Traditionalist Socialism

Why does Jow Forums provide such knee-jerk support for capitalism over economic socialism?

I personally think some ECONOMIC socialism is a pretty good thing, and I say this while still being CULTURALLY an ultra-right traditionalist.

Do you really want the ethnostate to be ruled by a rich elite who care about nothing but maximizing profits—even if it means destroying the family, the traditions, and the culture of the people?

The push for mass immigration, cultural degeneracy and the deconstruction of the straight white male is orchestrated by the capitalist elite as much as it is pushed for by (((them))).

Capitalists profit from an ethnically mixed society of labour drones who have no shared culture or purpose, because out of the chaos they can build a culture of alienated consumerism. By flooding a nation with shit tons of shitskin “workers”, big businesses can pay less in wages: with so many people competing for so few jobs, people have no choice but to work for peanuts. The push for feminism is backed by megacorporations because it ruins strong family values (they are difficult values to commodify) and gets 50% of the population (women) out there slaving away with men (again, lowering wages) and buying shit (women are rampant consumers).

The ultra rich buy politicians and push countries towards policies that benefit THEM, not the people at large. They decide the mainstream media narratives. They decide what shows up in advertisements. They “donate” money to the think-tanks that decide on the public school curricula, thus indoctrinating a nation’s youth into their destructive globalist ideology from the word go.

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Profit maximization cannot be the guiding value of a strong ethnostate. Rather, traditional values like COMMUNITY, HONOUR, EDUCATION, PATRIOTISM and STRENGTH (good social services, fair pay/a good standard of living for all citizens, good education, a common culture, vision and purpose for the white race) should be the guiding values.

It’s time to separate idpol antifa degenerate “leftists” from economic socialists. All you unemployed or underemployed Jow Forums posters need to realize that unbridled capitalism is to blame for a lot the degeneration of the west and the problems you personally and collectively face. We can be cultural traditionalists, and still seek to build a world that isn’t run by profit seeking vultures, but is instead run by people who care about the overall welfare of the people and the white race.

You know capitalism is a tool right?
You can even use a toaster to kill someone.

Culture heavily influences the way capitalists act, and the laws that further incentivize them. Jim Crow laws were an excellent example of capitalists banding together to stop the race traitors who were selling their products to blacks.

It's just a tool, bro. It can be used for good or evil. Don't switch to an inferior system which is subject to the same weaknesses as capitalism through culture change.

Back then, the capitalists in charge still had lingering ties to certain traditional beliefs about race, sex/gender, and the nation. Modern day global capitalists have thrown all traditional values to the wayside in pursuit of profit. As long as they continue to have the influence they do on how the West operates, they will only drag us further into the dystopia we all fear and see coming, because it is more profitable for them than any other future.

>culture heavily influences the way capitalists act
No. Today’s capitalists manufacture culture from the ground up.

Nigger the only difference between then and now is we can tell each other we're getting ass fucked by company A and Company B is making their product shitier because they know we'll likely have to go to them within a minute rather than a day. All that we have to do is push for the laws we need to protect the consumer and the laborer and the rest is the vigilance that is required to maintain it that your forfathers were apparently too retarded to remind you is necessary.

You can do better than this

Capitalism is the default state of the universe. Socialism IS capitalism, and the moment you start creating a concentrated source of wealth and power(socialism CAN'T exist without these two) you will inevitably attract psychopaths who will feign caring and concern to take up positions of authority. And in the end, those psychos will sell you out OR die because they started wars for more power and control. In either case you lose. You might win for 10-20 years, but it all comes crashing down.

Energy is not free, and capitalism is life's expression of this universal law.

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How is capitalism the default state of the universe? It’s literally only been around for a few hundred years.

Are you saying hierarchical wealth distribution is natural? Or competition based on self-interest is natural?

To claim capitalism is natural is absurd.

Let me ask you a simple question. Do you like eating?