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he can't get ONE thing done

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>FBI contridicts evidence that the person they're protecting fucked up, becomes even less trusted and more reviled

One anonymous FBI official. Cant wait until he is fired.

You know the FBI is lying now either way They can't be trusted never have never will

who the fuck in their right mind would trust the FBI at this point?

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They have made a long history of making crime happen so they can "catch" it, then take credit, fucking always been the mob with a badge.

All memeing aside, the idea of the FBI existing as one giant criminal organization operating under the color of law, is absolutely terrifying.

if trump made the claim, it must be a true alternate fact.

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Oh good, so we know for sure it's true now.

Why did the ICIG keep it from the FBI? What do they know?

They have existed that way since inception, they are used as a weapon against leaders, etc. They were always one of the hands behind the curtain.

You guys are so fucking retarded it hurts. That picture really fits you user. Why do you think the CIA porn kikes send a local girl into her town instead of showing up themselves to recruit European flesh peddling, keep in mind that the kikes always take the first cut and when they are done they pass these girls off to subhumans and faggot porn so that they will become POZZED? My god you people are so fucking dumb it is literally painful. Not only that but you are race traitors. All of you deserve the same bullet treatment as you CIANigger whore. Don't want to be POZZED, then they murder you just like they did to that Ames slut who didn't want to be POZZED up by faggots…so they hung her. You think you are doing something good but you are as evil as it gets for permitting and condoning this behavior in European society. Again, you are all OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. You are accessory to entraping our children using this coalburning whore as bait for the kike CIA agenda.

"russia did it"
"no china did"
"china didn't do it, nobody did!"

you don't think this was on purpose?

But I thought they said it was compromised by Russia? If it wasn't compromised actually, doesn't it prove it was a leak VIA Seth Rich?

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They are going to blame trump for hacking clinton.

The DNC emails are the ones that were legitimately released as a result of phishing.
The Clinton server has never been proven to have been compromised, it's all speculation without physical evidence.

You're equating the two as the same thing, which is false and shows the level of understanding that your average Trumptard has over these situations.

The government investigated itself and found themselves not guilty. Hmm...

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You're implying a Chinese guy, if not an American, couldn't just use a VPN to disguise his location. You really cannot prove the server is compromised if it has already been destroyed, either.

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Because they didn't look

This is misinformation being twisted by msm. There are 2 servers in question: Clinton's private email server used to send classified info as sec. of state. There was no indication that this was hacked and the dems themselves were hellbent on destroying everything on it before FBI could look at it. The other is the DNC server which did get hacked, allegedly by the Russians, for emails showing dishonest nomination practices. Except apparently the Chinese were the ones who did it.

The ICIG says it was Clinton's personal one.

Who said it was China? It was my impression that an intelligence agency said this, not Trump. So I dont understand how he is supposedly being contradicted.

This story is about the server Clinton maintained in her home, not the DNC server.

>still OH NO NO posting
Tits or gtfo

Traitors, mulch them.

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Tweet extremely related.
Trumps just bullshitting because he knows his enemies CANNOT resist damning themselves in their quest to contradict Trump.

Bullshit. Clinton's home server was the one that got hacked by the Chinks. The DNC didn't get hacked, those emails were downloaded on site and LEAKED by an insider.

i'm conflating the two, sure, but so does the majority of normie america
it doesn't really matter as long as it's anti T

An adult man having sex with a

welcome to the party pal

nothing ever gets better or easier

>not politicized

>The DNC emails are the ones that were legitimately released as a result of phishing.
Prove it. Only Crowdstrike reviewed the servers.

You think Crowdstrike lied? Risked massive political ramifications and legal ruin to support the Democrats?

The FBI did *not* find any evidence.
The IG did.
FBI dirty.

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The FBI is just a workaround for the Anti-Pinkerton Act, the Pinkerton Agency had masonic roots and those carry over today in the FBI.

I wonder if the modern Pinkerton agency is still up to no good.

Do they really expect people to believe them at this point?

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it came out in congressional testimony that the FBI suspected it was compromised numerous times by 3 different sources that they couldn't identify.

