Men make up 50% of the population but are responsible for 90.5% of murders, 80% of arrests for most crime...

men make up 50% of the population but are responsible for 90.5% of murders, 80% of arrests for most crime, 88% of violent crime and 95% of new court commitments for violent offenses, 85% of domestic violence cases.

we could have a civilized society but you barbarians keep fucking everything up

If any male is reading this, please explain yourselves!

Attached: Adriana-Lima-Sizzling-Lips.jpg (600x400, 52K)


Gas all non-white men

Shut the fuck up

>country puts women entirely in charge
>county thrives
>another country puts men entirely in charge
>they conquer woman country in a week
This is why we can't have nice things

We might be disproportionate through action but they are disproportionate through motive

I'm hungry. Where's my sammich?

*55% in the sub 30 age range.
There aren't enough women for all the men and we don't have wars or diseases to get rid off them, even the downies and locked up criminals don't make up for that extra 5% of men and then there's a 10% of guys who is ugly, poor, mental case at the same time so you will always have an excess of 15% of single men.

>new court commitments for violent offenses
what does this even mean

>explain yourselves
>"give me (You)'s"

Attached: 1530928429489.jpg (600x600, 16K)

Women want the role of men but men don't want the role of women. Push them out and that's what you get. It doesn't work like that, sweetie. YOU stay in the kitchen so YOU'RE safe.

> 90.5% Progress, 80% Prosperity, 88% civilization 95% security 85% of inovation
All with deez nuts

That's half the story, the other half is when the other country comes to invade the native men of the women's country don't have much motivation to actually fight since their second class citizens and the women sure as hell aren't going to go fight in the same numbers men will. And even if they did it would be a weaker army because of biological reasons.

This is a mans world. Built by men.
go watch any survival show that they have just women the shit is hilarious nobody is in charge and they all do what they want so nothing gets done.

The violence is a way for men to find out who the dominant male is to lead us and the shit keeps happening because women keep getting involved so we can't have a clear chain of command.

leftover ape shit

And 20% concentrated power of will

What was Margaret Thatcher's excuse. She invaded a country?????

I see your last thread was deleted

Gas non-whites gays and trannies and all of your issies are solved

That's because men are the doers, even when it comes to crime.

women murder their own children
some of them are serial offenders
They are also serial liars who make up false charges against men for the purposes of revenge
we could have a civilized society if more men would control their females

>all the we wuzing in this thread
the only reason men have authority is because they randomly got bigger muscles than women, so they boss women around.

Now your physical strength is pointless , machines have replaced you. You wernt even good leaders, hell England peaked under Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria, even the greatest knight of all time was a women, Joan of Arc, and she didn't even need to lift a finger cuz she knew how to order men around.

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 12K)

She was a tranny

And 90% of those men had single mothers. Women also abuse children at far higher rates than men.