So he was just another Jow Forums LARPer after all?
Hitler was a Jew
>Hitler was jewish
>Hitler was african
>Hitler was homosexual
>Hitler had only one testicle
>Hitler was a pedo to his niece
>Hitler had brown eyes
>Hitler was a chronic masturbator
>Hitler actually loved jews and bankers
Wow, he was truly sick!
So Hitler was never racist, got it.
Not a LARP at all, look what he accomplished for the Jewish cause.
Illegitimate Rothschild and kike bulldozer of Europe
>but muh aesthetics!
Heidi Blake works for buzzfeed. Nuff said.
You can try all you want to paint the Führer in a bad picture
His light shines through your lies anyway kike
Sometimes it takes a Jew to call out the Jews. That way they can't call him anti Semitic
>what is controlled opposition
i bet you think the "alt-right" is a legitimate organization too
Wow jews truly are evil! Thanks for teaching me this fact jidf!
also addicted to methadone and methamphetamine.
he was truly a nigger.
>DNA test
They don't have his body
>dumb kikes are actually claiming Hitler
>we can chalk up Hitler's degeneracy as another case of insane Jew shitting everything up
>we can claim that Poland was being destroyed by the Jew of Germany and the Judeo-bolsheviks of USSR
>we can declare the Jew as the eternal deadly enemy of the Polish people
I'm fine with that
>He was a zionist drug dealer, an incel, a jew and a nigger
In summary, you are so mad that he's been revived you can't contain your anxiety and post bullshit to smear him.
is right
Yes and Pink Swastika was a work of non-fiction also Shakespeare's plays were written by a sheboon.
So there was no holocaust and it was a family feud? Guess Israel will have to return all the money back to Germany huh?
Could he have been racist then?
Yeah, pretty much. It was a convenient outlet for his pent-up anger.
quads confim
next hitler when?
No I think Richard Spencer is a faggot.
People honestly believe he was trying to exterminate certain races? Do they not realise what it would take pull something like off.
Don't forget the micropenis
yeah you'd have to send trainloads of people to camps, that's crazy.
Uh huh
Yea but those camps were in poland, you're the one that is responsible for their deaths.
the whites did this
it's time for a little white genocide. first South Africa and then the USA
Let's say this was true. What do they get out of this other than an ad hominem? I'm 25% Iranian, does that mean I'm wrong when I state that mass immigration from the ME and Africa is destroying Europe?
Based Poland, are they dare I say /ourgoys?/
Poles have always been /ourguys/.
Oj wej Ha-Szoah is all our fault!
>No I think Richard Spencer is a faggot.
I'm surprised you haven't reached the same conclusion about ol'adolf, they're the same thing.
Think of it this way, if jews hated you then you'd be disappeared and erased from society and history, but publishers still publish a book by a man that wanted to ""exterminate"" them?
Too funny
Is this about his haplogroup?
But all literature about him is literally "this man is unequivocally evil, anything you do that even remotely resembles his actions or ideology are evil". He and Nazism are always presented as lessons to be learned from history and things to be avoided at all costs. If they made it all disappear, we'd "risk" making the same "mistakes", so to speak.
>tfw defending Hitler, the person responsible for the destruction of Europe and the white Germans, the establishment of Israel, the Jewish monopoly over the entire world and the influx of niggers and muslims everywhere
What did Jow Forums mean by this?
>rewritting history
Checks out.
This, this isn't even opticscucking, Hitler was right on many things but >muh 1000 year Reich that involves fucking over slavs royally was degenerate, not to mention he was a v*Getarianoid dog and childless.
How does it feel knowing you support a person who indirectly put France in the list of third world countries, cuck? Do you not fear that niggers might break into your house and rape you and your family while you sleep?
Everyone does
Everyone who doesn't is paid to say so
The ultimate speedball.
Based user. Many Slavs I've seen are whiter than Northern Europeans, not to mention smarter and not as brainwashed.
>if jews hated you then you'd be disappeared and erased from society and history
That's what they're trying to do. Force us to breed with other races by guilt or forced multiculturalism. And with the removal and demonization of historical figures.
>but publishers still publish a book by a man that wanted to exterminate them
Even the juden knows absolute censorship can lead to unrest and revolt against them. It's easier for them to argue against what is said than hide what is said.
So was Jesus. Now stfu
And why would you believe that article?