David Cole is the fucking man

This dude uses his Jewish craftiness to blow the whole lid off the holocaust hoax. Yeah he's a Jew, but he's a fucking renegade. He completely obliterates every retarded kike argument. The kikes even tried to kill him. so he had to change his name. That's how dangerous he was to them.


Attached: David cole.jpg (306x165, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Haha, he is a scrawny little manlet betraying his own people.
Glad he got beat to a pulp.

Why do you think he changed his name and identity and went into hiding in the late 90's?

Yes he was threatening your shekels and the shame you have cast over the German people. You are truly evil and sick.

You know he acknowledges the Holocaust happened now?
And that he regrets and admit that his past as a Holocaust denial was wrong and false.
He's not even really involved in politics or history anymore.
But yes, as the other user wrote, he is a big coward and tried to hide from his past but still got outed by his ex-girlfriend.

No such thing as the holocaust, you lying hook nose kike.

So he was wrong for being a coward or he was wrong about the Holocaust being a hoax?

How did he betray his own people? By exposing their exaggerations regarding the Holocaust?

Lmao OP, you've triggered the kikes.

He had a silly podcast show on YouTube now that he was outed. It is pretty homo erotic. Did his stick to his recantation to irv?

>the goyim know! Shut him down!

Do you have proof he said that? You guys aren't exactly known for your honesty

So many kikes in the US

Even if he did, it's obvious he was bullied into doing it.

yeah because mossad and other jewish mobs were beating him up and threatening him.
you wont be so smug when your shithole collapses in the next few decades and its your family and friends getting raped and killed. how does it feel knowing the entire world hates you and will be looking forward to the day you are squashed for good?

He's still a revisionist.

Yeah of course, I am just curious, because I have never seen him retract his claims. They literally tried to kill him so I wouldn't blame him if he did.

His autobiography was great, funny how he mange to infiltrate GOP in California AFTER he was on tv several times about the holocaust.

He talks alot of his fetish for red headed shiksas.

He is kind of a nihilistic opportunist, much of humor in the book is the same as in Seinfeld.

Much recommended

He did only so the JDF would rescind their bounty on him.

Imagine being such a racist faggot that you will protect bad eggs and defend their bad behavior just because they are "of the tribe". Your true nature is what betrays you. The mass organism will always reach the same logical conclusion because of your tribal nepotism. Guilt by association. Thus history repeats itself. I cannot wait for the next shoah.


This is exactly how you Jewish militants acted against David Cole.
No wonder people hate you.

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wrong, he acknowledges that it happened in Treblinka and other places

jesus. he doesn't even chew and just swallows his food like a snake

jews truly are shapeshifting reptilians

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>when telling the truth about a group lie is betrayal
oh dear Khazar, are you hungry for some Christian child's blood?
Since I'm not part of the group here's the truth from the SS death certificate log book as published by The New York Times on March 3rd:
403,713 people died in the labor camps
73,137 died at Auschwitz
38,031 were jews
0 were burned or gassed to death

Would you substantiate your claims, kike?

>Glad he got beaten to a pulp

Deep down, the majority of jews are pretty horrible people. It's no wonder that the entire world hates you

I saw that shit a while back.

Love the soap lady....

Even the Universities say it was a hoax



I just watched the whole video.

This is non-sense. The holocaust was totally a real thing and man millions of Jews died.

I thought the Black dude in overalls and the guy from Ukraine had some legitament points to make...

The problem here is the site has a bunch of fucking idiots. Let me explain...

Jews have been central in many nations and cultures being unraveled...

They have been persecuted repeated by entire nations, ethnicity, religions etc etc... Its safe to say that if a Woman has been divorced 4 times then there might be something going on there...

We have many ways to approach and make an argument that Jews are currently influencing our country to a point that they basically in the drivers seat of this sinking ship...

But people... for fucks sake... The holocaust happened... Sure maybe people have used the holocaust for political purposes to hide the evils on communism... Which was created by many Jewish people... Sure sure...

But to suggest that the holocaust just didn't happen is just silly... Down right silly...

I think you need to ask yourself if you are being played like a fiddle...

>meme flag

Second, also denial of it destroys any credibility you have with normies about the JQ

Try harder, kike.

How about make an argument.



Because the Holohoax is a lie.

you just gonna call me a kike again?

>the holocaust happened
Proofs? Other than many died from typhus and famine after the war destroyed Germany's logistical capabilities? jews were a fifth column and threat to Germany's security which is why they were put in camps. Similar to why the US was suspicious of Japanese and had them put in internment camps during the war. The difference being Germany was destroyed and couldn't support these camps anymore, resulting in deaths. But that's just war, not a methodical act of extermination, as many other civilians died because of the chaos created.

