Slippery slope into fascism

Look for the warning signs

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Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3342999,00.html

wtf I hate trump now

>smart people are nazi´s?

I like that appreciating your own culture = nazi's. Brilliant.


If the final step to facism is appreciating your own culture, we need to start removing all the muslims, blacks, Mexicans, basicly all minorities since they are obsessed with their own cultures.

Especially jews.

Isn’t the whole point of liberalism to promote progressiveness which implies anti-traditionalism and thinking for yourself?
Fix your shit leaftard.

Based leaf

Fucking based OP

You shills are on hyperspeed today.


This is exactly what happened to me and it's great.
Truth hurts

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Gas yourself kike

Says a leaf.

No, the whole point of liberalism is to have a mob mentality where no one thinks for themselves and you are only allowed to exist if you are "woke" enough.

"Progressive" policies are not the same as actual progression. Having a gender balanced government and tearing down mean statues doesn't actually progress society.

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Some of the best scientists in wwII were nazis desu.

And artists ;p

Seems like a ride fun, do I have to bring my oxygen supplier with me tho, like pic related? Just in casem y'know I encounter someone who needs gas, I mean oxygen. Oops!

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Did you know that Salvador Dali sympathized with Hittler?

SSo wahr

>Mob mentality
You just defines fascism.

Your an idiot.

Mob mentality is not the same as fascism and no I did not just define it. That being said you can have left leaning fascism. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here.

You also used the wrong "your" when you called me an idiot. You're an idiot.

>You just defines fascism.
You don´t have a clue what fascism is then. Welcome to Jow Forums plebbitor.

ahahahahahah what a pile of bullshit.

Appreciate your culture
ther only two genders.


this was made by some femenazi

I'm pretty sure it's just an ironic joke meme making fun of how the left defines "nazis" these days. But the left is so crazy it's hard to tell if this is a joke or not.

The primary reason why fascism. Which isn´t really a political ideology as much as a system even gets a bad name. Is that idiots like you typical people on the far left scream fascist at everybody. Because to you literally the only thing you know about this concept is that it is somehow associated with things that are bad. So this is the only thing you know about it.
The general idea of fascism is actually brilliant. It is that private corporations are loyal to the people, and give the fair wages. Instead of just idk american companies shipping all jobs to china and screwing the american people for example? Which is what fascism tries to prevent with doing it the other way. Natsoc germany also had similar ideology with regards to corporations, that basically the premise is that people in the nation have the same goal which is to be good to eachother. And so when they cooperate they do good. So companies should not be completely rogue institutions that simply are all for profit and screw over the country and people. This you might call statesly corporatism where the companies are private but have statesly loyalty/thereby also loyalty to the peeople to provide jobs for them and to pay them fair wages. and was part of the italian fascism ideology under mussolini.
This is ofcourse just the tip of the iceberg of which literal communists have been demonizing for the last 70 years. What you know about natsoc and socalled 'fascism' is what they have told you. And as a result they just say bad bad bad and explain very little.

>thinking for yourself
>getting a job

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Good meme, but

>calibri font

Smart and Jewish

>I'm pretty sure it's just an ironic joke meme making fun of how the left defines "nazis" these days. But the left is so crazy it's hard to tell if this is a joke or not.
Yeah but it´s not bad and actually fairly accurate. you like your people and your culture. You are a natsoc. I doubt any of these far left americans could even explain to me what natsoc was about as a system, or what fascism was about as a system. THEY DO NOT KNOW. You think i am kidding. No. They do not know. They are just told it is bad cause WWII that´s all they know (they probably don´t know the ideology/systemms wasn´t really responsible for the war itself but it happened for other reasons, and that natsoc was praised around the world before war was declared.). So this is what they tell you.
You certainly sound jewish.

Also the same morons would recommmend you read communist litterature. Here´s the thing, fascists and national socialists, the actual ones. Know very well what marxist/socialist communist ideology is. Why? Because it was in many ways a direct counter to it. But the communists have no idea what natsoc is or the fascism in italy. They do not know and if they 'research' it they find some ridiculous made by commie jew gatekeeper charicature of them being evil and want to take over the entire world or some shit. They literally are reading their own propaganda.

