It's not just Sears/Kmart - in the past few days, the following retail chains have shut down stores:

>1. The department store chain Carsons, founded in the 1850's (TOTAL SHUTDOWN):

>All Carson Pirie Scott stores closing Wednesday

>Wednesday, Carson Pirie Scott marks the end of more than 160 years in business. Its last stores will close Wednesday by 5 p.m., the company announced. The Chicago-based department store chain was founded in 1854. Liquidation sales have been underway since April.

>2. The department store chain Magic Mart, founded in the 1910's (TOTAL SHUTDOWN):

>Magic Mart to close all stores by Sunday

>BECKLEY, W.Va. (WVVA) After more than a hundred years in the department store business, Magic Mart stores across the region will be closing their doors for the final time on Sunday. In July, the retailer announced it would be closing all stores by October. Since that announcement, customers have been shopping by the hundreds in search of bargains in the liquidation sale.

>Magic Mart’s President K.A. Ammar said stores in Welch, Hazard, Ky, Hurricane, WV, Pulaski, Va, and Richlands, Va. have already closed.

Attached: Closing notice.jpg (2048x683, 134K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>3. The department store chain Bon-Ton (TOTAL SHUTDOWN):

>When are the Bon-Ton stores closing in central Pa.?

>The days for the Bon-Ton are coming to the end. The retailer which has been holding liquidation sales since April is expected to close all of its stores this week including stores in the Harrisburg, Camp Hill, York, Hanover and Lancaster areas...

>Employees at stores in Lower Paxton Township (Colonial Park Mall), Lower Allen Township, Springettsbury Township (York Galleria Mall), Lancaster (Park City Center) and in Hanover, all said the stores will close on Wednesday. Sixty-six stores have already closed including the store at the Queensgate Shopping Center in York Township. A store in Carlisle had previously closed earlier in the year.

>4. Department store chain Herberger's (TOTAL SHUTDOWN):

>As closing day arrives for Herberger's, Butte is without a department store

>After 24 years of operations, Herberger’s will close its doors permanently on Wednesday. Butte’s first department stores began appearing in the 1800s. Stores like Hennessy's, Symon's Department Store and M. J. Connell Company once offered Butte residents a one-stop, upscale shopping experience. But as of Wednesday, Butte will be without a department store for the first time in 100-plus years.

What the hell is going on, Jow Forums? You said the economy was doing well.

Attached: Store.jpg (600x356, 59K)

Never once heard of those names. Fuck off, they weren't big or anything

People blame online shopping, which is partially correct, for why this is happening. But more importantly the fact is that Americans are over-taxed and in debt to their fucking eyeballs. As a consequence, people do not have the disposable income that they had decades ago to go out and purchase luxury consumer goods. The decline in retail across the board is evidence of American finaincal decline.

>in debt
Oh god yes

Capitalism eats itself, thats it's nature when there's no "beyond".

Add on that most of the malls are filled with niggers now and you've got your retail collapse.

It’s creative destruction at work and that is a good thing. Better and more efficient retailers, Amazon, Costco, have come along. The old companies that cannot adapt die off.

>eats itself
This is just natural selection, shitty no-name retail stores that nobody shops at close down, boo hoo. Recently some shitty dollar store closed down in my town, I'm not crying about it because we have about two fucking dozen more. Why should I care if some "Magic Mart" or "Bon-Ton" literally who outlets operated by retarded boomers close down?

>Introduce online shopping which is able to provide cheaper goods than physical stores thanks to lower overhead costs
>Fill the malls with niggers and shitskins who drive away actual customers
>Saturate your customers with debt thanks to lower wages created in part by these very companies encouraging mass immigration
>Find that nobody is buying from you anymore
>Wow wtf fuck you people!!!
>Go out of business