Conspiracy Theory: Weekends and holidays show disproportionate shootings compared to other days of the week such as Monday through Friday. Why would thugs commit to violence on days that typically see good business? How would they push their product effectively in such a chaotic environment? It's not like thugs have regular jobs, so they have the free time to commit to violence on week days. So why isn't this reflected on week days?
It's white supremacists on the Chicago police department on their off time doing the shootings, along with white supremacists coming in from outside the city. ---
Could be.. could be... or maybe it's because there's more white girls out on weekends and holidays so there is more niggers out finna get some white pussy and there is more white boys out trying to buy drugs so more niggers out on da block hustling gettin dat money and more niggers means more fights over literally nothing means more pulling out guns to prove you a real nigger.
Lincoln Ramirez
Also, niggers love 4th of july because there is fireworks going off everywhere so they use it to cover up the sound of gunfire.
Dumb nigger doesn't know anything. I live on the other side of the planet and I know this.
Adrian Richardson
This would actually be amazing. It’s certainly a step in the right direction
Nolan Ward
it's because on weekends there is more white pussies in the city, so all the thugs are going to get some and they meet each other.