>Japan is a "first" world country and utopia
lol no
Japan is a "first" world country and utopia
Meme flags at it again
If Japan isn't a first world country, then no country is.
Only in Japan is this considered a FLOOD in a SLUM.
"B-but muh anime!"
Good looking slums
even flooded it looks comfy as fuck
>Get flood from bad weather, things break
>Rebuild everything
>Be American and flood of nigger, things break
>Give them food stamps and rebuild nothing
I've seen better looking slums outside Japan.
This. The sad part is, he's probably some poor slav actually living in a 3rd world country.
Wow look at all those niggers running around and looting shit. Oh wait.
this happens in the USA too. i dunno what your point is though.
i think their debt will become a problem for them soon though.
This, memeflags should be banned, its getting ridiculous. OP is some salty slav or chink.
Let the Japs be Japs. Stop meddling in thier affairs kike.
>build shiny new building
>no vandalism, no garbage, no pressure washing
>years go by, never wash building, grime builds up
wtf japan, learn to pressure wash
What's wrong with this picture?
Too many
Call me when there are niggers and subhuman shitskins looting in the pic and I will agree with you.
Do you not speak english?
Probably a smelly russian on our island.
>Natural disaster occurs therefore it isn't a first world country.
GTFO of here faggot. The the Japs are Honorary Aryans.
I fucking dare you to get on google maps and find a piece of trash on any Japanese street faggot.
>japan government has massive debt
>sells off north Island to nintendo to pay for debts
>nintendo now has its own country
>tfw the nintendo monarchy begins
TFW defeated by cardboard.
Are you blind? Just look at the picture you fucking monkey.
>A country can't be first world if it floods naturally
Japanese ghettos look better than most American cities lmao
See what this picture doesn't show?
Fucking looting.
>OP is some salty slav
I'm Ukrainian, Japs are based. OP is guaranteed ching-chong.
i wonder what would have happened if we had sold our far eastern land to Japan instead of China
That's a pretty flooded part, OP. Where is it?
show your fucking flag chinkleaf
No niggers and no looting jap land confirmed for comfy as fuck anime paradise
Imagine living in the shit whole known as Japan
Japanese are fucking stupid consumerist bugs, the Chinese actually have honor and a pride history.
>no niggers
>no subhuman shitskins looting
>just honorary disaster relief aryans
>the Chinese actually have honor
Pfffft, the honor of getting their asses kicked by the Japanese? lol ok
Hello, chink. You have zero honor and have never won a war.
Based slope
because theres a flood? half of my area in germany floods wit hthe summer rains.
stfu brussels doggie.
>and a pride history.
Is that what we call iconoclasm now?
Confirmed Chinese rat immigrant living in Australia
>Siding with the nips
I see the anime has affected youre brain. Youre ancestors are be dissappointed.
Remind me how did Japan do when trying to invade glorious China? Couldn't even get past Korea!
Then you when you finally have an ally you choose big mistake the pearl harbor. Fuck you
I am glad you're kind suicide so we can claim youre land come 50 years
Confirmed 56%
Probably dumbfuck sailors though
>the country doesn't look nice when a natural disaster strikes
No fucking shit, Einstein.
You speak and spell like a retard
Suck cunts you bitch
I thought Australian garbageposting is supposed to be funny? This just looks like a Canadian with a proxy.
Oh it's the slum faggot, long time no see.
You haven't seen slums if you think that picture is it. Flooding happen. It was likely after a hurricane, considering there are self defense forces there.
>didnt get past korea
Sorry what
Do you even realize that philosophy in Japan was copied from China? The concept of honor in Japan is of Chinese origin, nip. Why do you worship Romance of the Three Kingdoms so much, hmm?
>never won a war
Then 1) why does China still exist? 2) how did China get so big?
Everything is going well in Japan now.
Thanks Abe.
What a low quality picture it is.
>lol you get floods and earthquakes?! WHAT A SHITHOLE
as opposed to utopia where the worst thing to happen is a random bombing. no biggie.
why is it always slav
Japan is first world. That place also has better buildings than the commie block ghettoes in Europe. They just have a harsh geography with earthquakes and floods and tsunamis.
