LIVE: Richard Spencer Addresses Alt-Hype Allegations with JF

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The Jew Halsey is rabid in the chat donating tons of shekels to try and destroy Spencer but JF seems to be on Spencer's side.

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Spencer is fucking lying online about the affair with Conte's gf, it's totally obvious.

alt hype is a bitch made fag

I'm curious where the initial claim or suspicion of Spencer cucking Conte came from? Its shitty if its true but I would like to see this allegation from Conte or someone close to him.

JF is a bigger fag than Ryan

I was siding against althype but not anymore. JF and spencer are slanderous liars

How so? I just came online and so confused what is happening

What is going on? Has the debate started?

Yeah I'm getting that vibe too.

>richard spencer monologues

that would require me to bring a dozen of timestamp and an hour worth of effort and explanation so unless youre some kind of eceleb i dont think its worth my time

He cancelled because JF isn't neutral according to some videos he saw couple hours before the debate
He started a live stream named "JF ducking" a minute ago but he deleted it before saying anything
Don't know if he'll start a new one

The Alt-Hype is largely impartial and unusually candid about his opinions. I don't think Ryan is interested in fame or recognition the way JF or Spencer is. Spencer especially seems to have a stiffy for donations and attention, JF likewise, but to a lesser extent.

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what does this mean?

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matt forney was spreading it, he was involved in thotgate and has a history of causing infighting for no reason

Okay wtf they disinvited him or something???

I'm gonna skip out and wait for Alt Hype's response, cant handle anymore of Spencer's blathering

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Ryan, don't antagonize JF. He is not a bad guy and there is no point in making enemies at this point. Show the humility you profess to have. Don't do anything what you may regret doing later on.

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>muh gramsci

spencer confirmed for leftist cuck agent

Same. Listening to spencer without an opposing argument isn't interesting.

So cute how Spender tries to sound smart.

Conte himself, obviously.
anyway here is alt-hype's response

Is Spencer gonna say something coherent or just keep rambling?

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Ryan pulled out at the last minute, wanted to hold it on his own channel

I like his stache.

No, he said he would do it almost anywhere (e.g. ralph retort) but JF's channel

I can't figure out is a legit retard or a shill. He's like a fucking chameleon. He appears incredibly eloquent as well as erudite, but at the end of the day, he engages in this endless blabbering that doesn't amount to anything really.

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>He cancelled because JF isn't neutral
Damn. I really wanted to see him debate Spencer after his (now deleted) video about him. His criticism was on point, except from the cuck part. We don`t have any proof of that yet.
Also, he said on that video that Richard cucked out of debating him at least two times. Why is himself avoiding debate now? Is he afraid of losing more suscribers?
I don`t know but it looks AWFUL.

>JF asks AH if he wants to debate Richard Spencer, doesn't specify the platform, though it is implied
>AH acts surprised 3 hours before the debate is supposed to happen and tries to change things last minute, knowing JF would obviously protest
>JF blocks AH and goes along with the stream with Richard Spencer anyway
>AH shows up in the actual chat during the stream and asks to come on
>JF has now turned on AH and says he won't allow him on
>JF looks bad
Was it 4d chess?

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JF and his ego, Jesus. Fucking frog.

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Halsey is autistic with donations, 50$ at the start of every show. He practically funds JF half on his own
JF won't let him on they show anymore
Spencer loves to regurgitate his tried and true talking points. He's like a politician I guess





None of you sincere posters better be playing into this eceleb drama garbage.

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Who the fuck is Halsey? I keep seeing him mentioned on here.

He did come to the chat and wanted to get on but JF's ego got in the way as usual. See

The Kumite is dead kumitard. Please follow Tonka’s lead and kill yourself. But yeah he’s a pussy.

Just some boomer Jew if its the same one I'm thinking of

some Jew shill

This is mostly alt hypes fault. JF is still a queer for not letting him on though.

JF is such a fucking egomaniac. He expects everybody to lick his French ass like it's chateaubriand.