>forced work camps that turned into typhus camps after allied bombings.

corpses don't become emaciated from gasing

Lol I remember seeing this first time aired! Even back then I was on my way to the light

Your a dumb person




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Did 6 million jews die in gas chambers?

What a bunch of projecting ass hats.

Omg I'm fucking CRACKING UP.


Galations 4:16, juden.

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.02 deposited

Oy vey, not just gas chambers, user, but masturbation machines and electric floors! Let's not forget the monstrosity that was the holocoaster, either.

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couldn't tell you... i doubt it.... I imagine the numbers about much of this are exaggerated for political purposes...

But No one is saying that 6 millions Jews were gased... They are saying thats how many lost there lives during a SYSTEMATIC genocide...

But the burned them so there is no evidence and all the eyeglasses and shoes and shit that were pilled up...

The canisters of gas...

The many people who have tattoos and stories that all line up together...

Our own men who fought and the war and saw and documented the camps first hand...



I dont have a fucking time machine so i guess you will never have to admit defeat..

I swear to god you people who are "redpilled" talking this trash don't realize that you are the stupid majority of the human race... Just as dumb as the liberals... I mean WTF...

Fresh outta reddit

I think the atrocities happened.
I also can near guarantee they atrocities were blown out of proportion.

Ie... 6 million? Not a fucking chance

Funny how everyone who was at Auschwitz claimed to have met Dr. Mengele. Didn't the head doctor have anything better to do than greet every single person who arrived?

Never been on reddit

And there is this group think arrogance on this site where people believe that everyone here is just smarter than everyone else on the internet...

Do you fucking idiots not realize that there are a bunch of people coming in here and fucking with you?

Why do you all use the words like "cuck" "nigger" "kike" etc etc...

You come into a place and like STUPID FUCKING BRAINDEAD CATTLE you just start repeated what you see...

"UHUH UHUH HUH"... "I wanna be cool too"...

Bunch of fucking idiots...

>But the burned them so there is no evidence and all the eyeglasses and shoes and shit that were pilled up
Shoes and eyeglasses are proof of nothing, also no evidence of ashes and the amount claimed to have been cremated in the time frame is preposterous.
>The canisters of gas
Zyklon B, a delousing agent. Typhus of course is spread by lice.
>Our own men who fought and the war and saw and documented the camps first hand
The alleged death camps were liberated by soviets. Deaths at camps liberated by US and UK were blamed on typhus and starvation.

Legitimate statement

Thank you for having a brain and saying something worthwhile on this thread of half wit fucktards...

no sarcasm...

Have you ever been to Auschwitz?

What is proof then...

You fucking retard...

What would proof of a historic event happening be then?

Did WWII even happen??? Prove it! They just staged the video and made all the bunkers to pretend it happened. All so they could make a grand holocaust conspiracy...

You fucking stupid fucking people

That Phil Donahue video actually sucked. This video where David actually goes to Auschwitz and documents all the discrepancies in the holocaust stories, and actually taking a sample of the wall that was supposed to be a "gas chamber" and sending it to a lab to see if it had traces of Xyclon B, like the delousing shacks (it didn't) is the real video to watch.

David Cole faked his death because the JIDF actually put a bounty out to anyone that would kill him. The only people that do shit like that have something to hide.

Also Zyklon B was also used by the German in WWI as a chemical weapon... but your right... it does nothing to humans... It only kills lice...

Go huff a can of RAID you fucking idiot

More jewish disinfo. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyklon_B

Was invented 10 years after WW1 dumbass.

What about not giving a fuck whether it happened or not and dealing with the Zionist scourge? The enemy is the same. Globalism for the goyim and an ethnostate for the Jews.

Well that is proof... That guy using chemistry to come to such a conclusion...


Who would deny this? I think we all agree Jews were indeed targeted and killed.
The ovens definitely couldn't burn 6 million tho.
Asked a mortician buddy of mine. Said NOPE.
that leads me to think the number is wayyyyyy exaggerated.
We should get the number right.

Thank you for adding something intelligent. I dont see why we all can't discuss the actual problems with the concertrated powers that the Jewish people have no and have had throughout history...


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He looks like a Ferengi from Star Trek.

So is Bobby Fischer
amazing chess player, fucking hates the kikes
even though he's a descendent of the tribe himself

>Who would deny this? I think we all agree Jews were indeed targeted and killed.

Well buddy i think me and you can... but apparently this forum cant agree on that.

