This is Jean-Francois Gariépy girlfriend


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Other urls found in this thread:

the nose has been exposed,

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looks like a 20 year old debbie wasserman shultz

Crooked eyes, hooked nose, curly hair, that has to be a kike.

who, and why should i care?
actually, nevermind. i won't care even if you explain.

Well, JF can stop bragging about how he pulls in top tail. I'm not gonna bash another man's woman, but if you brag about being a chad you better be able to show it.

>weak chin
>curly hair
>big Jew nose
>narrow Jew teeth

Jewiest Jew I've ever seen

I mean if she's not Jewish she's Med. What Meds look like this? Italians?

kek, he not only bragged about fucking many girls he also said to keep doing it. I want to see her response.



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She looks like your average Montrealer.

For some reason all quebec nationalists end up with non quebecer women.

No, she fucking doesn't. Have you even been to Montreal? She does look like half the Jew girls from Toronto.

Obviously not Jewish.

she’s a med meds look kind of jewey

Just imagine how hard JF is beating her right now. The look on his face was akin to when he broke up with Warski.

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ahh the old medd excuse. im medd and don't look jewish at all

pretty cute desu

jewish ones

She looks extremely Jewish. Is this the autistic one he got into that controversy over? There was a question of whether or not she was too retarded to be able to consent if I recall correctly.

she looks like the lad in this pic

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No. The autistic one was actually a Mexican girl who he was using to obtain American citizenship.

She looks just like the Mona Lisa girl in the painting

show me one attractive canadian that isn't famous. they don't exist

That was my thought as well but then I'm surprised he wouldn't be more careful.
She set off my Jewdar higher than anyone I've ever seen, she's like a caricature of one.

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Jf is a Chad

god damn skinwalkers

yeah why the fuck would she do that?

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>yfw Mona Lisa was a jew all along
Also realtalk I'd slam that jewess poonani

You guys are so fucking retarded it hurts. That picture really fits you user. Why do you think the CIA porn kikes send a local girl into her town instead of showing up themselves to recruit European flesh peddling, keep in mind that the kikes always take the first cut and when they are done they pass these girls off to subhumans and faggot porn so that they will become POZZED? My god you people are so fucking dumb it is literally painful. Not only that but you are race traitors. All of you deserve the same bullet treatment as you CIANigger whore. Don't want to be POZZED, then they murder you just like they did to that Ames slut who didn't want to be POZZED up by faggots…so they hung her. You think you are doing something good but you are as evil as it gets for permitting and condoning this behavior in European society. Again, you are all OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. You are accessory to entraping our children using this coalburning whore as bait for the kike CIA agenda.


JF might be the kind of guy to get off on fucking a Jew whilst being a right wing figure. It wouldn't suprise me.

To be fair she could be just a french woman.

Attached: french_collaborator.jpg (1024x781, 123K)

Perhaps her entire relationship with him was for this moment. To sink his channel when a high profile guest like Spencer is on.
I hope someone recorded the video because he will no doubt edit the relevant parts out.
I wanna rewatch it to see Spencer's reaction which I didn't pay attention to the first time out of pure shock at seeing the merchant.
I don't believe for a second that he didn't see her as he claimed, but I don't blame him for saying that in the heat of the moment.

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I live in Montreal. Many québécois originate from SOUTHERN France (Poitou-Charente, Dordogne, Limousin, Gascony). Have you seen a southern French? They literally look like Spaniards or Arabs and many of them have huge noses and dark hair.


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Why do French people look so much like kikes?

Attached: french_collaborator2.jpg (630x501, 52K)

He only recently broke up with the last gf. Is it possible she isn't aware of what he does? She also seemed like maybe she was drunk I dunno.

She doesn't look like a kike to me.
Yes she have curly hair and a nose, but doesn't necesarilly make a "jewish look".

German dinarics have those characteristics but if you look a dinaric and a jew you would be able to catch the differences.

She lack the "reptilian crazy eyes".

That's not that Jewish looking though. Just the nose and the hair but there's a European look to that one.

She must have one helluva personality and be great in bed because she sure ain't got it in the looks department. What a yenta. Yech.

That is one swarthy she-kike

is this a jew or a gypsy?

I don't have enough parentheses to fit that jewnose.

How did they get the Jew to pose for this photo?

She's clearly Australian

It's the eyes that get me. A lot of europeans have that nose and even curly hair but she has the exact same eye type as this boy

All jewess are built for bleaching.

