Alcohol is degenerate and must be banned

Alcohol is degenerate and must be banned.

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LSD is fine and should be available at convenience stores.

This is a good argument for why all drugs should be legalized. Government really has no business telling people what they can or can't consume.

alcohol is fine
people are stupid
no, people are stupid

>Look at the damage this legal drug that most people use does!


Leguleyes deruhgs mayne

You sound like a pussy.
Try alcohol you little bitch


Islam was right

>the government isn't made up of people
Neat argument you've got there

government is made by puppets controlled by smart people

>alcohol is fine
According to OP's chart, alcohol is objectively the worst of all the common drugs. There's nothing fine about it. The only reason people accept it is because alcohol is so deeply entrenched in modern life.

slonk it

Attached: GANGG WEEDERS RISE UP RISE RISE RISE UP.png (606x500, 456K)

If it weren't for alcohol I would almost never get laid.

Please don't take my bar thots away from me...

This. I was floored when my mother recently said she doesn't like that the government forces businesses to offer medical insurance for anybody working fulltime and then, in the next sentence, said she thinks the government should crack down on recreational marijuana use.

Into the gas chamber it goes

you got alcohol in apple cider too. the chart doesn't state amounts drank. you know as well as i do that crimes and damages due to alcohol are either caused by criminals who drink or by idiots who binge. you could ban alcohol i guess. ban guns while you're at it too why don't you.

*for the record im against banning either


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I told you stoners weed was worth than meth, but ya wouldn’t listen

Liquid jew is best jew

how exactly is weed considered dangerous? do people really die from that shit?

I am against banning them too. I think the point to take away from the chart is that, if alcohol is so bad overall but still allowed, then marijuana should be legal too considering it is way less dangerous for the user and others.

> butane

Attached: merchant_world_burn.jpg (1062x749, 448K)

it is weighted by cumulative using.
Alcohol is consumed by more than half of the population, heroine is a nieche drug instead and it's just below alcohol.
Sage this fucking thread.

i got to agree with based jew over here
I don't know exactly the measures of your surface level chart but in most cases I would say alcohol is not worse than all the other drugs
But your graph is probably not per capita since alcohol is much more widespread and used than all the other drugs it mentions and it is also sponsored by (((vox))) media. Tell me why do you think alcohol is worse than opioids

I agree it's degenerate and causes a massive amount of harm, but if we tried to ban it, it will just be 1920's America again. Alcohol use will skyrocket and bootlegging will come back and he black market will explode. We tried it before and it doesn't work. Plus, millions of Americans will lose their jobs.

no it just dumbs you down


No but there is alot of crime surrounding it, people get killed over weed, mainly because of its illegal status
Trust me ive been around dealers my whole life

Not to mention scumbag stoners, you know the type

That said there are far worse drugs, it should definitely be regulated but legal for recreational use

alcohol is a stimulant ofcourse but is much easier to use in moderation with less harm than good at least for the vast majority of grown men and women

Of course not, u american ignorant fool.

Thc cannot kill you, nobody in the world ever died after a night of smoking with friends.
But, as the chart fails to explain properly, you being wasted on weed and driving home after bamboozling yourself would more often than you think bring your car on a pole without you even realizing it.

Of course alcohol is the worst of it all, because it irreversibly damages liver, in ways not even crack cocaine does. Liver filters your blood and processes the food you eat, you literally cannot live without it.

I'm all in for legalizing every possible drug, and to be honest since it's the cheapest and quickest way to make money I'd give complete monopoly to the state.

Whether you like it or not, the only social drugs labeled from society itself for a regulated, conscious use are weed and coke.
Your richest friend will admit he's done coke if you ask him. The shit is good and it makes you high without damaging youe brain too much if you want to club all night long or if you enjoy music or concerts. It's the drug most rich people uses recteatively too. These people mostly do not drive, they have guys doing it for them. And they never exceed a gram per week or less. Moderate and coherent usage is sustainable.
Weed is for socializing with friends at party or wind up after a long hard day of work.

The rest of the list can and WILL drive your sorry ass directly to jail, and with good reasons. Don't ever use anything else. Don't ever surpass a certain quota per week, dont ever drive when stoned. Be a responsible user or avoid everything, especially alcohol.

And legalize everything, so a conspicuos number of niggers and bums can end themselves while filling the thirsty statal stashes.

I will concede that alcohol is a harmful substance, especially when consumed in excess, but its production and sale isn't nearly as harmful as that of cocaine and heroin.

I was reading about the manufacturing, shipping, and distribution process of cocaine in "Narconomics" and, boy howdy, I can't think of a more abusive and deadly process out there.