So either someone is lying now or they were lying in their reports.

I believe they were not honest. To what degree I don't know.

>He ends up committing suicide

Ohhhhh nooooooooooooooo that suxxxxxxxxx!

This, wtf. I thought it was basically common knowledge at this point. Who is the FBI trying to fool with this latest claim?

Based FBI.

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stop ur everywhere

Frenly reminder that Wikileaks showed in one of the Vaults released, that the alphabet agencies have had access to a technology that allows them to leave "electronic fingerprints" that would indicate through evidence that it was someone else instead, when hacking or otherwise accessing files. This is probably why FBI says they can't find any evidence. Evidence was purposely manipulated.

It’s true. She wasn’t hacked. The bitch granted them access.

FBI takes a day to look into it.
>Nope nothing to see here, move along.
FBI looking into "Russian collusion" for almost two years.
>It's got to be here, keep looking even though we haven't found anything yet.

Wonder if it was through Diane Feinstein's Chinese spy limo driver.

Seth leaked DNC emails
here we're talking about hillary own email server

Just to clear up something for me, Seth Rich/Wikileaks was John Podesta's email "hack" wasn't it?

You'll get yours, bootlicker.

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What if I told you she had more than one server? She turned a bathroom into a server rack, with multiple units on more than one network. She was running the 7th Floor Group, the shadow state department she created, and all that data was flowing to a closet in her house over thousands of miles of unsecured copper slicks that anyone can tap into whenever they want.

If the servers weren't compromised, and the emails are in china, then that means...

Oh boy.


Yeah. The whole Russian hacking shit obfuscated 3 separate events.
>dnc leak
>podesta leak
>hillary leak

I for one have the utmost trust in the FBI and other agencies

It sounded made up for sure.

>le china conspiracy not le russian conspiracy

So basically what they're saying is that the emails were sent willfully, not hacked unbeknownst to an innocent private email server owner.

No, they're doing the spongebob shuffle

Maybe because it isn’t and the only reason you are frustrated at the FBI is because they are against daddy trump

Go to bed Hillary.

terrifying and liberating at the same time

Russia did try to influence our election just China, Mexico, and Israel have been doing got decades.
Russian collusion has never been proven to have been real, it's all speculation without evidence.

You're equating the two as the same thing, which is false and shows the level of understanding that your average NeverTrumper has over these situations.

>have a basket of facts
>only use some to support your narrative
>make fun of any one who uses the alternative facts
>brainlet leftists buy it

>the FBI says
literally who fucking cares?
they need to all be fired



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Guys remember, our intelligence agencies are our overlords. NEVER question our intelligence agencies.

Lets all take a moment to thank our CIA and FBI bros for keeping us safe and having our best interests at heart.

Thank you almighty intelligence overlords!!!

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Obama's entire Presidency was a felony. Running guns to mexico, manpads to Syria, muslim brotherhood infiltration of our government and CIA, assaulting US citizens with the IRS, and on and on and on

Muh Rank & File!!!
t. Sean Hannity

They’re playing games with words. It was the IG that found the hack, not the fbi. The fbi (Strzok) did nothing though they were informed by the IG.

Sean Hannity has been calling out the FBI and CIA for the last year and a half you dipshit

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It’s who’s at the helm. They’ve gone rogue.



The same FBI that denied spying on Trump.

The FBI has NEVER served the american people.


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>they've gone rogue
>they're continuing to protect the uni-party that still holds a great deal of power

>there’s no proof China hacked the server
>the FBI didn’t even damn look at the thing

You can’t prove China DIDN’T hack the server

umm sweaty, perkins coie told them through crowdstrike that they didn't.

Always ending by sucking the dick of muh rank and file. Always insuring that he makes the point that only a couple people are garbage, three at most. You dip shit.

Niggas..it was the Chinese. Bill Clinton's admin was caught but never charged of selling China intel for campaign donations. Hillary did the same while heading the state department. This is some US Marshall shit...the wesley snipes movie.

no those are different occurrences.

It only gets worse from here, the only thing that can save america is a racially united country against a domestic enemy. A nice purge, soviet style, and these issues can be solved.

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