Fascism like in mussolinis italy.
And natsoc in hitlers germany.
>A nation is a biological unit/racial unit of people that must be cared for and nurtured and everyone should help eachother to do so. Nation and people essentially being one. If the people are not doing well in the nation, the nation is not doing well. Thus they both railed against class differences.
>national loyalty private coorporations should be loyal to the people and provide jobs for them. (statesly/national corporatism - private companies but have loyalty and agreements with state to not fuck over the people of that nation)
>instilling love of eachother as a people and appreciation of eachother to achieve this loyalty.
>love for traditional things and safeguarding of heritage.
That´s pretty much it, you can add all the various details about the facists in italy and natsoc in germany if you want. But that´s esseentially the core of it.
When you get all parts of what they added on top of what i just mentioned you get the more radical versions of basic nationalism. Natsoc and fascism was radical nationalism. Basic nationalism as you can tell is bretty good and actually necessary if you don´t want your nation to collapse. But what the anti nationalistic commies have done is try to say that natsoc and italian fascism represents basic nationalism. That´s how they are trying to sell it. So everytime you even mention something remotely about nationalism they are out dogwhistling pretending you are a natsoc or a fascist.

>Appreciating your own culture is Nazism.
So basically any white person that isn't a self flagellating commie is a Nazi.

>So basically any white person that isn't a self flagellating commie is a Nazi.
Indeed. Let me explain and you´ll GET IT, big time!,7340,L-3342999,00.html
>Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.
>We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.
>Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself."
>Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined "terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror
This is exactly what they are doing. They are declaring you 'opposition member' completely at random because you disagree with them. to try to find an excuse to do bad things to you. This is what racist anti semite fascist nazi or whatever is for. It´s no different than declaring you.
>opposition member
It´s an old communist trick!
And when the soviets did that you were off to the gulag to die, if you weren´t just whisked away and executed by the nkvd and tossed in a ditch somewhere. The russians suffered tremendously through this. Because all the decent and best of russians were exterminated by these psychopathic sons of bitches.

>getting a job is the beginning of facism

Oh lawdy

Fascism is not about nazis, nazis literally mean national socialists, fascism was the Italian third position as an answer to nazism.

>Being this nigger
>Wernher von braun

No wonder why your disgusting country is fullfilled with arabs.

cute but nice try

we all know the far-right is a riddled with incels

When did this idiotic meme start? People on the right are very family oriented. Which is part of why they are nationalists. since their people are extended family to them.
If you want to talk about this how about all these transgender and 3rd wave feminists douchebags? You think they like males enough to want to even start a family? Hilarious strawman.

>Fascism is not about nazis, nazis literally mean national socialists, fascism was the Italian third position as an answer to nazism.
They either don´t know genuinely stupid, or are doing the usual communist trick of labelling people 'opposition members' if they aren´t outright communists. This is why they label people nazis and fascists and racists and this and that. As an excuse to do bad things to them to feign moral outrage for that reason. This is also why they polarize anything to either it´s communist or it´s fascists/nazi (not even knowing what this means). Because they want to create a situation where they drag everyone towards communism. By labelling anyone not explicitly for them, as explicitly against them.

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So they don´t want anything in between. Therefore you are either far left (communists) or if you don´t completely agree with them. Obviously it must mean you are a nazi.
Here´s a video about national socialism. Not because i´m a nazi, but just to piss you off because that´s what you keep calling people like me for liking my people and not wanting to be a tourist in my own country.






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Do it faggot and post livestream.

if you truly value your culture, eventually you will figure out that there are forces trying to niggerfy you culture and make you extinct

Haha Gamergate kicked things off for a lot of us

>if you truly value your culture, eventually you will figure out that there are forces trying to niggerfy you culture and make you extinct
I´m so ahead of that curve that i don´t think there´s even a category that i fit in haha.
I know who is doing it and why. And let´s just say they are not the best of people.
if you notice with pic related this was known by the natsocs aswell. The natsocs declared they were being existentially threatened by these communists jews. What you call 'globalists' today. What hitler called internationalists. But not only jews but also others that they cohort with.
So natsoc went.
>we want germanic commonwealth, we are going to isolate ourselves and hunker down. We are going to identify everyone in europe who is of germanic tribes. Because they come for us after russia, and everyone else after that. So netherlands, austria, switzerland, nordic nations several others were to be independent nations in this germanic commonwealth. large swaths are also in britain but the jews jewed britain hard and made sure no agreement could be had with any part of britain. Which hitler he did not blame the british people but the leadership which he called insane idiots who could only think of wanting war with germany making sure no understanding could be reached.
EU IS EXACTLY WHAT THE PLAN WAS. that is outlined in things like practical idealism. The total destruction by miscegenation both culturally and ethnically of the europeans. They target the big 5 first. British, germany, italy, france, netherlands. look who is most under attack from mass immigration. They do it systematically.
They COULD have said after war hitler was wrong about it. They can´t because it´s the only way they can do it is doing it that way. Full steam ahead create eu, try to undermine national sovereignty. Get them to relinquish border control. FLOOD WITH IMMIGRANTS. coudenove kallergi plan in full effect right now.