Weed isn't inherently dangerous, but it definitely kills people's upward momentum and motivation to achieve more. I can't think of a single person who died from cannabis consumption, though

>And legalize everything
isn't it hypocritical for a government to disdain from the attitudes created by drugs but allow drugs to exist? Why don't you just tell the users to fuck off

It’s more dangerous than firearms and it’s not a constitutionally protected right, it’s a privilege. I say ban it once and for all.

>majority of drunk driving accidents/arrests are done by beaners that shouldn't be here in the first place
>OP wants to ban alcohol
OP probably things guns kill people and not niggers

Because everyone should be free, even free to decide to fuck themselves completely and die.
Plus the monopoly of state would not stop the companies from offering their best product for a cost. That means employement, less deaths because of shitty drugs or bastard dealers, and only positive aspects in the long run as well.

So what harm is 20?

Alcohol was actually banned here too for a while, because overwhelming number of women voted for prohibition.

The result: skyrocketing crime, increase in alcohol related deaths and more police officers killed on duty than ever during the Finnish history. Banning alcohol also eroded respect for law in general. The prohibition was eventually abolished with new referendum.

Well, if you take away the ONLY thing left to do from a frozen, chronical depressed hellhole, you can't expect people to make up a reason to live fast enough before rolling like savages in the streets.

why would the state allow negative behavior for the sake of freedom
I mean I understand freedom of speech and expression and association and market on some standards
But nothing can be completely free without degenerating in some way shape or form
You should allow room for movement away from the governmental ideal in order to develop ideas and the economy but it should be strictly regulated so nefarious practices don't take place and you don't spiral out of control
At least that is the idea you get by reading about famous cultures and countries run on those principles, "muh freedom" is a meme in the grand scheme of geopolitics and unrealistic by human civilization standards

... what negative behaviour are you bannling about?
My concept of a state is one that allows me to do what I want to do, not what it forces me to do. I'm not saying american role model is the good one because their goddamn existance would actually prove me wrong, but a state which removes sources of fun from the hand of the people is a state doomed to suffer a revolution soon enough.

Working people needs distress. See the Finnish example listed above and the increase of crime during the same american period.

At this point, I say the nation should benefit of "bad" behaviour. You would get arrested in no time in here at the very moment, should you decide to show up in the streets driving like a schizo because you blew cocain3, or at least this is what is supposed to happen in a normal western state.
What would be the difference if drug would be regulated from the state itself, apart from being less hypocritical and more spontaneous to its own people?

Like "listen dude. You're 18 and you can do the fuck you want with your body and mind as soon as you don't break the law in any way. You wanna be stoned? You can do it safely in your house. You wanna go to jail? Try to show up in the streets and tell me it's legal, I'll be sure to train my police to massacre you before you even reach the front door of the house where my children lives".

Freedom, business, monkey easy money and true liberty. The world needs to legalize. Legalization asap.

Oh, and I forgot to say: fuck your morals.

Oy m8

Sorry, baNNling does not exist, babbling I meant. I'm a filthy phone user.


Kike spotted

>My concept of a state is one that allows me to do what I want to do, not what it forces me to do. I'm not saying american role model is the good one because their goddamn existance would actually prove me wrong, but a state which removes sources of fun from the hand of the people is a state doomed to suffer a revolution soon enough.
This state never existed in any way on any time but it is nice to dream about
Closest thing to true freedom is Somalia
>doomed for revolution
History disagrees, we are not talking for hitler-esque, mao, castro states here ( even most of those state still run today though ) but we are talking about states that allow freedom within the boundaries of what is been proven to work to weed out anything with obvious zero value to society. The only thing that you may dislike about that is that economy will kinda stagnate but in the true free market you will have a mechanical stagnation by the monopolies so that is not a real argument
My favorite states from history on those principles (without most of the western empires) are Franco, Salazar, Metaxas. Those are very recent and very european

>even most of those state still run today though
but they are shitholes I forgot to add

How do they measure and quantify harm?

Because prohibition and taking a stand with women's rights activitists worked out so well in the past.

XTC lower than Cannabis.


Based mushrooms. Also there’s no fucking way weed is more harmful than MDMA, that shit fucks with your seratonin receptors even after a couple uses whereas weed is really only bad if you use it during adolescence or are constantly high

Anti-Alcoholics need to be gassed

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>Oh, and I forgot to say: fuck your morals.
eh, my morals are pretty basic ways to uphold a good society in European as it has been proved by time. They are not really that restrictive but mostly realistic about how the masses are not fit to self rule in all the aspects of their life without everything turning to shit

Trump doesn't drink or do any drugs

Be like Trump

Trump is also a fat faggot with a bad toupee and a spray tan. Some drugs, namely psychedelics, can be genuinely beneficial if used properly and not just to get high

>namely psychedelics

Trump does caffeine.