But thank you for continuing to say something intelligent.

typical anger caused by cognitive dissonance, it is you that "wants to believe" ...
read some revisionist books and you will see that
- there was no extermination program
- there was no mass gassing
- much less than 6 million jews died


Attached: Holocaust_Handbooks.jpg (4224x2112, 3.4M)

lol he is jewish do you expect me to believe now hes said it happened to agree with him?

Nice evidence...

For anyone interested in actual facts and the truth...

>4 hour documentary debunking the Holocaust using documents from Nuremberg trials

>Holocaust Deprogramming Course

>Debunking the use of gas chambers by the Germans

Attached: NewLogo3.jpg (1193x681, 268K)

And if you idiots are gonna try to perpetuate such a garbage conspiracy and least put all the peices together that add your arguments...


I mean this is holocaust denial 101...

You create a conspiracy about how Germany is being unfairly persecuted and then make a historical that has been PROVEN!

You people are fucking AMATEURS!!!!

"Prove it!"..."Prove it!"..."Prove it!"..."Prove it!"..."Prove it!"..."Prove it!"..."Prove it!"..."Prove it!"...

Like a broken fucking record, but im the one who has been tricked and isn't actually thinking...

I have had enough for tonight

I read his book. He acknowledges the holocaust "happened," but he disputes the way he did. The death count was overstated, and the methods used were exaggerated. The biggest lie is that the whole thing was planned, when actually the Nazis didn't care that much about what happened to the Jews and made the holocaust up as they went along.

Thanks for admitting you're Zionist filth

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That sounds completely reasonable

I'm logging off of this garbage website on that positive end to this stupid fucking thread...

the other holocaust revisionist guy Eric Hunt was basically threatened by people, probably the ADL or wiesenthal centre to publicly reverse his position and renounce all his former beliefs, it's absolutely creepy as fuck when you see them circle this guy and prey on him and then seize control of him and get him to say what they want, it's super fucked up. when you look too deeply you realise the people on the other end of this narrative don't actually make arguments, they literally just kill you or try and ruin your life until you submit, it's very red pilling

>gets proven wrong
G-g-gotta leave guys!!

>The biggest lie is that the whole thing was planned
What is the final solution?

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Is he the guy who went to Auschwitz, grabbed a chunk of rock out of the wall, then sent it to a scientist for it to be analysed? (without telling him specifically what to test for)

Triggered kike, I didn’t even read your ramblings. Save them for reddit

"The final solution," according to David Cole, was something they spoke of in a future tense. They were constantly floating trial balloons to figure out what the final solution should be, but never settled on anything.

yeah, tell that to half of Germany's population

This video is woke it’s just Jews getting BTFO

Was icke right?

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>but never settled on anything.
Gassing kikes, and they did settle on an answer.

You all seem to be in denial of this.

for the story of Eric Hunt, see

"Eric Hunt rolls over"

no clear reason for "recantation" is evident, his own work still refutes his new "position"

>He is a scrawny little manlet

You just described your entire race in a nutshell including the woman.

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Funny thing is part of it was potentially the creation of israel. Hitler was in a vague way a zionist.

So you admit you kikes are perpetuating a lie

No, Hitler was opposed to the Haavara Agreement., but yes indirectly Hitler was a literal godsend to Zionists because "muh 6 gorillion".

The lie that Hitler was a Zionist originates with Lenny Brenner, a Marxist Jew who in 1983 first made the claim in his book "Zionism in (the Age of Dictators." The claim is being echoed by another Marxist named Ken Livingstone (Mayor of London 2004-2008), and parroted by (((TRS))) in an attempt to turn the People into Zionists.
Hitler was not a Zionist.

Origin of Claim: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenni_Brenner en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Livingstone

They didn't have the means or put in the effort to gas absolutely all of the kikes.

This post is by a Jewish person.

I loved his music:


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they got him, it's as clear as day

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>one of if not the greatest chess player in American history
>master strategist
>"Hey, you guys realize that the Jews are behind all this, right?"
Bobby Fischer always was and will forever be /ourkike/

Attached: 14-yo-fischer.jpg (720x480, 71K)

Oh my, and you think Cain didn't felt he was in the right as he murdered Abel?

And can you tell me what God made of it, you scrawny little mutt?

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>They didn't have the means or put in the effort to gas absolutely all of the kikes.
t. Jow Forumstard who thinks hes a master German historian.

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You can't trust a Jew. Even If a Jew turns on his own people then it's only a matter of time til he turns on the goy

David Cole is one who will be accepted on the DoTR for his tireless work to expose the kike menace. He's one of the few good ones out there.

wait in line you faggot

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I wish it was really 6 million. if that was the case you probably wouldn't be here, cuckenstein

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