Somehow I stumbled upon this manic lefty article (see below). It made me smile. I'm glad I found Jow Forums. I hate you all, I really do. But I don't know any of you because we're all anonymous, so the hate then gets directed towards the lunatics called liberals.
Tonight on Tucker Carlson (don't ask me why I was listen to that shit) he had an antifa guy on talking about how CNN said recently that, and I quote, "it is racist to criticize antifa because it is a black civil right groups." Wow. Shouldn't have said that. Now I'm even more anti-antifa than I was before.
So what's the point of this thread? You'll see in the next post....
We need to launch a second meme war. It is about damn time that we rid America of the corruption. Boomers, Democrats, Liberals, Feminists, Trans things, Muslims, Jews, etc. We need to launch a full on, all out meme war on these people and bring their house of cards down.
So get your brainlet thinking hats on and let's turn the Jow Forums meme machine on!
The Meme War is eternal and structural to any free discussion space. The potency of the memes comes from their ability to accurately reflect and critique reality; "it's funny because it's true". It will be taken care of.
we need the spark that will ignite it beyond the meme war. actually, forget the spark. We need to just go full frontal. Hit the enemy while they're on their knees trying to recover. They've only doubled down on their efforts while we have become complacent. no mercy.
Isaac Hughes
>They've only doubled down on their efforts while we have become complacent.
The left is going super hard these days. Starting to get nervous about that blue wave thing they keep autisically screeching. We were on fire because we had controlled opposition like Richard Spencer giving us the gateway to reach the masses. Now he's off in Israel enjoying the shekels he got from all the alt-right fags. You are right that we've become complacent. We'd better snap out of it before the November mid-term elections otherwise we'll be in commie hell this time next year.
They’ve got us distracted fighting stupid shills all day, we need to overcome the urge to respond to shills, we need to cement a common focus point in our collective conciousness and don’t lose sight of the goal
Get creative. Anons are here for free laughs. Give them what they want but get crafty with the subtle propaganda techniques that will get them spreading the memes, messages and ideas to reddit and twitter. Only boomers use facebook now so that shouldn't even be thought of. Reddit and twitter are the prime targets. We need to flash flood those site with anti-blue wave memes and pro-republican message. It has to be a nonstop attack from now until the November mid-term elections.
They were afraid of us for awhile. They really were. Around the time that bitch died in Charlottesville is when they stopped taking us serious. It was then that we began our decent into the complacent abyss. We have to snap out of it anons. The blue wave in November may not be a joke. If we laugh then we may just end up compromising everything we've worked so hard for.
Grayson Flores
This. It seems like Donald trump might be putting the right into a complacent sleep?
James Wood
Remember election night. Remember the good ole' days.
Remember that at 2:30AM mods stickied this video to the top of the boards:
Holy shit is this true? Or does it depend on the state
Owen Reyes
I hope you guys know - the left is having factional wars right now
Up and coming progressives are clashing with the party leadership. They're not stepping into this election with a unified message.
Benjamin Hernandez
What are you asking more specifically?
Tyler Hernandez
Agreed. And that is the danger as I see it. If we are complacent and think that no one will vote for any democrats, and they do, then we will have very radical leftist in our government. You live out in Australia where everything kills you. But don't think you aren't part of our elections. You are! Sure you can't vote, but we need your meme war fighting skills soldier. We must ensure that absolutely no democrats win the mid-term elections.
Can I really run people down if they are blocking the road? That shit happened at my Uni a while back because we got alot of nogs and it really backed shit up
William Clark
Sure, you can do whatever you want. But if you do drive people over then you will go to jail. Our White Racial society does demand law and order.
Jack Garcia
It's on, lets not get burned out though. Be patient. British Brexit Artillery Division, signing back up.
We just stopped having fun for a bit, don't worry, it will get fun again. This time, we need to counter r@id reddit desu. Drown out the shills and kikes here. Open up two fronts.
Dylan Bell
I just got a call from the top boss. He told me to tell you all to get to work.
The Meme Wars are over. Jow Forums and other chans were the powerhouses of the meme wars and just look at the absolute state of Jow Forums, so fucking depressing. I just refresh over and over looking for any good thread amidst the clusterfuck of MAGApedes, boomers. slide threads, and just overall off topic bullshit. In just a few months this board has been compromised.
My only hope is that the oldfags have left Jow Forums to take up the sword IRL. That's what I've been doing at least, but every time I decide to hop on, it's just a fucking disaster. So depressing.
Don't disturb the enemy as it makes a mistake user.
Liam Hall
It's depressing because you, our generals, you left us to wander the battle fields by ourselves. We need you oldfags back. We need you. Please come back and save Jow Forums.
Ethan Gutierrez
People got bored and found other things to do
Jow Forums will be back, only when the time is right
Owen Green
True. But we can exploit their mistakes. Magnify it for all the normies to see. Spam the reddit and twitter with our Jow Forums glory. Am I the only user who still has faith in our greatness?
