How many of you faggots were bullied in school?

I only assume the majority of Jow Forums did not stand up for themselves, which is why you are the way you are now.

well, Jow Forums? What was school like for you?

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You guys are so fucking retarded it hurts. That picture really fits you user. Why do you think the CIA porn kikes send a local girl into her town instead of showing up themselves to recruit European flesh peddling, keep in mind that the kikes always take the first cut and when they are done they pass these girls off to subhumans and faggot porn so that they will become POZZED? My god you people are so fucking dumb it is literally painful. Not only that but you are race traitors. All of you deserve the same bullet treatment as you CIANigger whore. Don't want to be POZZED, then they murder you just like they did to that Ames slut who didn't want to be POZZED up by faggots…so they hung her. You think you are doing something good but you are as evil as it gets for permitting and condoning this behavior in European society. Again, you are all OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. You are accessory to entraping our children using this coalburning whore as bait for the kike CIA agenda.

Absolutely seething

most people were at one time or another. i was a little. fought back. then it stopped. thats what a dad is for. teach his sons to fight back. life is tough. if you are a mega pussy you are in for a long, unpleasant ride.

My dad fucked me

I WAS the bully

>obviously bullied user goes into rant about cia

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You'd be wrong, OP. I was suspended more times than I can count for fighting in school. Hanging around gay kids make you a target no matter how big you are.

how many of those gay kids did you fuck?

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were you only acting our because your dad fucked you like my dad did?

I wasnt bullied but my younger brother was, I only found out years after he finished high school. He had a really serious accident when he was a kid -he almost died- and he was left with a face paralysis. He told me some older teens teased him every day. I wish he had told me sooner, it really makes me feel bad to think that maybe I could have done something about it. I probably would have gotten my ass kicked but still, the fact that I did nothing to protect him haunts me to this day.

>be me
>get bullied in highschool
>start getting pissed off because of bullying
>insult the bully in front of teacher
>both the bully and me are sent to the principal
>bully starts crying
>tells the principal that I have a "gang" in our classroom and that this "gang" (which I lead appearently) bullies him
>"You cheeky bastard, I can't fucking believe it"
>Principal calms me down
>I tell the story to my classroom (I wasn't very popular and nobody expected me to go to the principal room or to fuck up in front of the teacher), since they insisted and they knew I wouldn't lie
>Suddenly everyone starts hating the bastard
>mfw now his fictional bully "gang" actually came true
>mfw never saw that fat fuck again after that year ended

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pretty much nailed it on the head

Easy to spot the school yard bullies in adult life. They're usually the ones aggressively driving work vans and pick up trucks to their menial jobs.

Most people were not "bullies" or "bullied", but something in between.

I remember a guy that used to bully me. I just fought back once and no more problems.

I also remember I was sometimes a bully, but not violent.

In most cases, like most people, I was irrelevant.

Everyone is a bully or bullied depending on many issues. Often the so called "bullies" have huge troubles in home.

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surprisingly never bullied in my life

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0. I wasn't a very smart. Just big and strong. Wish I would've pounded a couple of them.

lol wtf does this even mean? Sound like the wimper of prey who's mum is so fat, she's got more chins than a chinese phonebook

>Ames slut
do tell

>ostracized in school
>bored out of my mind
>teachers were kinda cunts
>fuck off to private school starting 5th grade because my parents love me
>tiny classes
>everyone around as smart as I am, if not smarter
>nobody's a total cunt

I was in elementary school, and a tiny bit in middle school. Those kids weren't actually tough though, so once I started getting Jow Forums and hanging out with the rough crowd, I could embarrass all of my old bullies, but I started losing a couple of bro'ed out ego wrestling matches to guys who were more or less the toughest people in town.

So I wasn't bullied in high school, but I was insecure as fuck, stoned out of my mind, and ultimately didn't get any pussy because I was going for the Stacies and should have found some freaky wall flower girl.

