My voting record

>2008: Obama
>2012: Obama
>2016: Hillary
>2018: Beto
>2020: Democratic Party Nominee

You mad Jow Forums? We’re going to turn Texas blue this year.

Attached: 40F0958C-DECD-4AF6-B975-967E707D8127.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

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Not mad. Can't wait til Texas turns blue and we get closer to you retards having to lie in the bed you made, except now there's a Mexican and Somali already in it.

Cruz unironically shilling this ensure he gets a scared base to turn out

Slide thread. Ignore or hide. If you must reply, sage in options field.


>Q had to tell you the mods are kiked

Attached: 1535322832874.gif (500x490, 1.73M)

>bait post
>dat filename format
lol, it's anudda slide thread.

These fags are going to be more embarrassed about these “Beto” bumper stickers on their car than the Bernie ones. A god damn mick larping as a spic. What a cunt