Anons from Israel

Anons from Israel.

Why the fuck are you here???

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Other urls found in this thread:

why are you here dude ?

The one that got away.

because net neutrality was repealed? dunno OP, sounds like a question for the ages?

See if we can rebuild the Roman Empire

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emperor bibi is already rebuilding it

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Three reasons:

1. Jow Forums breaks news rarely.
2. track influence operations by Russian and Iranian troll farms.
3. track poly-bot progress.

because our based rulers have to keep their cattle in check

Reminder that Jews have the best looking women.

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what a great khazar he is

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to trigger Jow Forumsestine mostly


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it doesn't matter if you deny the holocaust or have the same opinions as the people on Jow Forums you will alway be treated like a jew .
let's let this place rot.
they want our country to die because of dubble standerts and bullshit. pol is like a passive agresive famanist who think that all men are pigs. Lets mtgo the fuck out of this place

reminder hook nose kikes are literally the ugliest of all non-niggers.

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Please don't steal our Jow Forums. Thanks

but jewanon the empire hated the Jews

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jewish beauty

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>let's let this place rot.
you think pol will rot because jews don't share their opinions here?

The new one is going to be SPQJ. Imprium Jewium.

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bibi is 100% ashkenazi , not kazar .
no one on Jow Forums denies the holohoax man , they know better . if you dont like 4chin Jow Forums you can go to the israeli chans Jow Forums equivalent

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rome was founded by colonists king solomon sent to italy .

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Israelis are kind of based

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free (you)s

goddamit, i would fuck these girls so hard

anyways i like israeli anons and their dry humor

they like spying its in their nature.

any proof?
Could you talk to me about that theory jewanon?

you are kidding right? Israel is one of ther most right wing fascist politically incorrect countries in the world outside of sub saharan Africa.

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>"Anons" from Israel.
>Why the fuck are you here???
It's truly a mystery.

Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video

Anyone notice JIDF has suddenly stopped using meme flags as much and are now showing their geo flags and are trying to engage with the board?

Also notice the increase in all the "not all jews", "X jews are different from Y jews", "Israel is your friend" etc. posts and how they're now trying to "banter" and be accepted?

What's going on? Why the change in tactics all of a sudden? Are they freaked out about the rise of JQ awareness among normies? Just tired of getting BTFO with their old methods? Something else?

Attached: JIDF_articles.jpg (3666x3284, 1.17M)
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF paying shills.jpg (596x870, 128K)

1. I enjoy watching Europeans suffer.
2. Best news site.
3. Israeli jews =! ((((jews))))
4. All in all, I do not take your larping too srsly, and it seems each country get its fair share of shit.
5. Anonymous discussion about world politics with people from all over the world (and you know from which country hey are): That's what the internet is meant to be.

> No trigger discipline
Fake and Gay

>be a jew
>hang out on anti-jew central
cool flag

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this place has already started to rot ever since it stopped being christian and natsoc and started being reddit 2.0 with all the atheists , wannabe pagans and jidf bots

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likely seeking goy kiddies to mutilate, rape, otherwise defile, if they're pro zion.

this place used to be more atheist actually. we just larp as christian now to piss of you christ killers and weaponize christ cucks into realizing what jesus' message actually was about

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to trol...

I love Israel. Kiss my ass fags

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I personally don't want to see Israel die, I could give 2 shits about Israel. In fact, I think all the jews should just go there.

kill yourself

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אלה מה?

I thought that making this place stop being a Christian would make the Jews happy

>it stopped being christian and natsoc and started being reddit 2.0 with all the atheists , wannabe pagans and jidf bots
WTF, you sound like such a woke, cool jew!

WTF, I love jews now!

Not all jews are bad, people! Listen to this guy. Jews are your friend!

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This. Fascinating to watch.

they're trying to prevent the shoah

((((you)))) are.

למה אתם פה ב 4 בלילה ?


Because they're being paid.

Palestinians and muslims really are subhumans, you truly are doing no wrongm

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You are a clown, jews have done nothing but wrong but act innocent , repent and you will always be a jew unless you become Christian

forgot to take your memeflag down, oven dodger.
i really wish the hollarhoax was real, you goblins are the absolute worst.

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Fingers are behind the trigger

OUT you fucking kike

That’s a dude

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i love kikes


like he said, literally no trigger discipline. jews just post pictures of hand selected semi-attractive white looking kikes in an effort to convince you they are white and worth fighting along side to establish greater Zion

Youre the pagan+nazbol shill, confirmed
Fuck the jews

this. we like ethnostates.
Israel is too soft, you must quit fucking around and declare the need to be jew in order to be a citizen, vote or acquire land
Can arabs acquire land in Israel?

My sweet sweet goy lover

0_0 that photo!