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A big fat boomer kike that gives money (superchat) to JF in every single fucking stream, every day.

Man, I love JF, but he is kind of showing why Ryan was afraid to go on by shitting on him at the beginning. I guess I see why since to duck a scheduled appearance is unprofessional but the dude got stage fright and understandably so.

I don't agree with Ryan that JF is an unfair moderator, like at all, but he is a quick thinker and firm in his positions while Ryan does not seem like a skilled debater so he does not want to get bagged on (especially by faggy nazilarp, littlekike superchatters who sometimes push things in dumb directions). Also he really piled onto RS which was imo justified and necessary at this point but I would shit my pants having to defend something like that to Richard's face.

As for Richard, ah, what can I say, I enjoy his aesthetic and he is an extremely well-educated guy. And sometimes his takes are entertaining. But he is TOXIC as fuck now, arguably even more so than David Duke, they let him stay on all the platforms so that they can play whackamole with people who circle around him. It is like Alex Jones says about how he was "captured by the enemy in information warfare", RS is basically the same thing now but for "nazi" (and he's not even a nazi but still). His brand is inherently toxic by now and he needs his ego to be beaten down by people like Nick and Ryan until he smartens up and takes a backseat for a while.

Again, I think a lot of the "bad optics" stuff that he has done was not actually bad optics, he is a good looking young white man (shave the moustache tho) and he is one of the main ones who finally woke me up to white identity after years on Jow Forums so he must have done the same for others too but, it doesn't matter how good his "optics" are in a vacuum, perception matters a lot and when someone or something takes on too much baggage, you cut loose for a while until the load gets lighter and switch to something else.

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Call me a shill or whatever, but I have actually been one of the stronger defenders of Dicky boy on Jow Forums against posters like maorpheus tier posters, I don't hate him but man he's just earned such a bad reputation for himself that yeah fuck him I want clearer heads in the movement to prevail.

JF`s ego gets on the way all the time. He is way too biased towards Spencer, probably because of their friendship. Alt-Hype may or may not be blackpilled or a civnat cuck, but JF fucked up.
Is he trying to cause infighting?

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He responded to me on Twitter once :D But he also said he would fight against Nick Fuentes in a race war... xd

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>the teenage sodomite (((civnat))) pussied out

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>quoting Freud
The fuck is this nigga on

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Halsey is a jew buying his way into JF's good graces. He wants to be /our jew/ really bad.
Never work with (((them)))

No idea, I really don't pay too much attention to this e-drama. From what I've seen he pilpuls like a kike but generally seems to be a good sport about it

>Ryan just wants to steal my views!
JF being an insufferable narcissistic sperg once again

Lol, so JF literally gets ZOGbucks.

Richard keeps rambling and rambling. It`s getting annoying.
Don`t get me wrong: He is eloquent and has interesting points, but just listening to him talking for 20 minutes with the ocassional JF`s "mmm" is boring as fuck. He is far better when he is debating with someone.

God JF is autistic. Spencer was smiling until the realized JF sincerely thinks he is chad.

>He is far better when he is debating with someone.
Too bad his debate opponent ran away to clean his boyfriend's dildos.

>He's like a politician I guess
Yes, that's what Spencer is! A fucking politician dependent on donations from rednecks.

>buying his way into JF's good graces
I hope JF doesn`t fall into it. He has had a lot of trouble with people that used him to escalate. If you know what I mean.

>shave mustache
Opinion discarded.

Jokes aside, JF has shown himself to be a very biased moderator in the past but only on certain subjects - genetics and ethnostate specifically. Also his behavior towards Ryan on this stream is pretty telling

kill yourself d&c rat


Calm down, Mark.

initially, I was skeptical towards Ryan's behavior, but now I actually get it.

ryan is cute in a modric way, dont bully him

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>two 30 year old boomers discussing the meaning of the boomer meme

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The sodomite canceled and ruined his business relationship and then cried to be allowed to play and was denied.

Gays go away.