>t. hates thinking about the old days because everything is shit now

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green text it

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Pure blood kids were so cruel...

i was a bully

Was it also a..
>long, unpleasant ride.

I bullied people a bit without even thinking about it. You never remember the kids who you bullied, only the ones that bullied you. I remember at one party I got up from my chair and went to the bathroom. When I got back some onions boy was sitting in my chair. He tried to act all tough by not giving me my seat back, so I looked over at the guy who's party it was

"is it cool if I take my seat back?"

"ugh... sure?"

Then I just threw the dude out of his chair like a fuckin bouncer bahaha. Absolutely Chad... even though I drove home drunk by myself. I didn't grow up in a normal town though, it was such a strange little town.

I was probably the bully, me and this other guy fucked with this faggot that looked like a bird constantly, he eventually snapped and just screamed "I AM NOT A BIRD" in the middle of class. People all looked at him, teacher gave us a mild scolding but she liked us and she was younger/cute, so she sorta let it go. It was fun and he was an annoying queer.

I had to do 80 hours of community service for putting a kid in the hospital with a sprained neck because he was talking shit. We're not the ones who are against "toxic masculinity" faggot.

I bullied kids, they're all better off for it except one who just couldn't handle it. The other ten or so stopped doing the faggot shit I'd bully them for and now they're normal adults. The one that couldn't get the hang of it is a drug addict high school drop out, fucking loser

Not an entirely wrong theory but would it make sense to grow up racist even if your bullies were white?

I suspect growing up fatherless was a bigger issue for people. I'm curious.

My parents treated me worse than other kids did.

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Well if he was talking shit, sounds like you kicked the bullies ass.

there was this big dumb indian kid who used to sit in the back of the bus and would make fun of any of the kids who ended up getting stuck in the back. I ended up growing up to be a cool kid in the in crowd, and he grew up to be a big fat autist who no one liked. I was thowing a giant party at my house, someone brought him, and I kicked him out.

It was awesome. Bullies in my experience weren't very cool. Though when you are tough enough to not get picked up by bullies, then you get picked on by Chads who are more Chad than you, which can be worse.

High school just sucks.... are there really people who enjoyed high school?

This is exactly right. Men do this to try to help normalize and socialize people properly to form a tribe that functions together.


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Mine did not. In fact, I may have been overly spoiled. I had no preparation for the real world. And the real world is Mexican and keeps trying to scam me out of money on contract work.

Most of my bullies were favela niggers, having ties to drug cartels. If I were to get into a fight with one of them, I would either get the shit kicked out of me by the favelado and his crew, or - in case of beating him in a 1x1 fight - suffer retaliation the day after, with a chance of getting shot in the process. School was hell.

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Only by some dude five years older than me when I was in grade six. Never got to me because I would just through some banter (as good as an 11yo can) back at him. Then in highschool there was some little dweeb three years older than me and about a foot shorter who kept trying to start shit. Then there was some black cunt who tried antagonising (one time threw a coke can at me from the second floor of a building) me but would always drop his nuts when I would pretend to step into him. It got to the point where he would stop what he was doing and seize up as I walked past and stared him down. Fucking nigger. I was about the size of the average 17yo when I was in grade 8 (13yo), so it was usually the older faggots that thought they were tough by starting shit with me, the kids my age wanted me on their side.

oh wait her.... shieeet

I did the bullying in school.

In a sense I wish I was, to have toughened me up & prep me for life

In grade 7 i was then i pulled a knife on them in class and got suspended. After that we became good friends.

Elementary school was my high school experience and middle school on no one bothered me because I grew taller and stronger than the rest of everyone.
I have a good dad who forced me to weight lift from age 13 on.
So 6'1 and strong made me less of a target.

I did the bullying. I put this faggot who always worse suits and hats in a trashcan and broke his wrist.

Kids didn’t fuck with me because they thought I was a serial killer. Also I’m good at fighting and enjoy it.

Everyone has been traumatized one way or another.