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Understand that practical idealism was written in 1924. The natsoc's were VERY AWARE OF THIS. This plan predates even natsoc germany. In many ways natsoc germany was response to it, they knew what they wanted to do with this communism bullshit. And germans got spooked of what they saw what they did to the ones proud and beautiful russians. And the existential threat to eastern europe and also to germany they now posed, as long as they were under communist control. Infact the entire red army invaded tiny finland in 1939 in what is called the winter war. Trying to brute force annex it. This is called the winter war. And part of why we have NATO today. Because after btfo germany which was the primary military power who could deal with russians. They now had to deal with the communist russia afterwards for many decades. The russians aren´t bad becaues of this, infact the best of russians were exterminated to the tune of tens of millions to bring in this horror regime of the soviets! And germans didn´t want the same for germany, because THEY TRIED IT IN GERMANY TOO. But it failed this 'revolution'.

Patton also realized he had thought he had been fighting for justice and to liberate europe. Instead he had by believing the lies cursed it to be under especially eastern europe communist control, but also allowed communists to take over germany. Because the ones hitler had kicked out winning a shortlived battle over communism in germany. Were now assuming direct control and engaged in 70 years of propaganda against the german people! INCLUDING splitting up germany into two parts with the berlin wall on the commies request (east germany ddr commie, west germany normal germans). who they could not wish more for to be taken down when east germany was a complete failure!

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Which brings us fast forward to today. Merkel is a communist in sheeps clothing. Who adore people like erick honecker. (DDR gigantic douche) and her herself comes from east germany. She hates the german flag she hates the german people and she recieved the coudenhove kallergi award back in iirc 2010 to speed up this process of mass immigration and cultural and ethnic disintegration of the german people! Whilst they use the 'empty husk' of germany against its will to implement this diabolical communist EU.
She is a traitor and if you will notice also. She is a childless woman. So whatever happens to germany. She has no stake in it. What does it matter to her this disastrous woman? Her children aren´t going to live in that continuum. Because she DOESN`T HAVE ANY. Be ware of childless leaders!

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2½ hours of the 'evil spirit' of coudenhove kallergi.
Everything in the UN declaration of what constitutes genocide. INCLUDING PUNISHABLE ACTS. are violated against europeans and every european based country on a regular basis. tip of the iceberg that 2½ hours.
This is not happening organically this is orchestrated against peoples will with propaganda and censorship against those speaking out. And this is a crime of biblical proportions!

Which includes ANTI NATALITY (don´t have kids, make it hard to have kids, propaganda to not have kids, and if you do have kids 'mix it up') propaganda. To justify the immigration in the first place. Which is unnecessary. And is devastating both economically ethnically culturally. Basically in every way. And can still be prevented with sound policies.

I appreciate your attempt at justifying Fascism but clearly, given it never worked, there’s an inherent problem with it. I’m not saying didn’t work in the sense that democracy doesn’t sometimes work but in the people revolt and kill their leader type of didn’t work.

And they come also for the monoethnic asians next. Europeans are just first target.

>I appreciate your attempt at justifying Fascism but clearly, given it never worked, there’s an inherent problem with it. I’m not saying didn’t work in the sense that democracy doesn’t sometimes work but in the people revolt and kill their leader type of didn’t work.
I´m not trying to justify fascism i´m trying to explain to you that you do not understand what it is! And if it can work is a matter of debate actually, but to explain to you that this is a RADICAL version of nationalism which has a brilliant track record. And i´m actually one of those that say that mussolini he did it the wrong way in several situations. And i´m actually not an italian fascist myself.

>thinking for yourself
>please save my meme
fuck off schlomo


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you risk reincarnating if you suicide faggot. Know your Varg

there´s an almost inhuman intelligence about this. In that they go wacking the ones that can defend the weak first. In a very systematic order. And once they are removed. Humanity has no chance whatsoever. Because those relied on the aforementioned to take care of them and gradually uplift them.
If you wanted to destroy life on earth without actually invading. This is EXACTLY what you would do from a logical perspective. It´s similar to cripple infrastructure which is advanced warfare. You don´t need to fight the enemy. Just destroy their inability to take care of themselves. And they die from that.
But it´s one step further. Diabolical. Destroy the ones who can CREATE and REBUILD that infrastructure. Go to the root off the treet, and wipe out the tree. No stem, no branches for it to defend itself from the bashing.
They just will fall over because they can´t do anything, immobilized. Minimal casualties for takeover.

Why waste troops when you can get your enemy to destroy eachother. Then you can just walk in.

>beware of childless leaders
1000x this

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Black mirror awesome little series about how technology can turn against you. This little episode explores the 'metal dog'
In that episode you will see the metaldog. The perfected version. in a Kill all humans style. run like a cheetah, simplistic in design yet brutally effective. Armed with shotgun weapons through its multicapable 'paw's which can hack into things to drive vehicles aswell as run 10x faster than you. Or turn into a weapon and blow your head off. Or interact with things like knives putting them at the paw. rotate it whilst attacking you. If defeated it throws up a pipe bomb with neural network parts with nanobots that go into your mind and take you over.


this is a roastie post

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Good thing I refuse to even start down this slope. Will never even entertain the thought of thinking for myself.