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Kek. I don`t dislike Ryan, but the fact that he ran away from debate makes me think he chickened out.
Some of his criticism on Spencer was very good (and JF doesn`t letting him on stream was a shitty move, too) but if he can`t defend his position to the man`s face...

you know he's no longer a faggot right?

>I'm not gay anymore, mom!

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Not on JF's channel. And JF's attitude indicates that Ryan was right indeed. JF has just devolved into his egocentric retardation which was particularly apparent back in the Warski Live days. No, JF would not be an impartial moderator during this debate, now I see it.

This. JFs type of autism is unbearable. Ryan is by far the best character of these 3, honest, sympathetic and intelligent guy. Spencer is a fascist, typical med intellectual. Ryan is a more typical nordic phenotype, clearly superior.

I think he got stage fright, he seems a bit anxiety prone/neurotic. Still a smart guy and all, I hope he stays around and that he and JF don't burn any bridges

Oh, God, that Braveheart reference. Cringe.

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>gay civic nationalist
>smart guy

Sodomy is a choice

FGR is our Jew, Halsey is more like what an openly not ourjew who still won't be total assholes to us could look like. Apparently he has done long-term journalism in Israel and stuff in the past so he's not just some boomer kike who found Jow Forums and was like "ahahahaha, that rubbing hands guy is me :) my ancestor", he could be keeping tabs on us for mossad contacts or something or he could just be a sympathetic conservative jew, but either way, I don't get the impression from him that he is a subversion threat.

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>tfw Spencer has and may always be my favorite alt-right figure

dont h8

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Ryan is more the supreme celtic phenotype

Just by looking at the title of the stream you can see he is not impartial. I don`t know if he is Richard`s friend, but he definitely is biased towards him.
I hope Alt-Hype can debate Spencer in Ralph Retort or any other channel. I want to see Richard address the criticism (which I think was on point in some parts, except from the cuck rumor that Ryan tossed in without any proof).

JF has already burnt bridges with him I think, Ryan disrespected his eminence. Bad Ryan.

Looks like JF burn the bridge with the "feeble mind" comment though.

No one hates you except Moarpheus.

Poor Ryan forgot to pay the french jizya

t. spencer himself

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This stream is fucking gay and boring. Everyone involved here is a fag

He could be the better man and let Ryan on to BTFO for the audience though. Not saying he is obligated however as Ryan canceled.

Civil Nationalists aren't eugenicists like Ryan.
I think that homosexuality is a genetic phenomenon, but that doesn't excuse promiscuity. Ryan might have certain genes that give him a proclivity for those tendencies but he handles himself in a respectable way regardless

For real though, I can tell if I support someone from their looks alone at this point.
If JF or Spencer came up to you trying to sell you something you would walk the other way and make sure people could see you. Why can't they at least try to look like normal people instead of eggheaded moustache man and douche who eats ass. You can actually tell he fucks retards just by looking at him.


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I wish someone would come on the show and yell at the top of their lungs: "Shut the fuck up, Richard! No one is listening! Just shut the fuck up!"

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I side with the fag over the NEETszcheans. These fags are talking about hypergamy and MGTOW right now like the stupid faggots they are. Christ, you have to be a fatherless son to think these guys have the world figured out.

what the hell is this mustache

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>We should not be Americans by the way

Hey Dugin, whatcha doing?

Anyone have a link to the original alt hyp video that started this shit storm? It's been taken off his youtube or something?

It's available on bitchute.

the alt-hype did nothing wrong.

JF was planning to use his position as mod to rig the debate against him. Alt hype did the right thing by not going

He's not really bucking any stereotypes for the French, esp. for French Canadian Quebecois is he?
>part and parcel

FFS, Richard. If you are reading this: SHAVE.

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Yeah, absolutely. Fuck JF. Apparently, Ryan wanted to join the conversation and JF refused. That fucking Frog.

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>Everyone involved here is a fag
Actually the one guy not allowed on the stream is the legit faggot. kek