy.png (717x636, 932K)


oh come on!

don't let it slide, Patsy!
get your team in here to help bump the thread!

Takes one to know one
>checks flag
You only mad because your snow mexican ass would be thrown in a gulag if you even mentioned a basic- bitch talking point.

Regardless. Watching him roam the streets force feeding people red pills was the best dam thing I've seen in some time

Donald Trump is CIA
Christianity is CIA
Adolf Hitler is CIA

Everything ringwing is CIA, so dont be right wing anything goys.

You can trust me, im not the CIA.

Attached: 1521944961554.png (844x495, 16K)

Nah, he's just retarded.

anybody who names the jew is CIA, goy. it's bad optics

dont name the jew fellow anons.
very bad!

yes user. we just want rightwing policies so we can give money to Israel. we wouldn't want to insult our masters.

fair enough but its worth highlighting that both sides are rigged for israel.

Attached: f71bef3b5063dfaaae3c0432d819e18f7a1309a76c1c6cef30fed06f7f714e50.jpg (1500x778, 255K)

like Barret from ireland party?


Attached: rockwellll.jpg (1314x962, 203K)

of course but he's awesome

You should be ashamed. Pat is the only one with the balls to name the Jew in public.


spencer hates little lol

> Adolf Hitler is CIA
He litteraly is a Wall Street banker funded ISIS of his day that went outside of their control

Naming the Jew is the one thing you can do to prove you aren't compromised. Nothing else works.



Never liked Spencer since he was always used as a boogieman, I'm just wondering.

>our next president

His signs seem to be composed of the most strident often hyperbolic or tenuously documented material found on Jow Forums. The only thing he doesn't seem to use is GTJ, RWN!

You can't even screenshot right. 1 second later you get the kids IDF shirt and a merchant in the background.

Attached: 545134535.png (762x650, 876K)

Hahahahahahahah OY VEY

Attached: DlpiO3XXgAA-2IB.jpg (480x466, 29K)

Attached: cianigger.png (800x639, 140K)

Natural and organic shilling is totally natural and organic

If they are used as a boogieman by the media they are good. Trump, Spencer, Duke...all good guys.

Everybody take notice. Jidf has been changing up their tactics lately. They realize they can't stop us from naming and exposing the Jew. So now, they call anybody who dares speak up against Zionism a Jew. This is how they cause strife amongst white men. If you hear anybody call Trump, Duke, Spencer, or Little a Zionist or a cia shill, they're jidf/mossad agents.

so what you're saying is the CIA wants the Jews out of America?

Trump is irrefutably Jewish, the others not so much