Is there anyone on Jow Forums in a mixed-race relationship, or with mixed children?

How do you reconcile your political beliefs with your IRL lifestyle choices?

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Literally no. We kill niggers here, we don't keep them as pets.

No, but I fuck latinas all the time. It is rational why if you've been to the usa. I like my girls small and with a big ass. Hard to find a white woman not entitled and hot. Just need a big ass, not easy to find without the latinas. God Bless them.

no I’m not a nigger lover

Dated a black girl for 5 months. The first two months were great. Then I met some of her friends, who were all low-life ghetto trash. It was really weird to see her turn into a different person when she was with them. Then a few weeks later she started throwing white guilt onto me and cracking jokes about white privilege and shit like that. At first I ignored it but it was incessant. We started fighting about it and after a while I just couldn't be fucked to put up with it anymore, since I was white and my arguments didn't mean anything apparently. That was when I realized that black American culture is EXTREMELY isolated from all other American groups' cultures and clings to victimhood and hating white people. I will never date another black girl again, no matter how "white" she comes off when I first meet her. I found a cute Dutch girl that I've been with for almost a year now and couldn't be happier.

Same but also her friends wanted to fuck on the side or have me pay for their dinner and they would offer head for rides. It’s like they never met a guy with a job which didn’t invole selling drugs

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in high school there was a chinese girl with long hair that liked me. I'm italian.
>y-youre not white

sure whatever

yes iam race mixed and my gf is from north india.

pic related, proof iam mixed and not LARPing.

in regards to beliefs im not sure what you're really asking. i support an ethnic groups "right" to exist and preserve its culture, values and way of life. just dont interfere with others right to exist (see jews and israel).

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How do you even hit on poos? I feel that’s more of a 3rd rail than sand niggers at least wealth bridges that gap

I'm married to a Ghanaian girl. Parents were immigrants. Dad's a doctor, mom's a nurse. She came here when she was 1.

I don't really care. I'm only anti-immigration in the sense that I don't want to take in uneducated people or anyone with a criminal record. Her dad grew up as a cocoa farmer outside of Kumasi and is an upstanding citizen.

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