John Hernandez
Wait until 2020...
Ryder Garcia
>taking the blackpill was a mistake
Sebastian Torres
Literally taking my fight to the front lines. And literally made my sword. We get ready to throw the pen away. Fuck pens. My sword will cut a pen hand off. No more words, only steel.
John Wright
Great article OP. I think I'm gonna watch some meltdown vids.
Not at all, just don't give the game away before we start. You know we will win again. . Fuck mid-terms, eyes on the prize. Last time we won with humour, this time we will win with hate. Pure, undiluted hate.
Jordan Roberts
I feel like memes are dying as a whole. It's all so stale and cold now. I don't feel it anymore. What's next?
Is that dumb bitch immune to using screenshots with more than 12 pixels in them?
Nathaniel Morris
Memes have always been here, we just didn't know how to activate their true power. We literally have a God of Chaos on our side. As long as we remain the internet hate machine, Kek will be fed. Lulz will be had.
It's not time yet, the seeds of accelerationism are still growing, progressives are about to prolapse, at that point is when all hands will be on deck.
Start demanding reparations for the Moor occupation of Europe
Justin Diaz
Create the memes and get them flowing into the social media machine. You serve up the memes and we'll knock them out of the park. Grand slam home runs will be our every move.
Michael Thomas
nice blackpill, "friend"
Lots of oldfags never left.
Camden Sanchez
Soon, I hear ya. Our time is coming soon. Consider this thread a pre-game of things to come.
fug moving to o spain rereeeeconquista blue battalion when
Sebastian James
Our beautiful white ethnostates, Brexit is on March 29th. That will provide a FUCK TON of awesome weaponry. It will also give the mid US a vibe to vote. And all to an 80s synth soundtrack, we actually start the chambers up. We can call it an experiment, and see how long they admit to it being a lie. Why the fuck would you gas them, when you can burn them alive?? Waste of gas.
Damn, didn't expect that considering your enthusiasm. Don't member correctly but I first went on /b/ around 08 or 09. What a time. For me it's getting kinda repetetive, always the same just packeged differently.
We need less threads about "redpills" and "its the joos" and more threads about strategy. How can we leave Jow Forums and attack the social media successfully. New ideas. New memes. New talking points. Jow Forums is our battle station headquarters, it's about time we start using it efficiently.
Cameron Rodriguez
Gas is for downies and tards. Flame for the echo.
Joshua Gray
I just clicked /b/ and nothing but interracial sex threads. Absolutely disgusting.
Jordan Young
It's a shame, really what happened to that board. I do remember tranny spam back in the day tho, a lot of it.
Henry Cruz
Digits. I have a Plan B I think you will all like. This may interest you too, as you would have been there for it. Remember Chanology got user put into some SJW pussy category? I have recently been wondering, whom does Scientology affect the most in the world? Those that run Hollywood. I think we were psyopp'd. I believe Operation Reeee Org could be on the table. Let's become PRO scientology. That will also open the gates to access to their propaganda. A complete flip of the rules.
Now is the time to start making sleeper accounts that semi come across as moderate. Make many. We activate when the time comes.
Henry Watson
They look tasty af.
Mason Walker
two years ago was the time to do that. Most non-obvious places require a phone number. I recently found out that there is a limit to the number of times you can use the same number when creating a new account certain places.
Ryder Robinson
It's a meatgrinder for the weak.
James Scott
I've seen all of their pictures and webms already though. Not much content.
Landon Rogers
potatoes are nice roasty women are used up spinsters though
Jaxson Jones
Time to stack up on SIM's. Just have 3 cheap old phones ready.
Cooper Hall
This is a good idea. I like it.
Adam White
I hadn't thought about that. I've been using those free sms sites.
I use random apps that do wifi calling for phone numbers. Works for twitter.
Owen Evans
just want to add I did not click on this thread to see what OP's point was
John Young
We already knew that, we don't need an internet tabloid to tell us that memes are warping the World's mindset, dumbfuck. Is what you goddamn cucked "journalists" are going to do now? Male masturbatory Jow Forums articles so anons give you clicks? Fucking lmao.
Jonathan Johnson
Get a fuck load of sims in. Keep a book with your accounts with each number. We can each become the voice of 300 different people, including the normie sites.
Jack Russell
> How can we leave Jow Forums and attack the social media successfully?
Wave 1: Obvious trolling Wave 2: Impersonation accounts to confuse targets and provoke mistrust/paranoia Wave 3: Concern Trolling Wave 4: Tailored disinfo campaign about our strategies (follow the dye) Wave 5: The reveal (compilations)
Prepare 5-10 sock accounts between now the end of October.
Alexander Green
But you are still here and that's what is important.