I tried everything on that list (inb4) and the list is wrong. Yes Alcohol can fuck you up and even kill you but in no way is it "healthier" than Cocaine

The danger of MDMA is literally the most underrated. I swear and I am certain. Shit can go real wrong.
As wrong as Heroin if you're stupid about it.
Which I was. Thankfully I barely made it through

The chart shows total harm. If more people use a given drug, more harm is caused.

Since only a few fags use mushrooms, it's way down low.

Meth is worse than alcohol, but very few people use meth.

yeah, that worked out great the first time

>implying I’m wrong
The people who hang out on drug subreddits are a bunch of pretentious suburban shamans, but that doesn’t change the plethora of research coming out every year showing real potential benefits for the use of psychs in medicine and therapy

That’s not how “harm to user” works, dumb leaf. Do you really think more people use ketamine than shrooms?

any kind of substance that directly affects your brain needs years upon years of research to be successfully approved for use
Even xanax and anti-ds are fucking dangerous for alot of people, and they have been studied for so many years

Banning it won't solve the problem, just as it hasn't for any of the other drugs on that list which are banned by cause great harm. Prohibition doesn't work because it just creates a black market, and because our police forces and health system are not equipped to enforce a ban or combat alcoholism

How exactly does tobacco cause harm to others? They've never been able to prove that secondhand smoke causes illness in others with the exception of a situation where one non-smoking spouse lives with a smoking spouse over the course of many decades.
I call into question the legitimacy of that chart.


90% of people drink alcohol. Like 0.5% of people do heroin or crack. If those numbers were equal the numbers would be off the charts

leftists always forget per capita for some reason

>alcohol more dangerous to users than LSD or X


Alcohol is a depressant. Stimulants, like cocaine and methamphetamine, speed a person up. Depressants, like acohol and opioids, slow a person down.

That aside, I'm not sure I agree that alcohol is easier to moderate than the other drugs listed in OP's chart. LSD tabs, for example, have a milligram value associated with each tab. Marijuana is commonly sold by the gram, with dispenseries usually having TCH concentraions labeled on containers. Cocaine is sold by weight too. If a person wanted to moderate their intake of many, if not all, of the drugs in the chart, it could be done pretty easily by measuring out quantities beforehand.

this is mostly anecdotal since we don't have good stats for drug use since it is illegal, but mostly everyone I know drinks once in a while but I only know like 2 alcoholics out of a thousand people while at least 50% the people I know that have experience even with weed on a regular basis are dumbed down drug addicts and most of them move to harder drugs pushed on by dealers while even the weed they smoke is probably shit quality in order to get them hooked

Alcohol is not degenerate. People who use alcoholic beverages as drug are degenerate and must be banned.

>it’s not a constitutionally protected right
>life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
It's right there in the Declaration of Independence. Governments should uphold the three "inalienable" rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I'm not sure if those three rights are explicitely stated anywhere in the Constitution, but they certainly are a fundamental part of the spirit of our government's laws, given that the Bill of Rights, a huge part of the Constitution, is set up to protect them.

This is from the UK where these retards drink two gallons of beer at every meal

incidentaly most people that abuse drugs are also the ones that abuse alcohol

They forget that averages have deviations because it means that people arent equal.

>like acohol and opioids, slow a person down.
does alcohol slow you down? I mean depends on the dosage

>accussing me of using anecdotal evidence only to use anecdotal evidence yourself later on in the same paragraph

What unit of measurement is being used here? Is it the aggragate of all users or are they ranked on a single-user basis?

No i said I am gonna use anecdotal evidence for the sake of my argument, nothing about yours

Drinking a cold one right now and a bottle of Jonnie Walker for later. feels gud m8

I’ll bite, how do you use psychedelics properly and what is the benefit?

It's already illegal to drive drunk or beat up people. Making alcohol illegal also won't stop people from drinking it.

It's like 8 in the morning bro

nice 7's brah, but almost 11am in the morning here on the east coast, I only work Saturday-Tuesday so this is my day off.

ban alcohol and cigs!
they are ruining the youth. they are making wife-beating vermin around the globe.
ban porn too!
ban matetialism all together.

Ah, I see.

slowing people down in terms of cognitive abilities and reaction time

>ban materialism altogether
RIP our society

I agree, its similar to gun control, laws don't magically make the problem go away and in many instances make it worse.

>Alcohol is degenerate and must be banned.
I will drink to that.

Absolute bullshit

Try taking an average dose of ecstasy each day for about a year and then compare it with having a couple of beers a day.

I did ecstasy every 3 to 4 weeks for half a year while going out and it fucked me up. I have to take Benzo's to be able to fall asleep now.

Yeah, I've never understood why mushrooms are banned especially when kits are sold in stores to grow the mushrooms. Makes no sense to me desu.

You are retarded

What the fuck is that scale? 0-80 what?

What the heck is up with my flag

t. islam scum, inshallah

If the same number of people used Heroin or Meth as they do ethanol, those numbers would be different.