::psst:: Hey! All you "#RedPilled" people…

::psst:: Hey! All you "#RedPilled" people…

You stole that expression from 'The Matrix', right?

That film was written by two closeted #trans women and it's a metaphor for gender transition.

Thought you'd like to know.

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We don't care.

i have been trying to spread this info for months. Jow Forums doesn't care. they like degenerate minds and what degenerate minds create.

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You guys are so fucking retarded it hurts. That picture really fits you user. Why do you think the CIA porn kikes send a local girl into her town instead of showing up themselves to recruit European flesh peddling, keep in mind that the kikes always take the first cut and when they are done they pass these girls off to subhumans and faggot porn so that they will become POZZED? My god you people are so fucking dumb it is literally painful. Not only that but you are race traitors. All of you deserve the same bullet treatment as you CIANigger whore. Don't want to be POZZED, then they murder you just like they did to that Ames slut who didn't want to be POZZED up by faggots…so they hung her. You think you are doing something good but you are as evil as it gets for permitting and condoning this behavior in European society. Again, you are all OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. You are accessory to entraping our children using this coalburning whore as bait for the kike CIA agenda.

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OK then. We're stealing it. Fuck them.

oh ok

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yeah keyword they were in the closet where fags belonged when they wrote that movie lol thats the point idiots