Never got bullied was a good hockey player so never got fucked with. However me and my buddies were kinda vigilante come high school and dealt with the niggers and pajeets that tried to bully others.

Was bullied only once.
My bro was a fighting legend in our school.

Guy comes up to me and starts pushing me, his friend warns him my brother is a maniac. Guy says: "gonna get your bro to defen..."
kicked the guy in the face.

School laughed at him.
Never was fucked with again.

I had a bunch of friends, I was semi-athletic, and all I did was play Halo after school.

no one bullied me. i never saw any bullying, maybe some light taunting but no worse than what a kid would get from his own friends anyway...

>Eae mané passa o dinheiro Lembra de min??? passa o peixe pra noz...

Lol they're a bunch of pussies just get chill or kick their asses that they'll not mess with you.

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I was for almost a year. Then I stabbed my worst bully on the playground. Finished 2 grades in 9 months of juvie, went back to school one class ahead of when I left, nobody fucks with me at all. After a year, I start to make friends.

I'm in college now, which I'm sure can't really be compared to zoomers in high school or whatever... but I get the idea that kids now wouldn't bully you, more just shun you. Everyone stares at their cellphones all the fuckin time... they probobly just won't like any of your shit on facebook, won't look at you, will make that bland angry "everything is boring" face at you for a few seconds.

I get the feeling any white kid who doesn't listen to nigger music now probobly isn't in the "in" crowd.

I wasn't ever bullied.
Laughed at behind my back, probably a lot in Middle School. Lonely sure, but mainly my own fault.

Maybe a few paper wads thrown on the bus in Frosh HS, but it was an all guys school, so nobody to impress by acting douchy, and brotherhood was important, so it was all pretty good.
Besides everybody was too tired or did not give enough of a shit to bully, and if they did, they would've swiftly kicked out by disciplinary anyways.
All in all pretty good.

yeah but i did fight back, just didn't work out well for me, one of the dudes turned out to be a life long friend so i thought it's kind of a good thing to get in there and mix it up with the lads. people just want to know what you're about, try to determine what level of respect they should have for you, I don't see it as bad, I think it's bad that they try to chain male energy to a seat all day and tell him NOT to fight, NOT to socialize in typical male ways, but I think that's obviously because they don't want you standing up to the state.

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I was in like 2nd grade and a kid in 5th grade bullied everyone at recess. One day when he was on the slide like 15ft high I pushed him off the side and he cried like a bitch. Let's just say no one ever fucked with me unless they didn't know who I was. It didn't matter how tough anyone was I'd get them. Even the black kids knew not to mess with me.

I was the bully and feel absolutely horrible for it.

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Define bullied. I wasn't particularly popular and sometimes openly despised and ridiculed by other kids, but no one ever laid a hand on me. I even managed to have a couple of good-looking girlfriends.

People have tried to bully me my whole life but I never let them. My dad always told me that if I let someone bully me he was going to beat me up even harder, he wouldn't have done it but I believed him at the time. I was more scared of a grown man than a kid my own size so I always fought back.

i was bullied, got into a few fights, but made friends with them later on. Not so bad if u just act like them lmaoooop

I'm handsome so even though I'm a loner people don't see me as a loser. Also not autistic when I do interact with people

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Words are all it takes, especially with fucking fag book. So many faggy so boys from back home have tried to ruin my reputation on fag book... and done a pretty good job of it.

If I ever went back I would just keep getting in fights until I went to jail or the hospital.... plan is to never go back. It sucks, facebook probobly ruined so many small town dynamics.

slide thread you fucking colossal fags

I have an idea:
don't get into fights

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I was too fat to bully. More teased

Was setting fires at 10yo, diagnose me

A normal healthy Australian shitposter

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So you are "Dingo" and you are the one that ate their babies

I leave shooting trolleys on the path of incoming trains

>a perfectly normal lad.
Have a pint, you are fine

Its the banter genes

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