Why is the Republican Party split between America First Patriots and NeoCon pieces of Shit?

Why is the Republican Party split between America First Patriots and NeoCon pieces of Shit?

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Neo Cons like McCain made sure the military industrial complex/deep state were fed plenty of wars. McCain was a POS who blocked reports of nearly a thousand MIAs and POWs left in Vietnam, because the commies wanted $4 billion in return. McCain and his masters wouldn't pay and considered those men 'collateral damage.' At his funeral someone said "McCain always had our backs." Uh, no.

kek. bless you child.

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>Why is the Republican Party split between America First Patriots and NeoCon pieces of Shit?
Because people like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker are pedophiles.

Don't worry the old guard is leaving the right in droves.
Trump has won ...We have won...
The right will look completely different as will the left in time and factions will solidify.


This makes me hope Hell is real.

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Because neocons are literal Marxist/Trotskyite controlled opposition cancer that tried (and succeeded to an alarming extent) to steer the conservative side into far-leftism.

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