Did anyone else unironically support Jeb?
Imagine the memes if he won
Did anyone else unironically support Jeb?
Imagine the memes if he won
that was a weird moment, trump stuck with his bro, Jeb! looked like a schmuck
i wonder what jeb is up to nowadays
I did long before I knew Trump or many others were even running, but that's only because I live in Florida and he did a pretty good job running shit here.
But God does it make me shudder to think that at one time he was "the GOP's best hope."
That moment is the reason Carson supporters got on the Trump train. What a fucking bro
I was one of those Carson supporters too. How is the based sleepy doc doing these days? I know he's been working with Trump in his cabinet but haven't really heard anything since he took office.
Jeb! achieved maximum meme potential during the primaries and went out on a high.
>Did anyone else unironically support Jeb?
No, but you moronically supported him.
can someone ps a knife in his hand
i love jeb threads
short and sweet
I always felt that Jeb was actually the smart, cool Bush. He probably was the guy with the big aspirations but always was in the background. He is no doubt intelligent, very intelligent. George was the guy who you couldn't have a beer with, because he can't control himself. Jeb was the guy that would have a few beers with you and tell you about a cool fishing hole a few towns over.
>smart, cool Bush
I guess in relation to his nerdy dad but Frat boy Dubya always seemed like a fun guy to party with, at least until he left office, started painting and became a boring old establishment guy who pals around with Bill and Obama.
I am sure Dubya was more wild in his day, but that is what I am saying. He seems like the kind of guy who would throw a beer across the room and get everyone kicked out and ruin everything. Just a fucking shitlord. Jeb always seemed more self aware and would still have a good time, but just didn't have that edge to him. Sometimes in life it is important to have that.
his wife is hot as fukkkkkkk
Jeb's like his dad if his dad actually tried to be cool. He's so fucking lame, when he tried to be cool and funny, he ended up looking like a tryhard. It wasn't natural and his dad knew it. That's why you never saw HW try to be hip and modern and when he did in '92 (grocery store scanner incident) he got his ass handed to him over it.
Jeb's wife looks like a mexican hobgoblin
Even the the words "Jeb thread" made me start laughing. I'm so glad he ran.
Dude was a bluepilled incel
based sleepy Ben is just doing his job, just like everyone else, you won't hear shit, since the media hates him for working with Trump, but they also won't call him out cuz he's black, I rly don't know why you're surprised by this
Just like I said he didn't have the "cool edge"..he was a fucking dork. But most actual REAL cool people aren't "edgy". I am by no means saying he would be the greatest mind or coolest guy to hang out with, but compared to the rest of the family I would take my chances. And he smokes weed. From what I heard.
I really wish Jow Forums could organise enough to convince the public and jeb that he has enough support to challenge trump in 2020.
Love to see him run only to fail again for those sweet memes
I'd hang with Pre 2009 Dubya over Jeb any day. He'd be the guy likely to get us all wound up in jail hung over the next morning but it'd be worth the ride.
That would be the worst waste of money in the history of trying to challenge an incumbent.
His mom too.
Well you are right on that.
It'd be 1976 & 80 all over again. Incumbent pres faces strong primary challenger that ends up weakening him in the general. It'd be funny but not worth it in the end.
HHS is a pretty sleepy place
I wonder if Jeb cries in his pillow at night, knowing that he doesn't have a chance to ever be president
remember when Jeb started beating up a niggress, good times
Based Ben is /our guy/. He gets shit done and takes a nap.
No because of all the far-left extremists one could support, Jeb is the most dopey of them all.
kek, I unironically do love based sleepy Ben, I mean if I was american I wouldn't vote for him, but I literally have no ill will towards him, and I do think he's a genuinely good person, just not very fit for a leader
sorry forgot to quote you too
That's pretty much how I feel about him too. HHS is the perfect fit for him, he can get his work done and not get caught up in all of the shit flinging that's going on right now.
Canada's "Jeb" won. Now we are in the process of creating a new party to take down both of these cucks.
Jeb is 4x more based than Justine.
I feel the same way. I wouldn't vote for him, but I think he's a good man. I can't say that about a lot of people who've run for office.
>Jeb will never give you a little toy turtle from his pocket
I miss these threads..
yeah Ben ain't a bad person, and he certainly isn't an uncapable person, his work as a surgeon is to be admired
I refuse to believe that Jeb! wasn't scientifically created in an underground Bush-run lab, operating with the mission to grow and cultivate the most cartoon-like person in the world. #Jeb!Surge
u scared bro?