Dr. Peterstein


Jordan Peterson just had his first unintentional live streaming fail. kek


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fuck off

fuck off. we all like /ourguy/ peterson on here.

go back to plebbit

>we all like Peterstein here


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at least he didnt have a wank or his wife walked in naked

shitting on peterson is reddit tier, you either like him or dont, nobody fucking cares except for leftists making these shill threads because theyre threatened by him or something


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we are undergoing a (((raid)))

trust me bro noone is threatened by this kikenadian hack


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gj jew kiddo.
Don't a med school entrance exam to study for kike?

Canadians don't spew talmudic prose like ameritards do. Canadians speak curt and to the point which is anti-jew speak if there ever was one identified.

wtf are you on about?

This shit is funny. I don't like and don't dislike him. But it's always hilarious to see people accidentally streaming themselves.

Luckily for him he wasn't jacking off or some shit.

i browse leftist boards and they usually claim he's not a threat but thats merely talk, communist boards like rhizzone have 20 page threads about him, and are clearly neurotic, but sure he's "not a threat" leftists just like gossiping about him and spreading rumours and are all around pretty hell bent on bringing him down because they think he's a huge fascist threat or something, to the point where they larp on pol as alt-right

canada is the single country other than the UK more talmudicized than the US LOL

>doesn't know what talmudic means or refers to when used in an accusatory way
You're too dumb, move along.

so his wife talked to him and he checked his teeth

wow what a fail. got em.

>shitting on peterson is reddit tier, you either like him or dont, nobody fucking cares except for leftists making these shill threads because theyre threatened by him or something
He shits on their ideology and his persuasion game is 100 percent on point, to the point that a book basically shitting on living your life as a leftist has been the amazon best seller for weeks on end. He's an existential threat to them and they have no counter other than shitty edited interviews where they try to nail him but only provide him more exposure.

Sorry misquote. Meant to quote

> hell bent on bringing him down because they think he's a huge fascist threat or something, to the point where they larp on pol as alt-right

You're not the first jew to drop by and tell us about Juden Peterstein.

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>literally nothing interesting
thanks for substracting 5 precious minutes of my life

you're welcome

After watching the first day of the Jordan Peterson Sam Harris debate in Vancouver, I realized that my Prof from Arts One last year was actually a student of Jordan Petersons who has offshoot with a different idea that I think is very much about opposing Peterson.

ask me anything, But for example: this video series he posted after leaving the University of Toronto to teach at UBC here in Vancouver. It works as a critique and guide against Jordan Peterson.

>I hate Andrew Connolly
>thats why I need him to be famous
>I can tell you everything about how he taught Arts One


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>well dressed
>on topic

I don't think this was accidental

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wtf that nigga doing wit his teeth?

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I like how Jordan Peterson's fail is just him watching the news and his wife talking to him about something. I hope I can fail half as good

when the antidepressants hit

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>when you need to express dominance over disobedient tech