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Other urls found in this thread: of the Poisonous Tree

or more likely, someone will lose their job and have to work as a consultant for a larger salary.

>jews will die

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big if true

As someone in a different thread stated

>God fucking dammit I look like a new fag

based go get em Donny!

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Russian mafia is just mad at Bruce Ohr. GOP is owned by the Russian mob. Nothing new here that clears Donald Trump.

the fire rises

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Dear rest of the world,
What's it like not having a leader as based as ours?

Does anyone dispute this? It's fuckin huge and a blatant disregard for the law, like never seen before. SAD!

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The media TRIED to damage control with that FBI statement literally saying no evidence of a hacking ever took place(which completely absolves Trump from the original accusation regardless), now Trump is dropping these other Truth bombs and they are completely scrambled. Guiliani already said they would let Mueller continue his sham investigation until the end of August, and Trump waited until the very end of the month to drop these hugely damaging bombs to Muellers faggy agenda. August ends this weekend, they're fucked. They have no ammo left, nothing to spin, nothing to fall back on. There's a reason why CNN and the rest of the MSM stopped talking about the Russia Investigation this week after yammering on about the Cohen verdict, which has a high chance of being dismissed now anyways.

dems r fucked, vote red to keep it that way.

The flag of the first American empire, glorious

False flag. Giants colors

I have seen the imperial American flag in years


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Yes, it's highly disputable starting with Bruce Ohr didn't say that, he said it wasn't enough alone to obtain a FISA warrant, and he's quoting the pic related funny man of Fox News. Also, unless you're completely brainwashed by Trumpist propaganda news sources you're well aware that the FISA warrant was issued on the merits of investigations involving Carter Page as well as corroborating evidence from years of counter intelligence work against Putin. That all won't matter until they release all the evidence collected from the investigation which clearly Republicans aren't calling for. This is just a pretense to pardon Manafort to keep him from snitching, fire Sessions and shut down investigations after midterms.

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If true, actually significant. The Rules of Professional Conduct which govern all attorneys (DOJ bros who signed off on) to not lie to the Court, and:

in an ex parte proceeding, a lawyer shall inform the tribunal of all material facts known to the lawyer that will enable the tribunal to make an informed decision, whether or not the facts are adverse.

By the same token, the Brady Rule requires prosecutors to disclose "any evidence favorable to the accused--evidence that goes towards negating a defendant's guilt."

Assuming these apply to the application for a FISA warrant (which I have no reason to know, but it seems a solid bet), the FBI/DOJ's nondisclosure of unfavorable facts regarding the provenance of the FISA applications should be 'fruit of the poisoned tree.' AFAIK. RIght?


>fruit of the poisoned tree
Wat dat

Yeah he's in a ton of trouble

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Ya he didn't lie to the court though. He didn't admit to lying. In fact he didn't lie. For the millionth time, the FISA warrant wasn't based or argued for on the merits of the Steele dossier (which has been mostly cooberated btw). Trump just made that shit up for the mouthbreathers. He understands how stupid his base is, and uses it to full advantage. of the Poisonous Tree

fucking christ, hes tearing this country apart

They're gonna need a whole lot more missiles to stop him this time.

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Yeah I don't think you actually read my shit, i.e. prosecutors can't cherry pick the facts they present to a court.

By pointing out conspiracy ultimately against the American citizens?

>A legal proceeding
>the same as a revolution
If anything this is justice the way it was meant to be via the constitution.

Stop with the 1776 talk. You sound like a LARPing autist.

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I imagine he'll be indisputably revealed as one corrupt motherfucker here one day, but there's a chance they won't release all the evidence until he has a heart attack and dies. They'll say national security for now. I mean, the fact GOP are more worried about leaks and pushing a false narrative the warrant was obtained over the Steele dossier than the evidence itself is really fucking telling.

Context? What is this?

nice thumbnail faggot

Holy American Empire.
President Trump will conquer England and despose the House of Windsor, seizing the throne. Kind Donald I of House Trump will the consolidate the US, UK & Commonwealth into the
>Holy American Empire

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please make it habben

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That's not lying, and actually they can. They do it every single day in every court in every case. That's unironically their job.

First post, most accurate post

(((they))) tried to shoot down Trump's plane.

>cooberated btw

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Absolutely wrong. It was way more likely a routine satellite launch.

>Trump calling other people frauds
he's got huge balls, ill give him that

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Just swamp gas goy!!!

