I'm speechless, I'm normally le memes shitposter but this has stopped me in my tracks, rip

I'm speechless, I'm normally le memes shitposter but this has stopped me in my tracks, rip

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Joan.

I'm in your data fucking everything up. You'll have to throw this out now because I've attached bots to this thread now...each with a randomly selected viewpoint.

Sorry to do this to your "study", but your funders need to find out what a total fraud you are.

It's threads like this that are actually opening my eyes to the constant 'shut it down' agenda. I didn't believe slide threads were a thing, I thought they were just butthurt leftie trolls, but now I realise they are people being paid to do this shit.

2 Kids at 22? Geez this things reproduce like roaches

The cop prolly avoided at least a couple hundred niggers more by shooting this one

Bootlicking little faggots like you need to shut the fuck up.

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Why would one walk around with the open B.B. gun in his hands instead of putting it in the cart like an actual human?

>he didn't put an item into a cart
You little faggots did a bunch of armwaving when Obama killed a US citizen with a drone, why aren't you upset when your police are systematically exterminating US citizens on US soil?

So he went to the store to buy some smores but ended up wondering around for 10 minutes swinging a toy gun? Doesnt make sense. If that is a lie, then who knows what else is a lie.

So he picks up a realistic-looking, assault-rifle-style pellet gun, and he's walking around the store with no concern for appearances, holding it by the pistol grip, waving it around, thoughtlessly muzzle sweeping, shouldering it, fiddling with it, and looking to any reasonable observer just like a dangerous mentally-ill man who's gone to a crowded place with an assault rifle.

- The man who called 911 hasn't "recanted", he's just been specific that he didn't see him shoulder it and deliberately take aim, which isn't something he had ever claimed.
- An open-carry state doesn't mean brandishing is allowed: you can carry a rifle, you can't hold it by the grip and wave it around carelessly and mess with it like you're about to start shooting.
- Brandishing anything that looks like a gun is generally a crime even when it isn't a real gun and there's no possibility you could actually shoot someone.
- Appearances aside, this is an inappropriate and unsafe way to handle a pellet gun, especially when you're not familiar with its operation.
- The surveillance video did not record audio, so whether the police gave him verbal orders before opening fire is unclear.

Bottom line, while the police possibly could have handled it better, this is the kind of thing that unavoidably has a high probability of happening to you when you walk around in public casually waving something that looks just like a gun. Death by terminally low intelligence.

Let's see this security footage then, since it apparently exists.

The security footage is online if you want to watch it, you snivelling little turd


>systematically exterminating
draaaaamma queeeeeen
thats quite a bold claim you do know what systematic means right?

>Death by terminally low intelligence.
Incorrect. He was gunned down by his government without due process.

There's a reason why shit like this never happens in Canada. Your cops usually try to diffuse a situation without opening fire at the first opportunity.

Im talking about the smores... He did go to the store to buy smores.

Rulebreaking spam thread

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That's the whole story? Sure about that?

Also, why do we never hear about cops killing innocent whites? Because that happens, too. In greater numbers.

>He was gunned down by his government without due process.
Due process is something you get after you surrender to police. You don't get due process while you're out in public looking dangerous. Walking around brandishing a realistic-looking gun is like stepping in front of a bus.

>shit like this never happens in Canada
Sure it does. It happens less because the nigger population is much smaller.

maybe he should've just bought the fucking graham crackers

There is what I was looking for, facts that do not support the BLM narrative. Thank you, Leaf. Some of you guys are all right.

>black man is executed extra-judicially
>white man is executed extra-judicially

Link then.

After watching that video several times, you can see him react to the cops arriving on the scene. He turns his head toward the officer, then IMMEDIATELY drops the pellet gun, then IMMEDIATELY after that, shots were fired.

There was NO time for the cops to properly warn him. Since he dropped the pellet gun, there was NO reason to open fire.

Was he holding the gun in a weird/unsafe way?

Did he deserve to be gunned down in a fucking walmart?
Hell no.

>Black is waving weapon or toy designed to look like weapon.
>White minding his own business
Fixed that for you

well seems they gave him order but didn't give him time to respond, see how he turns his head around and then he gets gunned down.

Yes. What’s your point?

Police do this BECAUSE OF NIGGERS. When niggers were better contained (lived in fear of being lynched), police were not so trigger happy. Once the "equality" was brought on, can't lynch 'em, can't tell them were to live, can't fire 'em for being niggers, they got uppity. They accost white poeple regularly, they shoot each other with impunity. So now, in order to maintain the barest semblance of order in society, cops have to resort to maximum force, and laws have to be retardly strict. Reasonableness and measured response, investigation and scoping out a situation, require some basic level of civilized behaviour and trust between members of a society. Trust in a society requires mutual understanding / shared culture and values. Guess what this requires? A HOMOGENEOUS SOCIETY. In other words, DIVERSITY KILLS SOCIETY.

Then you should have specified. Either way, the reason why he was in the walmart is irrelevant.

