There's no denying that major social media companies have officially made the decision to go all in on mass censorship together in an attempt to stop people with opposing views from being heard, but this is clearly just the beginning.
What steps do you think they will employ next in order to censor free speech on the internet and what can be done to counter them?
>What steps do you think they will employ next in order to censor free speech on the internet and what can be done to counter them? Kek. These tech companies are gonna keep doubling down? They are in for some big surprises in that case.
Benjamin Jones
>big surprises Such as?
Dylan Butler
Forcibly removing control.
Austin Campbell
You don't understand what free speech is. You're not being imprisoned for what you're saying, private companies are simply showing you the door
Jackson Torres
They made it clear, Twitter and FagBook are for lefty loons only. If you are still visiting, you are just showing support. Tune in, tune out, the revolution will not be televised.
>What steps do you think they will employ next ban on typing these characters: > .
Andrew Watson
>censorship: >the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. While they as privately owned companies have the right to ban whomever they please there is no denying it is censorship.
Chase Rodriguez
>They made it clear, Twitter and FagBook are for lefty loons only. If you are still visiting, you are just showing support. Tune in, tune out, the revolution will not be televised. Fuck off kike. Trump is going to force these companies into submission.
Thomas Brown
My tax dollars fund these companies. I hope Trump pulls funding.
Justin Mitchell
same regulations broadcasters face, fines included, which means having to pump a bunch of money into standards & practices departments
they're going to doxx all of us publicly so we can't support ourselves financially or find employment
then eventually we'll all be put into camps and killed
Cameron Gutierrez
>by claiming no responsibility for their content That being the case is the only reason Jow Forums is allowed to exist. If that changes Jow Forums will be the first site to get shut down as its one of the worst offenders, and certainly the most notorious.
>put into camps and killed ban punishable by death for uttering the word "gorillion"
Robert Myers
but Jow Forums is extremely hands off with content, and to boot it's not nearly as big as something like facebook or youtube. youtube is effectively an enormous television station but not bound by the same FCC rules that regular stations are. yet it's begun to meddle heavily in the content that it claims it's not responsible for beyond removing illegal material (especially ironic because youtube first established itself by sharing copyrighted material)
Cooper Morgan
Big tech is lying. They want gov't regulation because that kills the smaller competition. It's a power grab.
listen closely, frens, before my wi-fi gets cut off. here's their master kikeplan: 1. deplatform alex jones to reduce his ability to spread alt-news (DONE) 2. discredit alex jones with trannyporn, sow further doubt in him since he calls out chicoms but never the jews (DONE) 3. bulldoze and cover-up the new mexico compound child soldier training camp (CIA-op, DONE) 4. continue obstruction of trump, use fake audio and deepfake if necessary to back up the steele dossier (IN PROGRESS) 5. doxx all users of Jow Forums and make sure their employers know of their postings (IN PROGRESS) 6. crash blockchain asset values in case Jow Forums users are NEETS who have been getting rich from btc (IN PROGRESS) 7. inform IRS to put additional pressure on 4ch users (IN PROGRESS, LETTERS HAVE BEEN SENT OUT) 8. stage a false flag shooting at either CNN or twitter headquarters (PENDING, already did with youtube hq but it was botched).
stop poasting on this fucking site and get out while you still can.
Angel Reed
>Jow Forums is much smaller than youtube, etc. Yeah, and also it doesn't generate any real profits. moot lived with his mother and Hiro lives a humble lifestyle for the same reasons.
Tech giants can afford to pay the occasional fines. 1 big fine would bankrupt Jow Forums.
Hiro doesn't exist, he's played by an actor in the photos or vids you see of him.
NSA owns 4ch and all servers host images for datamining and user data harvesting. you're a fool if you think this site is independently owned.
Lucas Lewis
I've had this happen so many times.. literally hundreds.. on every type of website, all of them. Usually there was no violation of any terms of service whatsoever, but sometimes..
Its just like being thrown out of a job for no valid reason because you annoy lefties or some stupid mental retard shit that only a real retard would think.
This shit should be regulated.. its literally murder.. it opens a doorways to take your rights away.
Remember when we did that shit for non-whites? I was all for it, then they stabbed us in the back. They arent capable of doing that because it takes intelligence. I think they believe we would stab them in the back like they do to us.. a mirroring type of ordeal, yet we were the ones who allowed the equality they asked for before stabbing us in the back and subverting it like true shitstains. You need to face the fact that these people are mentally retarded violent dogshit.. complete and utter dogshit.. They are corrupt, violent killers who are mentally retarded. Dont you be like that.. Yes they will steal from you, rob you, lie about you to destroy your life, yes they will probably kill you for even questioning them as vain apes do, yes they will probably end up killing as all like complete animals.. Theyll do all this shit every chance they get.. its just a given. But dont you be like that.. dont stoop their level. Then youre also an ape.
I would honestly rather die than hide the truth regarding these things.. I would honestly rather die than to have to lie just to cover up for an ape that hates my guts out of their mental retardation and hypocrisy.. I would die with honor like that. Dont defile yourself, thats what the retards want. Isnt it remarkable how closely their thinking resembles that of a severely retarded person such as a person with Downs Syndrome?? Its fucking profound.
Anthony Morgan
nah, culture industry always tries to avoid government meddling as a rule. even protective regulations have too much danger of biting back. take for example the hayes code or mpaa ratings
Joshua Gonzalez
Did you accidentally the tinfoil before you started having those drug induced delusions?