New zealand

>new zealand
>slovenia, czech republic
>nordics minus sweden
>Switzerland and Austria

Is this the full list of noncucked by immigrant countries? Even a few of them have populations of Roma/Travelers, Asians, or Natives.

Give your thoughts Jow Forums.

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Seriously bro?

no, just no

Virtually all of eastern Europe is fine

>nordics minus sweden
If you had a McDonalds burger next to a bowl of shit you'd think the burger was haute cuisine. The other Nordic countries aren't uncucked, it just appears that way due to their proximity to Sweden.

Australia is cucked as shit. Does israel cucked yes or no?

we're only seen as uncucked because shitskins find it hard to physically get here. kiwi women are some of the most naive and holier than thou on the planet. if we had the means to wreck our country by virtue signalling, we'd have done it years ago

>Does israel cucked

Is that really true Swed? Are the others really that bad? I mean I know they have some issues but I was under the impression that it was pretty good in places like Norway and Finland.

Fuck off we're full.

I'm sorry, what? The muslim problem is heavily overblown here (we do have a slight one); but we have a ching-chong, poo and leb problem.

user, I...we’re only like 60% Slovenian

This. Although rural NZ is still fairly uncucked.

Norway is almost as cucked as Sweden. I don't know where this meme comes from that they would be better. Norway does have less immigration than Sweden, but really only since 2013, and in practice the difference isn't massive. Their non-membership in the EU has more to do with protecting the oil money than some innate wish for sovereignty. In terms of feminism and other types of cuckoldry, Norway is just as bad, if not worse, than Sweden. The same is true for Denmark. One example would be gender quotas on boards for public companies, which Norway has, but Sweden does not.

In terms of socialism, Sweden is hardly the worst in Scandinavia. Norway and Denmark have at least as much gibs and wealth redistribution. The difference here is that Denmark has fewer immigrants, so they can still afford to have more of it than Sweden, and Norway has the oil, so all their bad economic decisions are solved.

Iceland is probably the most cucked country among the Nordics on paper, with plenty of feminism and an obsession with immigration. Of course, it's so remote and foreign that immigrants don't want to move there, and the size of the country prevents a significant amount coming in before the system collapses either way.

Finland is the least cucked country (the Baltic states excluded) due to their short history and their hatred toward Russians and, in certain groups, toward Swedes. That doesn't mean that Finland is a "based" country like Poland, Hungary or the Balkan states. They're politically trying to emulate the other Nordic countries, and this includes high non-european immigration, feminism and socialism. The immigration pales compared to that of Sweden, but that is true for every other country as well.

wellll "refugees" run out of my shithole country. But we are bent over and ready yo take any merkels dick.


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Jow Forums memes aside, Israel is mega cucked, you have no idea. It's actually been getting worse lately.

quebec? wtf are you on about, I live with hayyyyyyytian negroes and ayyyyyyyyrabs 60% of people around me in the shitty parts of montreal. They don't do the violent american stuff but they sure as hell hold the dumbest views.

I would replace them all 4 to 1 for Changs

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But girls from Montreal love Haitians

Mate we have sweden levels of feminism. Thank fuck were on the other side of the world from africa.

Its those damn jews mate. They aree the ones really running your country.

Oi bet Shoah
Kike's hate ruskis (you), they want to kick you out.
In Russia, they hate kikes, especially with small cut dicks, so you better off to stay kikeistan, in a hope you day of oven won't come soon enough.
Oi vey

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Quebec is fucked. They literally prioritize French speaking nigger africans, Arabs and shit tier Hatians over white Anglos. They have language police that sue businesses for having paperwork in English or English writing bigger than the French on menus. Quebec is fucked.

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You are literally retarded
Fuck I hate mutts

Well thanks for sharing user, I'm a stupid burger and I haven't spent much time looking at Scandinavia.

Poolan' , WTF?
They are notorious peasants, coal burners here, at home they are running "" children breeding with shitskins project.

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Forgot slovakia


The place that elected Justin Trudeau?
The place that elected Pierre Trudeau?
The place that voted for left-wing parties again and again and again and again and again?

Why are Amerimutts so fucking retarded?

We have shitskins here (serbs, albos, africans)
They are very few but still

You cunts should be on your knees thanking is for being the vast desert wasteland and the rest of the fucking world.

NZ really is the Canada of Oceana

Those digits though

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The only migrants Canada gets come from he US. Most will be sent back.

Don't fall for this Jow Forums meme that it's important for you to know the geography or the politics of European countries. If a Swede asks you to place Sweden on a map and you pick Denmark instead, he will roll on the floor laughing while shouting how much of a fat, uneducated burger you are. If you ask the same Swede to place North Carolina on a map, it should come as a surprise if he even know it's a state in the US.

Israel,we got fucked but built a wall and deported them . Current Israel is uncucked by migration

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WTF man. Our Arabs and Haitians are good people. Just say you’re racist.

The other 40% is Italian and czech right?

What the fug do they study

Albozergs, serbs, bosniaks, croats, gipsies, shitalians,...

Quebec is doing quite well. We actually need more immigrants because of all the whites on welfare don’t want to work.

Capital cities in even non cucked countries are fucked. Montreal is more Anglo Canadian than pure laine at this point so I don't consider it quebecois.