Ah yes, and Treyvon was a good boy on his way to rescue some pound-puppies.
Garner was a saint who dindu nuffin.
Start distinguishing between the criminals and the victims and maybe we will too.
I'm sure you protested for the white dude who the vegas cops shot in the casino hotel.

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He didn't have a chance to surrender. Officers gave him less than a second to react before they gunned him down. Innocent white people are killed by police in America too, pic related.

Stop being such a sycophant.

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The white man gunned down in his hotel room was brandishing a pellet gun as well you little bitch

Shut the fuck up leaf. You are a fucking faggot. The (you) who made the phone call lied the entire time.

One wrongful death out of hundreds of armed “he dindu nuffins” suiciding by cop is an anomaly.

Imagine sharing a skin color with a race of violent savages

you will be grouped in with them no matter what

Can someone post the real story details now

>black man waves gun around in public
he dindu nuffin
>white man gets ambushed by 5 feds as he drives to meet with police and gets shot from 3 agents from different angles while obeying their commands as he gets out of car on their orders
lol what a racist fascist asshole he deserves it

i bet you don't even know what i'm referring to

>He turns his head toward the officer, then IMMEDIATELY drops the pellet gun, then IMMEDIATELY after that, shots were fired.
No, he doesn't drop it until he's shot. When he hears the shout, he turns his head toward the sound, bends his knees, and he's swinging the bb gun forward and up by the pistol grip, just like someone would if they were about to open fire. Now, he's not trying to aim, he was just swinging the gun back and forth by the pistol grip already, absentmindedly toying with it. However, when you confront someone holding a gun and see the gun start swinging up, it's time to pull the trigger. Otherwise, he might shoot you before you shoot him.

>>man waves realistic-looking pellet gun around in public, dies
>Was he holding the gun in a weird/unsafe way?
>Did he deserve to be gunned down in a fucking walmart?
>Hell no.

>>man runs into traffic, dies
>Was he crossing the street in a weird/unsafe way?
>Did he deserve to be run over by a fucking bus?
>Hell no.

Did he deserve, morally, to die? No. Was he executed by considered decision where the morality of his actions could be taken into account? No.
Did he take actions, stupidly, that would predictably lead to a high likelihood of his own death? Yes. Did he die as a result of people responding reasonably to his thoughtless actions in the heat of the moment? Yes.

Dreadful tragedy!In this day and age,walking around a public place waving a realistic firearm around is ASKING for trouble. What was he thinking? Watch the video...he ducks away from the cop as if he's trying to evade.Sorry.Verdict- Death by terminal Stupidity!

A woman died of a heat attack too because of these stupid fucking pigs going in guns blazing

It's a nigger. He should have been shot based on smell alone.

No race is more violent than the white race.

Dumb nigger was brandishing a weapon. If you handle weapons like this in a public place, police are probably going to kill you.

Rest in peace young brother, there's a heaven for a g

I have a challenge for little bootlickers like you

I want you to point out 1 (one) case where Canadian officers killed an innocent civilian.

Your bus analogy is a false one. Most bus drivers would have had an involuntary manslaughter charge levied against them in such a case, while these cops were given paid vacation time.


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He says. As dozens of threads proclaiming blacks are superior shit up the board. Make up your mind faggot

If he was white they wouldn't do shit, it's tucking racial profiling.

>Jow Forums is 1 person
Nobody in their right mind would think that blacks are superior.

kys faggot

Good, shame they didn't shoot the kids as well.

Lmao the irony

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If he was white it wouldn't be news, because it doesn't fit the narrative.

>racial profiling

"Po-po niggers can't wave around a gun at a store oh lawd " fuck you faggoy.

First of all, it was a pellet gun. No danger to anyone

Secondly, whites who are killed by police make the news all the time.

>Most bus drivers would have had an involuntary manslaughter charge levied against them in such a case
Bus drivers would have an involuntary manslaughter charge levied against them if someone ran in front of the bus? Your thinking is completely divorced from reality.

>I want you to point out 1 (one) case where Canadian officers killed an innocent civilian.
5 seconds on google: thestar.com/news/canada/2011/06/07/montreal_police_kill_homeless_man_innocent_bystander.html

Anyway, Crawford wasn't innocent. Waving around something that looks like a gun, in a manner likely to cause confusion and fear, can generally be charged as a variety of crimes. You can commit crimes through negligence, not only through malice. If he hadn't been shot, he might have been jailed, or they might have let him go with a warning.

If he was white, his intelligence and self-awareness would probably be adequate to avoid such a situation. That, and not racial bias on the part of police, is why blacks are disproportionately involved in these sorts of things.

Go to YOUTUBE. Warch some videos of cops getting shot by Dindus....I'm suprised cops don't shoot more of them! This clown almost begged for it! Act like a respectable citazen and the cops won't shoot you.

You’re spot on, leaf.

Did they indict the person making a false report?

this much samefagging.
go fuck yourself.

So a guy has to die for holding a bb gun? You guys are just shameless racists you're not even hiding it.

That was very close to me

Shooting niggers is part of our culture. Don't be a bigot.

Breaking News: Nog Discovers Web Proxies!

Film at 11.

