*drops mic*

*drops mic*

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Other urls found in this thread:


*drops dead*


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When I'm asked when there will be enough Nazis on the Supreme Court? And I say, 'When there are nine.'
People are shocked. But there's been nine Jews and nobody's ever raised a question about that."

>*drops mic*
*cause it was heavy*

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Perhaps because Jews don't slaughter people in their millions?

*sages thread*

Are you overdosing on bluepills?

Neither did nazis

Good show

She is absolutely right.

I didn't realize every judge was a Jew.

Even Clarence Thomas?

*sips cum*

No just factpills

This is what Pol actually believes lol

Especially Clarence Thomas.

We all know Satan is a woman toying with men

Letting them insult her so she can plot their demise

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How many women fought in the civil war

Read up on Palestine and the Holodomor and (((who))) is/was in charge you ignorant faggot. Kikes are bloodthirsty liars

The reaper will take her by the year's end.

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but feminism is about gender equality

>Meme text on a grainy black and white image
>Source nowhere to be seen

Well, I'm convinced! (*whispers* this is why no one takes you guys seriously)

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you should re-phrase it to 'white people'

>"Men have been in power for too long, now it's women's turn"
>Feminst logic

I'm guessing that's supposed to be Anita Sarkeesian? Is she a kike? Didn't think she was

What a disgusting shtetl yid. Thank the Russian and Poles for saving these specimens for the past millenia.

could a person look more like a rat?

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>I don't know how to do a simple, two-second google search

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>I didn't think this gigantic nosed feminist progressive who gets their money through stealing and manipulation in the media was a kike especially with a last name like Sarkeesian

user, you should sit down for this

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Absolute cringe.

Those thick rimmed glasses make her smart.

This quote betrays the lefts true intentions — revenge not equality

Would be funny to see 9 Jews on the Supreme Court. Just for the amount of conspiracy theories it would generate.

You fucking moron, can you use google or does your live-at-home helper need to type shit into a search engine as well as wipe your retarded ass?
>"Yagoda was born in Rybinsk into a Jewish family."
>"Yagoda supervised the deportations, confiscations, mass arrests and executions that accompanied the forced collectivisation, and was one of the people responsible for the Holodomor, which resulted in the deaths of at least 7.5 million people."
You useless blind fucking shit

Well, power does tend to swing like a pendulum between the sexes. If you study ancient civilizations, most of them were matriarchal. It seems that we are heading towards this type of society again, so either get on board or get left behind. :)

+1 million migrants for you, rebelious cumskin

She looks the part but i remember searching a while back and couldn't find anything kikey in her bio. Any confirmation from her in video or on twitter?

Please kys

Why don't you look it up for yourself, you delusional spoonfed retard?
People like you have an air of superiority without ever doing the research.
So convenient that the objective truth, espoused by intellectuals such as yourself, lines up perfectly with Hollywood movies, huh?

...into grave.

There will be one less woman by the end of the year.

>I find X objectionable
>I want Y that is the exact same problem but with my team
I'm not sure women can think

Wow. This level is delusion isn't even worth engaging with.

Yagoda was a pawn of the WHITE Stalin. Who then later had him executed. And his WHITE successor Berija was just as bad if not worse.

Leninism-Stalinism was a WHITE ideology. And one of the reasons why WHITES deserve to go extinct. The murderous monsters of human history.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Historical civilizations were patriachal. Only faggoty feminist historians assert there were functioning matriarchies and this is mostly speculation and myth. A look at periods where there have been female rulers shows they were fucking incompetent and warhungry

Lenin was a Jew
Stalin turned out to be 1/4 Jew
85% of the USSR government was Jewish
You're probably a Jew too

Lenin was a kike you fucking moron. And Stalinism owes its origin to (((Leninism))) and (((Marxism))). No good blaming whites for other races' shit, fucking kys.

Celebrating your own ignorance today? Stick around.

It's mostly a misconception born from misreading the reverence of women in many ancient civilizations as women ruling those civilizations.
Even during periods of "female rule", where a female holds the head position in the civilization, every structure of power beneath them is still patriarchal without exception.
And, as you rightly point out, those periods were usually marred by the poor leadership exhibited by the woman in charge.

more and more it seems like equality was just a trick. theres no recip in this suck sesh

Fuck you you racist nigger.

One of Lenin's 4 grandparents was 1/2 Jewish, which makes Lenin 1/8 Jewish and 7/8 WHITE, and Lenin didn't even know about his Jewish roots in his lifetime. He was brought up as a WHITE Russian. Stalin had no Jewish roots. Instead he hated Jews and purged them from the Soviet apparatus.

Leninism-Stalinism was a WHITE ideology. And one of the reasons why WHITES deserve to go extinct. The murderous monsters of human history.

>this much disinfo

get in the chopper

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You can deny the facts I listed, but they remain true no matter how much you cry. Everyone can verify them. FACTS.

So, she admits that there was nothing wrong with 9 males in the Supreme Court?

>You can deny the facts I listed
You're wrong faggot. They slaughtered every priest in the country and made it illegal to criticize Jews (the punishment was death). The only people allowed to practice religion were Jews. They also gave them their own chunk of the country. You're retarded af.

>blood of a jew
>behaves like a jew
>serves jewish interests
>follows jewish ideology
>hides jewish roots
Fuck off you ridiculous piece of shit. No one's buying what you're selling kike

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>you can deny the """facts""" i'm spinning into lies to serve my white hatred, but...

Stalin systematically purged Jews from the Soviet apparatus. Jagoda was one of the last to go. You know nothing about history. You are a subhuman.

