>2008: Obama
>2012: Obama
>2016: Hillary
>2018: Beto
>2020: Democratic Party Nominee
You mad Jow Forums? We’re going to turn Texas blue this year.
>2008: Obama
>2012: Obama
>2016: Hillary
>2018: Beto
>2020: Democratic Party Nominee
You mad Jow Forums? We’re going to turn Texas blue this year.
Not mad. Can't wait til Texas turns blue and we get closer to you retards having to lie in the bed you made, except now there's a Mexican and Somali already in it.
Cruz unironically shilling this ensure he gets a scared base to turn out
Slide thread. Ignore or hide. If you must reply, sage in options field.
>Q had to tell you the mods are kiked
>bait post
>dat filename format
lol, it's anudda slide thread.
These fags are going to be more embarrassed about these “Beto” bumper stickers on their car than the Bernie ones. A god damn mick larping as a spic. What a cunt