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>left denounces homophobia
>unless they are talking about trump sucking putins cock

really makes you think about leftist "values"
also I think you don't know what treason means

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It can be dismissed offhand because there is no evidence for that batshit theory

Shill identified. Good luck in hell.

Bullshit. I can’t find any proof of this flags existence.

yep it's wood

Yeah, from a submarine in South Puget Sound. Happens all the time.

They will say and do what they think will advance their agenda. The right does not do that.

Now gaze upon society and tell me who's winning overall...

Go go tweeter in chief. MAGA!


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You're seeing it for the first time kid. Remember this day

You're such a fucking liar. How much are they paying you to defend these despicable corrupt people? Is it really worth your soul? Do you really feel alright telling all these lies to people that already know you're lying? You have no more room to spin, so i suggest you shut the fuck up before you make things worse for yourself.

>Donald Trump has huge balls
Why is it always sexual with you people?

First off, how would you know? The government does not disclose every satellite launch.
How do you know it wasn't a test of a missile or some prototype?
Why would they attempt to hit a plane with a rocket like that?
That's just plain retarded
Well considering we are currently winning, I'd say us, cuck.

OH NO NO NO. These niggas thought Stormy, Avenatti, Cohen, Omarosa and all the other random characters that entered into the narrative were gonna take down Trump. OH NO NO NO. This is the Trump show and those people all work for Trump.

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ur mom gay

Fake and gay.


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The Dossier is such old retarded news, who gives a shit anymore. When is Trump actually going to address problems Americans are having

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lurk for 10 years at least you nufag

maybe you'd be right if "homophobia" was a yes/no issue, but it's not, its a spectrum of different injustices. The left might make gay jokes about trump, but the evangelical right is proudly homophobic and a strong part of the conservative base.

not sure who you think would fall for these retard semantics. Oh right, a conservative would

>First off, how would you know?
Because I live nearby. Also Whidbey NAS has been purged of (((deepstate))) assets. Might want to leave now while you still can.

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>currently on charging-MAGA-bomb-episode #46
Faggotball Z is real!

You cowardly, white motherfuckers will hide out here and stir the pot.

the walls are closing in hillary

Look at that row of beaks

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Holy shit, you're right.
If this entire 8 years turns into us charging his spirit bomb ending with the defeat of the spooks, I'll laugh. Best anime ever.

Americans have a big fucking illuminati shadow government cabal problem and you know it.

Didn't McCabe admit during a congressional hearing that they would not have gotten the FISA warrant without the dossier?

Does this idiot ever shut up? No wonder America’s irrelevant on the world stage these days..

Q was right all along

>That all won't matter until they release all the evidence collected from the investigation which clearly Republicans aren't calling for.
That's funny

>5 posts by this id
C'mon Shareblue, that's only what, $0.25?
Just keep on making shit up with zero sauce, I'm sure you can push it to $5, just set your bots to hit on your posts with "Drumpf is done !1! ha ha". And guaranteed we'll all believe you b/c we're insecure dumb incel losers. In fact, do an ad hominem on me since you don't have any facts. Here, I'll start:
>You are, unironically, a dick sucking neo lib cunt. Go lap up some more of Maddow's skanky ass cooze goop, you literal fucking nigger.
See? That was easy!

Hi Justin, nice eyebrows

can't wait for the trumptard salt when Trump is the first sitting president to stand trial

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good. the cancer of corruption needs to go.

if 1776 happens.... that means 2nd civil war o_O

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For what?


yes you fucking faggot duh

top kek

The Queen.

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just rubbing it in for the shills and those of little faith

This is the opposite of what people elected trump for.

Why does the eagle not have a beak?
Photoshop fags please fix.

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Yeah, they didn't even read the dossier. That's the harder truth

50%Boomer posting %50 reality.

But that's the explanation, read it

It was aimed at Hawaii because it's within range of No Ko whom would get blamed for starting ww3

>we can make jokes about the things you can’t because we’re good people on the right side of history
It’s clear that leftism at it’s core is a religion. No wonder it rose as Christianity waned.

It seems that birdie was legit

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what happened with the new wave of boomers openly calling kikes kikes in twatter and fb?

If I'm following what you're asking...

the FBI/DOJ's nondisclosure of unfavorable facts regarding the provenance of the FISA applications would be withholding

the 'fruit of the poisoned tree' would be any evidence found from an illegally issued search or warrant.

lurkmoar maybe you'll learn what reddit spacing is

You perfectly know it isn't about homophobia but about being submissive and wanting to please the other person whatever the cost, specifically what your orange clown is doing
Yet you conveniently are hypocrites as usual