One of Lenin's 4 grandparents was 1/2 Jewish, which makes Lenin 1/8 Jewish and 7/8 WHITE, and Lenin didn't even know about his Jewish roots in his lifetime. He was brought up as a WHITE Russian.

You can't cite one thing that is not true in what I wrote.

did you never read the bible?
the OT is the jewish oral history and their biggest celebrations are them slaughtering millions in the name of their ethnic god

>"Determining Stalin's real attitude to Jews is difficult. Not only did he repeatedly speak out against anti-Semitism but both his son and daughter married Jews, and several of his closest and most devoted lieutenants from the late 1920s through the 1930s were of Jewish origin, for example Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, Maxim Litvinov, and the notorious head of the secret police, Genrikh Yagoda. There were not so many Jews allied with Stalin on the party's right as there were allied with Trotsky on the left, but the importance of men like Kaganovich, Litvinov, and Yagoda makes it hard to believe that Stalin harbored a categorical hatred of all Jews, as a race, in the way that Hitler did. Scholars as knowledgeable and diverse in their opinions as Isaac Deutscher and Robert Conquest have denied that anything as crude and dogmatic as Nazi-style anti-Semitism motivated Stalin. It may be enough simply to note that Stalin was a man of towering hatreds, corrosive suspicions, and impenetrable duplicity. He saw enemies everywhere, and it just so happened that many of his enemies—virtually all his enemies—were Jews, above all, the enemy, Trotsky."
you're a fucking moron. Stalin did not target jews for being jewish. He was a paranoid sociopath, he targeted political rivals indiscriminately

Shut up Pakistan's Falklands.

post empirical evidence and original documents and not your stupid narrative shit or studies by kikes piece of shit

Had Stalin targeted all equally, then he wouldn't have purged the Jews from positions of power. You can lie as much as your mental illness demands, but it won't change history. The role of Jews in the Soviet apparatus in 1939 after the purges and at the eve of World War II wasn't 1/10th of what it had been when Stalin took power.


Communism was a jewish idea, and they are proud of it

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implying the Nazi's did?I don't follow

you're cool
don't come to the diversity meeting tomorrow

>I cant google therefore you wrong!


Like 9 judge Judys would be anything other than a bitchfest. Face it, real men, not basedboi judges, are needed now meow than ever,

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>One high ranking but subservient member of an openly anti-Semitic government

Yagoda was Jewish by birth. What the meme really missed was that he was just one person of many responsible for one episode of mass murder in the USSR, that he himself was eventually killed, and that the USSR was quite anti-Semitic.

>Communists were Jews if I ignore the WHITE MAJORITY

At every step of the way from early Christian communes to French Revolution and the crazy year of 1848 and the Paris Commune to Karl Marx who was brought up as a white Christian, to Lenin and Stalin, while the Jewish impact was at times significant, there were always more whites involved than jews and at more prominent positions of power.

Stalin didn't hate Jews as categorically as Hitler did, but atheism was a strict requirement for membership in the Party, and loyalty to Israel over the USSR was punished in the later years.

>They slaughtered every priest in the country and made it illegal to criticize Jews (the punishment was death). The only people allowed to practice religion were Jews. They also gave them their own chunk of the country. You're retarded af.
A lot of priests were killed but not all of them. It definitely was not illegal to criticize Jews, synagogues were torn down alongside other houses of worship, and the Jewish autonomous oblast was meant to keep atheist Jews integrated in their own communist territory.


I can't wait for that cunt to die.

But what about much diversity? Oh right, I forgot diverse just means less men.

Christianity is jewish though.

lovely merchant posture

>don't do share of work when building civilization
>feels entitled to dominate said civilization
Only reason we made it this far is because naturally men an women have done what they are good at for thousands of yrs

The Jewish ideology of cultural Marxism has been responsible for far more deaths than Nazism. The only reason Nazism is treated like the ultimate evil of history, even though communism has claimed a far greater death toll, is because of the racial superiority element. In modern times, it is more egregious to be a racist than a mass murderer, so long as that murderer kills indiscriminately.

>look like a literal jewish hag witch who feeds on white children's souls
>expect your opinions to matter

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>there's been queens in power in royal families!!!
And they've always been expected to do exactly what the men taught them.


Are you guys going to watch her funeral on C-SPAN? It's so sad that she didn't get one last Christmas.

>It definitely was not illegal to criticize Jews

was one of the first things (((they))) did

>The Council of People's Commissars adopted a 1918 decree condemning all antisemitism and calling on the workers and peasants to combat it.[3] Lenin continued to speak out against antisemitism.[4] Information campaigns against antisemitism were conducted in the Red Army and in the workplaces, and a provision forbidding the incitement of propaganda against any ethnicity became part of Soviet law.[3]


to be fair "having her clothes burglared, ending her reign" is a blatantly stupid statement.
Ovaries embezzled gave me a good chuckled.

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>because of the racial superiority element

Marxism had a pro-jewish bent since it was run by jews, people back then knew this and people back then were in general just as racist as the nazis.

It was all just stupid goys getting bamboozled because the Internet didn't exist back then and jews could more effectively scam people.

As much of a bitch to the jews that Churchill was he'd be horrified to see what the jews did to his country.

Let's just pretend, that the communist party wasn't disproportionally jewish, communist ideology doesn't have jewish roots and that soviet leadership wasn't predominately jewish and therefore, even if Lenin and Stalin weren't jewish, they still had to play by their rules.


There are 3 already, but it's just a coincidence i'm sure lol

>Lenin didn't even know about his Jewish roots in his lifetime


I think they were just keeping it under wraps because they needed Lenin to be the based centrist selling Communism to the goy and he was the closest they had.

This is like arguing that Neocon policy wasn't driven by jews because they used a gollem like W and had based niggers like Condy Rice.