89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel

89 fucking percent! How is this even legal? The invasion has happened already. It's over! Take the black pill and just wait for the end. God bless you and your families anons.
Wait for JIDF, Shareblue etc... to post
>Hurrr muhh jooozzz
Reminder, all jews will burn in hell.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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do something about it then faggot

He then sells it for 400 shekels plus he gets to suck kiddie penis, win/win for the jew.

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(((Russians))) is the term you are allowed to use, goyim.

Can we organize a multi tiered JQ campaign like iotbw?
We can have a set of posters/flyers with the anti wallstreet/money in politics/government sachs stuff for the libs, exposing the lobbies and fraud by specific jews, and more obvious JQing for the farther right

You allow your politicians to hold dual citizenship? Is this real?

In Australia there were scandals recently where some senators either had to stand down or very quickly renounce their citizenship with the UK to keep their careers. The logic being, if you have dual citizenship you have mixed loyalties. If you want to represent Australia you can only be Australian, nothing else. Why do you let your senators have mixed loyalties in the US? This explains all the kikery there.


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they don't have dual citizenship. it's just yet another retarded alt right talking point that is patently false but still kept alive by idiots. just because a politician is eligible for naturalization in another country doesn't mean he's a dual citizen

>You allow your politicians to hold dual citizenship? Is this real?
Yeah it's real and sad. No idea how this came to be. Need some historic research on this. Meanwhile retards(jews and good goy) cry about Russia.

it would take a mastermind to come up with the right phrase or whatever... not sure it can be pulled off to the level of grace and finesse needed.

go back to watching your tranny porn alex
seriously, i remember when Jow Forums wasn't full of
break.Error.Print("Unhandled expection occured, error code " error.Number )

Renouncing didn't work, they were still forced to lose their jobs and apply next time.

>alt right
You're glowing you retarded fucking leaf. It is true and you should worry about your own country faggot.

You're badly kiked, but not quite that badly.

Use a bit of critical thinking ffs, don't just swallow a number unthinkingly because it appeared on "Investment Watch Blog"

>a fucking leaf

Attached: forest2.png (1000x1000, 428K)

>89% have Israeli citizenship
>100% are Jewish

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Guess I will have to try and make something myself.

I hate how you're not allowed to be antisemitic anymore, you're literally a Nazi if you say anything against a Jew.

> if you have dual citizenship you have mixed loyalties

Wow what stupid logic

Attached: Jewwww.jpg (800x1019, 484K)


>seriously, i remember when Jow Forums wasn't full of
break.Error.Print("Unhandled expection occured, error code " error.Number )

epic nerd joke fellow ledditor

like "is it better to be jewish?"

89%, really, thought that was a fuckin' meme.



Pretty much. If it somehow became known to everyone, they would be hanging from every lamp post in DC by tommorow. But alas they have such a strangle hold over us it's unlikely.

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It's false and I'm not worried about my country, you should work on making your life more interesting and happy :)

Temple Coin


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The article even included an infographic with the actual figures: 13/100 for the senate and 27/435 for the house of representatives (about 9%). It's still a completely ridiculous and perverse figure, but lying about it with a stupidly easy to disprove number is just going to get your argument dismissed

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shame, you almost went all the way and discovered that this list is false as well

when the sacrifice begins again, hang on to your shit

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What do you mean?

that they are not Israeli citizens, just Jewish

Shame how most of you don't even fact check when the "facts" fit your narrative.

You deserve to be ruled by the zionist overlords.

Jesus Christ Jews are batshit insane

No they don't. It's bad but its not 89% by far

How many Dual Citizens serve in Israel's Government?

>I'm not worried about my country
So you are fine with a pro feminist, muslim supporting, diversity loving prime minister? BHAHAHAHAHAH Where do you come from?

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Jow Forums, where truth is optional. Love it!

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Why do they look so inbred?

Uhh, we absolutely have dual citizen congressmen but they keep it close to their chest

>"They say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels. You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie and eventually, people believe it. Like blood libel. That's the same kind of thing. The Germans said enough about the Jews and the people believed it and you had the Holocaust. You tell a lie over and over again. And we've heard on this floor, government takeover of health care."
Steven Cohen (D) TN - Invoking the holocaust on the floor to compare Republicans to Nazis.

i don't like jews

So go back to plebbit where you can discuss cheetos, Russia, and how many genders actually exist.

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Damn, she is retardedly hot.

>da joooooooozzz


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Me either user, must be for no reason at all because they are so wonderful and honest.

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Nazbols don't event understand loyalty

Oh shi

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did you even read the fucking thread? fuck off retard

>How is this even legal?
America was founded by Jews, after they took over the British empire.

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IOTBW was the Alt-Right shills who orginized it. That can't happen anymore. Jow Forums is too full of shills

>89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel
Based. Get fucked, you dumb goys.