Traditionalism or Futurism?

Well, Jow Forums? Which is it?

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Both. Neotraditionalism, with all the degeneracy gone, but with hover cars and shit.

How is the first one always best one

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I would argue that all of the modern conveniences inherently lead towards degeneracy. The only way that you could completely purge degeneracy from a society like that would be through mandatory death-switch implants in the brain and a very strict dictatorial government with the most active military in the world turned on it's own people

Futurism, because any attempt to backpedal is essentially just delaying the inevitable. Look at Ireland, it was supposed to be a quiet and unproblematic EU country - they're now only beginning to face the problems Germany faced in 2014. The only way to sustainably get through a bad spot in your country's life is to progress fast enough.

‘A multitude of causes unknown to former times are now acting with a combined force to blunt the discriminating powers of the mind, and unfitting it for all voluntary exertion to reduce it to a state of almost savage torpor.’




Look up Ingham - cockup before conspiracy.

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