Why did he stand around for 6 minutes with peepee gun in hand? People do stupid stuff in Wal mart all of the time, but this one takes a cake

If a bus driver hit a man in a crosswalk who failed to look both ways before crossing, then that driver would DEFINITELY be charged with manslaughter

>First of all, it was a pellet gun

Which no-one but the dude himself knew. And now I do agree, that the police should have given him instructions to drop the gun, which from the footage, seems like they didn't and they should get punished for that, if they didn't.

>Secondly, whites who are killed by police make the news all the time.

We both know perfectly well that this wouldn't catch so much momentum if that were a white dude, since there would not be any of that "racist cop" narrative to play on.

Said the guy who didn't go to college for anything, let alone law.

He just happened upon "a un-packaged BB gun"

>You guys are just shameless racists
Thank you. I indeed will never feel shame for understanding and acknowledging the drastic inborn inferiority of subsaharan africans and their descendants, who I believe are more correctly classified as a variety of plains ape than as human beings capable of sustaining a civilization. I'm proud of reaching this state of awareness in the face of the relentless misinformation and attempts to make me feel guilty for even suspecting the truth.

Remember to thank people who call you a racist. It's a compliment. They're declaring you free of a common, systematically-fostered delusion.

>So a guy has to die for holding a bb gun?
When someone appears to be holding an assault rifle in their hands, ready to fire, police don't have time to closely examine it before opening fire. It's the responsibility of each individual person to avoid the appearance of holding an assault rifle in public, in their hands, as if ready to shoot. If you can't handle that, then perhaps you don't fall properly within the category of "person".

>Did he die as a result of people responding reasonably to his thoughtless actions in the heat of the moment?

Deliberately lying to the police is not responding reasonably you colossal moron.

He was being really weird with it how does someone not see that this is not normal behavior. Who knew if it was a real gun? Retards.

The second intelligent Leafpost I've seen today. You guys may be redeemable after all.

>Blacks are dumb and prone to crime
>Therefore have police shoot them dead, cause they are probably guilty anyway.

No dude, just no

nigger, don't care. not politics.

Based and Red Pilled

Who are you referring to?

Sage goes in options field

This isn´t cut and dry. Leaning heavily towards over aggressive police acting out of fear / worry due to recent mass shootings. Vegas wasn´t that long ago. They definately should have seen him dropping the gun and then not opened fire.
I just don´t know why he ran BACK towards the gun instead of staying down, pain from the first shot?

The guy who called the cops is the criminal here. he states multiple times that the guy was pointing the gun at people when he clearly wasnt. he said he pointed it at kids which never happened. the cops were given crap info from that fucktard which escalated the whole situation. he needs to be put in jail.

Wow you're right, we should abolish all police an put society on the honor system. What could go wrong?

No source, link, video, anything. Literally a pic with words. Go fuck yourself OP.

Watch it more closely. He didn't drop the gun until he was shot. When he was first shot, he was swinging it forward in a crouching position while facing the police, making him look like he was raising the gun to fire, because he had been idly swinging it back and forward like a moron.


Based customer and police.
If it's brown, flush it down.

arm yourself with knowledge

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>wave a gun around Walmart
>get shot
Everything seems in order here.

this was actually one of the few cases where it was legitimately fucked up, although you can hardly blame the cops. he was pointing that gun around and acting like a nigger in wal-mart. No idea what tf he was actually doing despite that sob story about smores.

Don't know if the change was made because of tards like him, but afaik years ago when I worked for walmart BB guns were locked up. If they make a sale they carry to gun to you outside the store to avoid making any customers uncomfortable.

>not shown in video: dumbass black sporting goods clerk who can't follow procedure

>he has never heard of the Mali empire
lrn2history you illiterate swine

Someone fucked up, but you can't expect the media to actually report/look into what happened. If a dindu gets shot outside of high diversity areas that's the only thing that matters.

No, YOU watch it more closely. He clearly drops the gun before he is shot.

God's work user

>Deliberately lying to the police
what did he say that was a deliberate lie?


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>Mali empire

>mixed race
>made heavy use of foreign slaves and hirelings
>mudbrick buildings
>no great art or science left behind
Real fucking impressive. Just a looter empire.


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Thanks for proving you know absolutely nothing about the Mali people.

Wrong already
>they were slavers
Sure, they were slavers, but so was EVERY empire.
>they were mixed race
They made use of what was available to them.

I see you conveniently left out the fact that the Mali empire was one of the wealthiest nations in history.

i see a guy drop the gun and attemt to flee, then head back towards the gun and get shot, had he dropped the gun and laid down he might be still alive.

>They made use of what was available to them.
>one of the wealthiest nations in history
So wealthy they built with mud bricks.

>Wrong already
My mistake. They were the trading center between subsaharan and supersaharan Africa, on the subsaharan side. Essentially a forward base for the Arabs in the trans-saharan slave trade. They traded slaves to the north that they captured from the south and ran slave mines with planners and organizers from the north.

This is a bit like holding up South Africa as an example of the achievements of subsaharan africans.

Say it with me