Your a retarded cuck. Japan stood up to Jewish supremacy in the war with Germany while America and co were ZOG slaves
>the concept of honour in Japan is of Chinese origin
Concept of honour comes within yourself you dumb kike faggot
Hello my rare friend. The first Sri Lankan flag I saw here
>Disaster in America
>Niggers loot and pillage
>Disaster in Europe
>Arabs loot and rape
>Disaster in Japan
>People work together understanding the good of the community comes first
You must be a butthurt Chinese hiding behind the meme flag. Japan is far more civilised than China. Japan's whole samurai culture was unique while China was mostly about muh exams instead of a warrior culture
you're just a seething flaggot. Weakest link, goodbye
This. Thanks for reminding us, English teacher
Japan and China should be friends.China is the cradle of the original Asian feet waifus
He isnt wrong though. Japan lacks violent 3rd world ghettoes
theres no litter at all in the water, thats actually really fucking nice to see during a flood
i'd actually walk through that water barefoot without worrying about getting aids and tetanus
I've been to Japan several times and everything is better.
>Go to a 711 and Japanese girls are working
>Go to fast good and it's Japanese working
>Go anywhere and it's all Japanese
That's 100x better than anywhere. Only bad times is sometimes you will see a Filipino picking up dog shit or a Russian prostitute.
no Japanese man,no matter how nationalistic he might be,would deny licking those Chinese cutie's feet
whatever you say shlomo
I hear there's also a number of Africans in Roppongi. Yuck.
desu I don't know how they got here, but it unironically gives Roppongi a gritty appearance which is kind of cool. It's the foreigner district.
are you Japanese?
Retard. The samurai were no different from other feudal lords back when they were actually fighting. But all the "culture" and "honor" and shit were retconned into the class during the Edo period (based on CHINESE NEOCONFUCIANISM) when there was NO MORE FIGHTING by samurai who were warriors ONLY IN NAME. It's all bullshit larping done by bored bureacrats in emulating the Chinese scholars of old. Furthermore "bushido" is a fucking meme invented by a Jap Christian who copied European chivalry. Stupid ass.
>going to a 711 when family mart exists
I suppose it's like having your own little New York or something, except it's only in one section of one city.
Nigerian criminals and mafias. As vile as it is its not in the scale that's happening in the west
Roppongi is actually in its own right a city. The Tokyo Metropolitan area is actually 23 cities. It's pretty massive.
does Japan have lots of problems with American soldiers?
>Government subsidizes the building of houses in areas that are known to be prone to floods / natural disasters.
>Look at those poor people and their destroyed homes.
>Houses are rebuilt.
>Another natural disaster.
>Look at those poor people and their destroyed homes.
Fucking morons.
A black US soldier raped a child in Okinawa
Fuck off Chang
I'm actually a sort of quasi-ambassador for the US government trying to fix that problem.
Short Answer: Absolutely. Japan wants our troops out, out, out and pushing it onto the Okinawans is driving them crazy.
Tokyo is the biggest metropolitan area in the world, isn't it? I wonder how long it'd take to see all the cities inside it.
muh dik
Not long. I was surprised when I first moved here, but Japan has PHENOMENAL public transportation. I have a car because I has to go to a lot of villages and bases, but if in and between cities, it's a cake-walk.
If you visit, look into the JR Pass. Let's you ride all around Japan for a one time fee. You could honestly see all of Tokyo in a month if you put your heart to it.
I would rather have water on the streets than niggers.
wow they had a flood! must be a shithole country then right, because they are susceptible to natural disasters?
Nice thread, faggot
>the pic of her getting a good dickin'
That's awesome, thanks man
wow, even their slums look alrite
The esl teacher is from Europe
I love you Japan. Keep making that anime while the rest of the developed world is raped black or arab thanks to rabid liberals.
It's too late for us but make robots instead of import immigrants. Save yourselves Japan!
>only first world countries are immune to flooding
Our white women are too much of a slut. It's liberal propaganda if you think adult women are actually raped as what is reported on CNN or Big Black Cuck. The only legit rape is when the victim is a poor helpless child or the physically/mentally disabled children.