Sup you faggot millenials. Gen Z talking here to let you know that we're not whiney little bitches like you...

sup you faggot millenials. Gen Z talking here to let you know that we're not whiney little bitches like you. We actually take criticism. And if a game sucks we just play a different game instead of complaining like a millennial bitch boy. You guys done supporting Trans rights you fucking satanists? Gen Z will be the generation to bring peace to the world and not Bitch like you millenial scum.

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Mfw actual toddlers are fighting on a Bhutanese fence mending board

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"pack my glass bro"

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Ah, back to the rave days.
Hardcore will never die!

What the fuck is with everyone posting creepy green men everywhere



Ay dios mios Gen Z is the most nonwhite, most homosexual, most pozzed generation that ever existed. Sad.

enemies behind 7 genders

forced meme, newshit. now take off that fruity name

This is a psy-op. Millenials and Gen Z were getting on too well and finally going to "gas the kikes race war now" so the sneaky jews decided to come here and roleplay as gen z hating on millennials as a means to create a generational divide.

Don't fall for it, millenials and gen z have real potential to win if we stick together. Even some gen x is on board with the plan.

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Gen Z reporting in
We bout to monkey around bitch ass nigga
Z is the shape of the Z penis
Millenials are millenial for minimal
Gen X is X for butthole
We are raising funds through extorting boomers with TI assistance and all of you fuckers are bout to get dabbed on

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being z-gener is hip

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So this is the power of the 85 hue hue hue IQ

Hi obvious jew. Nice divide and conquer you faggot! Don't fall for this bait goys. This is a JIDF trick to get everyone to fight each other. Every hate thread you see is a jewish divide and conquer ploy. Turn every one of these threads into a jew hate thread.
Don't fall for jew tricks m8
What this user says

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>Ay dios mios JEWZ are the most nonwhite, most homosexual, most pozzed generation that ever existed. Sad.

Nice try schlomo you faggot

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found another jew. This thread is full of them

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Gen Z+ is more non-white.

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>if a game sucks we just play a different game
Then why do all of you little shit eating retards play so much Fartnite?

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GenZ is based AF and I hope you guys gas us shitty millennials. Then again I'm 33 so not really a millennial. I remember listening to Nirvana and sheet. GenZ girls are awesome, I want a GenZ waifu

Cause Fortnite is a good fucking game and I don't even like FPS games

Another good game: DOTA 2

Fortnite isn't an FPS game, you retard

Keep preaching brother

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gen z'er here, our chicks have the tightes poosies

Nobody wore shit like this at any raves I remember.

>raves I remember.
I think I found the problem

They are feminine and reject feminism. The girls are pure heaven, HEIL GenZ, where da genZ girls at, MUH DICK!

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Well any fucking day sweetheart, whenver you're good and fucking ready.

Dont wanna rush, you might miss an important fortnite game

I remember them all, I wasn't on drugs, I was working, nobody was wearing massive trousers.

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>3rd person arena
>a fucking fps
killing myself cuz of this post congrats

uh oh, ok

is this what you look like?

>fps means first person shooter
it stands for fighting people shooter

Millenials have cultivated your anger.

We didnt know any of this shit was actually fucked up until we had the internet.

My child, never get hustled by hostile empathy.

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Daily reminder that OP is a troll and generational warfare is for idiots and Jews

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That's not what anybody wore. Boys wore tee shirts and jeans or camo shorts. Girls also wore jeans and tees but also skirts and briefly put their hair up in those handkerchief-things. Older millenials were all mallgoths by then. No millennial browsing now was wearing that shit in 2005.

Because they are 12.

>older millenials were all mallgoths
Jesus christ no, i just wore a lot of regular fitting cargo pants.
Only trendy faggots end up looking like fashion disasters decades later.

yes, we need a new way to categorize ourselves intergenerationally

>Are you a conservative?

Its that simple. If your ideology is based on conservative principles you can be on the team. Yes there are a million variations but if your core ideas are fine we need you on the team

Don't fall for dumb Jewish division practices