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Are you really of Basque descent?

pol is full of depressed people with emotional and mental instability, it's true

it manifests itself in vicious and fanatical vocabulary and inability to manage anger or feel empathy towards others

Literally everyone from Israel is Mossad.

Zion is a mountain. The preferred nomenclature is “Greater Hebrewstan”

why use such a disgusting word

god DAMN

well done.
We love kikes even more now.
Good Job shabbo!

Eh, they hated Christians too. And anyone of german descent.

haha, if only it were so easy!
The good are
Hidden by the vile
As is the Way.

even when we become christian we are hated.
i'm a christian messianic jew who dislikes kabbalists and rabbinic jews.

They're going to die of
Soon though.


You guys are so fucking retarded it hurts. That picture really fits you user. Why do you think the CIA porn kikes send a local girl into her town instead of showing up themselves to recruit European flesh peddling, keep in mind that the kikes always take the first cut and when they are done they pass these girls off to subhumans and faggot porn so that they will become POZZED? My god you people are so fucking dumb it is literally painful. Not only that but you are race traitors. All of you deserve the same bullet treatment as you CIANigger whore. Don't want to be POZZED, then they murder you just like they did to that Ames slut who didn't want to be POZZED up by faggots…so they hung her. You think you are doing something good but you are as evil as it gets for permitting and condoning this behavior in European society. Again, you are all OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. You are accessory to entraping our children using this coalburning whore as bait for the kike CIA agenda.

>generic brapper
wtf im okay with giving israel 10 million fucking dollars a day now. oh wait kys

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Truth is people know so few Messianic Jews people just lump them with the rest. I have no issue with them.


what does not cause me
Crazy talk.

>stephen miller is hated by Jow Forums
>brother nathaniel is hated by Jow Forums
keep making excuses, the greatest professional victims (for no reason whatsoever but anti-semitism of course!!) in human history i swear

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why don't you guys just vote patrick little if you don't want to pay israel money

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natsoc hebrew are you??

Israel I have noticed is handling Trump, "his" break with Japan is of no coincidence.

cause we are the master race and we need to know what you subhuman mongrels up to


Why do you jews all think that anyone with questions about the holohoax is by default an antisemite?

You don't think that people other than antisemites might wonder why a "death camp" has recreational facilities and sources of entertainment? You know, the gulags didn't have swimming pools and theatre buildings.

why don't i vote for a california senator candidate in a past election as someone who lives on the other side of the country? gee wiz, i don't know. maybe it has to do with all the television channels besides mudslime al-jizz-drinkera being jew owned and constantly propagating a pro-israel messages upon my people. do you think that might be a problem for us?

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because cuck hiro won't range ban all israeli ip addresses

Hello, we have not talked for a long time. As you would say in my land a gustazo m8.
So you finished your journey becoming a messianic Jew?
I thought you would join an Orthodox church

Why the fuck are you here cartel bush boy?

honestly the word anti semite makes no sense
the word should be anti shemite also any language that has the abc is semitic which means that europe are semitic

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I have always had a bone to pick with using a Semitic/Egyptian alphabet. The Mayan one represents Europe better. Have a Witz (Mountain).

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The Israelis actually take the bantz pretty good on Jow Forums. Most anons do, except the leafs of course. I'll give it to any gas sniffing kike who comes on here to bust balls with us, they're alright.

I am an user from brazil
Our yet-to-be-elected next president (Bolsonaro) is very pro Israel and I hope Brazil will be Israel's allie, we like your country
the only bad thing is the Palestinian-israel conflict I hope you solve that peacefully

Here in Brasil thereare Jewish communities and almost no antisemtism, I even live in a jwish neighborhood

On the jq:
I find the anti semitism as expressed by the merchant memes to be vulgar and "toxic"
My take is that on nation's in Europe Jews should be encouraged to migrate to Isreal as apparently your interests are contrary to one another and Jews usually have in-group preference and dual-loyalties

Also, I think some Jewish communities use antisemtism as a way to force segregation and thus make Jews maintain endogamy and cultural purity; but I would suggest that you stop defininf yourselves as in opposition to this mythical figure of the "anti-Semite" and adopt a more positive way to maintain cultural and racial cohesion!

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The Merchant represents the stereotypical Jew. Everyone has a stereotype. It's just a part of life which is often true in many cases, not all, just many.

you mean the germanic languages???? that you are trying to take credit for??? fucking hell man, and I thought our history books rewriting of history was bad. i agree with the first part of what you said though. anti-semite is just a word propagated by the jews to offend billions of people (including arabs) when in reality on a small handful of jews are the focus of hate.

What do you mean goy??? Israel is the United States.

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i go to the saint george church that was made by templars back in the crusades era

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that could have been worded better but im too tired to effort post