T H I S X 1 0 0 0









At least they keep their culture intact while surrounded by those who tried to genocide them. This is why poland and Finland are doing well too they remember what it's like being under the man's thumb.

Maxime bernier is from Quebec you loser.

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We're cucked. Take us and the kiwis off

Only bydlo and liberals move out of poland.

is that why trudeau paid a terrorist $10m?

You have equal right to be there as slovenia and such, big problem with Roma though.

The caq is going to win in québec this year and they are nationalist and right wing.

What terrorist???
CAQ is not going to win.

>canadian education

Yes they are

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11% undecided. Not even close. Liberals will win again.

We're super cucked by immigrants dude.

Only its the legal kind because our """conservatives""" are so fucking retarded they got tricked by smoke and mirrors pointing at 200+ boat people a year while ignoring the 200k+ a year imported.

Chaps my fucking hide and makes me want to glass any cunt who unironically complains about illegal immigrants. We could literally quintuple our intake and not suffer as much as we are under the current legal immigration scheme.

I would agree except we don't have a Trudeau. That really puts you in a league of your own.

Isnt virtue signalling taken to the nth degree whats been killing the country for decades?

That's a quality post right there

Define cucked.
35% of our country are foreigners, and about half of those can't speak our language properly

New Zealand has more immigrants per capita than the UK.

australia is full of chinese....

Jacinda Arden is female trudeau you cuck

user keep in mind they have 4 million people there in a UK sized country, that and they're either Anglos from Australia and/or the UK and chinks

>noncucked by immigrant
holy shit you have NO IDEA cunt

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Wrong. I lived in NZ and most of the immigrants are chinks followed by pajeets, flips and coconuts. A significant minority are Maori and the pakeha are cucked into paying them endless gibs. Auckland is London tier. 1 in 4 nz citizens weren't born there. The white population is closer to 2.5 million.

5/8 - living next to slav or they are slav
2/8 - fucking continent
1/8 - too cold for immigrants

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japan is doing ok

Australia is so full of Chinese that even their government already made official statement about the Chinese influence.
I wonder when someone in Canada notices that 30% of all of their real estate already belongs to Chinese nationals.

Fucking hell lad. What's wrong with us? And why are we obsessed with the white man's burden?

Fuck no we are compromised beyond belief. This is civ nat country.

Lucky we are small. Auckland is turning into londonistan

Well, there was pretty strong anti migrant and globalist sentiment, both societal and political few years back in Norway, but Breiwiks little stunt had burried it for years to come.

Dunno. I think it's the desperate need to retain wealth.

Having a small population is a blessing and a curse.

This essentially.

Yup, pol don't like to hear it, but what is problem in the West is turned up to eleven in Israel. Only reason why it isn't full on faggot circus is the actual violent threat against them.

Only because they are literally full.

This is all true, can confirm.
Also, very poor, limited power and water supply, limited internet. Almost no roads, nature destroyed beyond salvation. Women so ugly we prefer fucking guys, so you also have fags everywhere, everything is overpriced and we are in general uncivilized shitskins all us. Nothing to see here, just move along.

........ hmm, this is very suspicious post.

Reminder that the Doomsday Clock is fake news. They moved it closer to midnight immediately following North Korea announcing that they were willing to do peace talks.

>Only bydlo and liberals move out of poland.
Officially it's 2.5m of (((workers))) 1m and (((naturalized))) 1.5m, in reality and having those figure beyond 2008 census, I'd double up that figure.
That's in Britain alone.
Even they breed alright, their population is dwingling down, so they importing Philippines for labour, shitskins for breeding and guess where they all going to end up, once they have poolak passports?
Based nation they are not, oportunistic low quality eternal migrants they are.

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Dont worry serbro, this comes with EU, like aids with a trap. And you guys are getting slowly pulled in. Thing is your nationalism is renowned around the world so i dont even dare to imagine what kind of retarded studies will you get, in order to make you more "accepting" and shit, maybe some kosovar studies. I wish it would stay in Ljubljana, i really do, but you are racing against the time, and you can only hope it all goes down the toilet, before it reaches you.
Other than that, noone really cares about ART OF KANGZ. We are just subtle about it.

Not as screwed as Sweden yet, but we don't belong on a list of uncucked countries.
Danes do not believe in turd wave feminism and mass migration our parties like to say so, but somehow we can't find it in ourselves to ban a serial rapist from the country, but PhDs doctors and professors somehow get thrown out all the time. Oh the glory of shitty lifetime politicians, whose only engagement is to their paycheck....

Yea i forgot the AIDS....
Is Praga any good in september?

>New Zealand

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When you have a couple of hundred miles of ocean that refugees have to cross there is no need to build a wall.

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I see a nigger daily in my small town of 12 thousand. Saw muslims recently too, with burkas and everything. Bigger cities are like this for few years, I say we are fucked

australia is fucked retard


are the only countries uncucking themselves. they have far from won the battle though

Johns is an hack.

This issue of Doomsday Clock seems dope!

Recently I saw two niggers in a half an hour in my town of 92 thousand and it was really weird. They were all jolly, enjoying our annual exhibition of functioning steam machines and cool retro stuff.
They seemed more bearable than our fucking gypsies.