i'm sorry but those people aren't white nor european , if you want to accept them it's your problem
and i won't put my flag country because i don't want to bring problems between my true european country and respectful people from those southern non-european countries my personal opinon
in this day and age, they are enough. We can purity spiral once Europe is secured and our nation's are under control. They are European. These threads are divide and conquer
John Rivera
accept the truth those aren't migrants , actually the Italian and Greek one are Fascists , and spain migrants ? where ?
Ryder Powell
I accept the truth shill, that's why you have already lost on that subject (pic). And yes there are several immigrants there and gypsies (not ethniclly s.europeans).
No she looks Arabic as fuck proving my point Italians aren’t white
Mason Smith
The Italian ones are Napoli supporters, definitely not fascists
> Neapolitan/Southern Italian > Italian
Cooper Collins
Fuck off kike
Leo Rivera
honestly they look pretty white to me. less white than nordics but whiter than Mongoloid slavshits
t. 100% Sicilian american who looks similar to the bottom left Greek guy on the left
Brandon Long
good with me, I feel more insulted when I'm included with whites than anything as long as you ridiculous WN trash keep using Italic/Hellenic symbols and aesthetics you are just a bunch of pathetic hypocrites
they just want to keep their culture from becoming more miscegenated than it already is, can you blame them?
Jace Fisher
>aren't white >nor european
Congrats, you're a fucking nigger tier retard. How you can be so illiterate about the movement and history of peoples in Europe and STILL have an opinion that you feel so confident is true you post it is beyond me.
Regardless, what I presume you mean when you think of "true" Europeans are debatable the worse kind. Germanic individuals, throughout history, have only created internal strife within the confines of Europe and have been absurdly short sighted in their endeavors. Furthermore, in many cases, Germanic have actually allied with foreign and often Muslim conquerors and have, by proxy, contributed to the rape an conquest of European people and land.