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The nose says, "Jew."


>JF just censored several top rated comments
Jean-Francois has thin skin and deletes and bans people constantly.

>hey kid, wanna become a moviestar?

Do I have white eyes?

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Les québécoises sont occitanes.

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You look like David Shitrat.


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JuiF Gariepy

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Who is David Shitrat?

some far left queer who manage to look like a woman without the use of hrt

nobody cares

JFG confirmed controlled opposition, jewish spouse confirmed

He's talking about David Sherrat

Fuck you /pol.

You exposed and ruined probably every single e-celeb I delved into. Every single one of them. Even though I would get SICK of their repetitiveness, learned their flaws and shit I would still be on board, simply because of laziness and because of thinking "well it's the best there is"...

And then you deliver the dagger. This faggot JF cuck not only is a "friend" with Faggot Spencer, he bangs a fucking KIKE.

Where was this shown? I missed it. Why is she exposed herself on JewTube anyway, or should I say on Ze Pooblic Spays?

Those that look like Jews are of the Southern types, close to the Spaniards and to the Italians. They'll probably never look as jewish as the average Argentinian though.

At least we know what the initials JF stand for.

Umm... i don't know if any drawfags have made more of this...but have some dirty anne franks.

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Jew Fucker Gariepy

We didn't even do any exposing though. He went to answer the door during the livestream. Suddenly she sat down at the chair smiled and lifted her arms as if it was a normal livestream. When he came back and read the chat he was noticeably worried and nervously laughed while saying, "she is not jewish but broke her nose"

>I hope someone recorded the video

That'll teach him to never trust a woman with his source of income.

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Yeah it was really dumb. He shouldn't even open the door during livestreams wtf. Poor planning.
Also I'm wondering if maybe she is a new gf and has no idea about the type of streams he does.

it doesn't matter, anyone who regularly watches him still is a blind fan, jf went full kike a long time ago

With a nose like that, just imagine her hose.

why didn't you upload it with audio?

>I hope someone recorded the video because he will no doubt edit the relevant parts out.
I can't find the video, anyone got a link? I want to save it.

>He only recently broke up with the last gf. Is it possible she isn't aware of what he does?
He's a degenerate moron. In the stream tonight he said that "all women will end up leaving you the moment they give birth to your first child, right from the hospital" and told his audience to just sleep with as many random women as possible and forget about a healthy relationship. His ex literally just left him a few weeks ago the moment she gave birth to their first born, she doesn't want him anywhere near the child.

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Looks just like him lmao

does she have mild downs or something?

also looks like JF's relative

Fucking amazing.I bet she's 100% retarded. She's tried to jump on the stream before and Jew fucker had to swat her away.

Fuck I missed it. I couldn't be bothered watching that YMCA moustache CIA trust fund degen talking his absolutely demented Essential Huwyte Imperium shit, so I tuned into THE KNIFE.

Maybe this is just a crafty publicity stunt on ZE POOBLIC SPAYS.

She looks Jewish. That's what it's come to. If a person looks Jewish, even if they aren't, too bad, tough luck, you're out.


>His ex literally just left him a few weeks ago the moment she gave birth to their first born, she doesn't want him anywhere near the child.

Is this true? HOLY SHIT.

>I can't find the video, anyone got a link? I want to save it.

Cmon goy open your eyes

Which is worse, WMAF or WMJewF

And those girls don't look like Jews. They look FRENCH.

>I can't find the video, anyone got a link?

>ex left him a few weeks ago after giving birth to their child
>today have kike in house, accidentally the stream
Makes one wonder how long he and the jewess have been "doing business".

>Is this true? HOLY SHIT.
It's 100% true. The very same day she left him he was on a stream talking about how terrible women and and how he is now looking for a new girlfriend. The next day he did a stream where he was actively asking women to call in to the show because he needed a new girlfriend. He's a complete vagina slave, and what kind of a man starts dating the day after his woman leaves and takes their first born child with them?

The guy is seriously dysfunctional. The fact he's slumming it with a kikess whore a few weeks later and so cucked by her that he allows he to interrupt his live streams and disrespectfully show her Khazarian visage on camera just shows how much of a cuck he is to any vagene that gives him the time of day.

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I've been to Dordogne. They all look like inspector Clouseau after a quick spray tan.

Thanks user.

>have some dirty anne franks.
Apparently so does Jf.

I wonder how long He'll be trying to laugh THAT one off?

this the retarded one?