>Good thing I refuse to even start down this slope. Will never even entertain the thought of thinking for myself.
Ignorance is bliss. or is it. No.

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it ends in real anarchy.

Ancaps cant produce wealth as a society because of Jews

>Basically he is saying we are the smart ones

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>appreciating your own culture
>becoming a nazi
My culture is not german culture, fuck germans and german culture

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How do you explain inflation then?

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Fuck you too... Belgian flag knock off piece of shit


Here´s the big problem. Majority of people are idiots, minority of people aren´t. How do we segue that into everyone being taken well care of? You can go two extreme ways is that the competent just want to let the stupid people die. that´s not going to work not even for themselves. That´s the extreme far right, i won´t even call it the far right because these people are so far right they don´t even like people whatsoever. The other the extreme left they want to take the smart peoples shit and think that will help them weather over the storm somehow. That's an incredibly stupid thing because these majority stupid people aren´t really doing much for themselves. So when they get rid of those who can actually do something. It always end in total disaster. Because they run out of people to take shit from. With few of their own actually doing something. So how do we make civilization work with this in mind. That´s the problem. It´d be awesome if we are all just super great. And that all the rest was just some kind of illusion and that we were just not being very nice to eachother. Two ways. Integrated whole or super competent just screwing over everyone else. The integrated whole tends to happen through the state. So then the paradigm begins. How much do we hold them and how much do we demand others to improve themselves. Fascists and things like natsoc they say to private companies. Well you need to be loyal to the nation and people therein, so you make arrangement with the state. This is part of fascism when done right is. These incredibly few individual are told. You come from this you need to be loyal to this nation. We birthed you. We made you who you are we fascilitated you. You can´t just go fuck us over and send our jobs overseas. You need to be loyal to us or it´s not good.
The main thing is we don´t get to have those kind of discussions because the far left have developed an illusion of their own. That this is not a thing whatsoever.

They want to pretend majority people are smart! THEY ARE NOT! Oh how would it be so much easier if they were and if it was just muh education and everything else. So easy!

Should we try to make it so everyone are smart and capabble. YES. I don´t think there is anyone who doesn´t want that. The problem is how? Come up with an answer where all parties are cared for, you get the biggest humanitarian award in history. And get to be the biggest hero of humankind!

They want to pretend the most humanity is on average very good. And the ONLY reason they have that naive notion is because they are western pampered children and even in adulthood. Because it doesn´t take a lot off travel to figure out that this is not the case whatsoever. No humanity is very shit on average, BUT WANTING TO BE GOOD. When you get that. That´s a far more plausible foundation. Than this ridiculousness.
>people are inherently good
>why this shit keep happening
Well.. hahaha

if you decide.
>well we hate them, they always do better, fucking assholes, so we going to take them out.
well then you will just end up equal in misery. wouldn´t you? You´d be in the shit, but atleast you didn´t have that to annoy you. And that´s much like abel and cain that ancient allegory. Why did cain kill abel? Because he was pissed off that abel was better than him. And such is the root causes of the far left and far right in our societies. Abel turns far right because well they are not going to fucking kill me just because i can do shit. And far left goes. Well i´m with cain here. Fucking assholes always doing shit better than me. Fuck that asshole. Neither are exactly a winning formula. COULD IT BE. That the winning recipy is that abel and cain could get along? Helping eachother to improve. I like to think so, but easier said than done.

This is the BIRTH of the authoritarian regimes. Because they try to FORCE abel and cain to get along. To not allow cain to destroy abel, and not allow abel to deprive cain just because he could not do so well as he wanted to. That is really what fascism and things like natsoc comes from. The radical version. We need to force them to get along. Very few attempts made in history about that. Usually it´s more the rich dominating the weak and that is very wrong. And then when fascism and natsoc and things like that come along. They are quick to create this communist bullshit which is just cain on steroids. And helps neither abel nor cain.

thank you

Which is why both natsoc and fascism are merit based but at the same time, well especially natsoc tries to under ultra nationalism tries to remove class difference. Whatever hand you have been biologically dealt, you must do the utmost to help those of other hands dealt with your people. To form a unified nation where all take care of eachother. Together strong, divided we are weak. Basically. But this is very delicate of a thing to try to achieve. But that´s essentially the idea of it.

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Kek i love this meme

Would have happened anyway


Literally what.
>Libertarianism leads to nacism.
>Believing in free market and speech means you are a facist
Good to know. Now that I've slipped what's next?
Pls help me before I read the bible.