
Attached: Funny-Holy-Shit-MEME.jpg (546x399, 82K)

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It is funny. This shitshow glows in the dark so hard it is hilarious.

glow in the dark poop, makes yah wana try eating a few glow sticks

My Jewish mother has put lights in the loo. She's owns an art gallery and it's some kind of art piece.

The DA failed to bring charges against them and then 10 days past so now they can't be charged? WTF?

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Speaking of shitshows. I have read “just flew over my house” and laughed so many times I can’t count. Yesterday, standing on my deck I see 6 fighters flying in some weird formation of two groups at about 20,000 feet seriously burning it up leaving contrails. Since I live on the flight path between DC and a number of other areas i wasn’t terribly surprised, I see pairs of fighters from a nearby base all the time. But never six in two groups VERY close together. Then I notice about ten thousand feet above them is a big blue plane with 4 engines, leaving no contrail and very hard to see because of the color. All of them are moving right along and gone in seconds. So I am thinking, “Just who in this world is such a “big shot” that they get a 6 fighter escort to screen their plane from Surface to Air missiles? Over the US? Can’t be too many. Then I remember seeing AF1 landing at nearby airports over the years and remember, I have NEVER seen AF1 with a fighter escort like this in the past. There must have been something happen that changed Secret Service policy that we are unaware of. Remember, we only recently learned the Bin Laden made an attempt on BJ in the Philippines. So we know they keep shit Ike this secret, at least for a while. Who knows? Maybe it was just some panes flew over my house. But I will never laugh quite as hard at those posters again.

yeah - this stuff is the emperor marrying his horse level shit its just entertainment (besides the poor kid who died) at this point

can you imagine if a white nationalist started training his 11 children to attack shit and killed one in the underground tunnel...Jesus CNN would run a 3 month campaign and erect a fucking monument in the child honor. this kid dies - crickets, and they somehow get released or whatever - just WTF. maybe CNN/MSNBC are actually secretly racist? hmmm...

oh yeah and BAMP!

> on purpose


guys I know people are still a little shaken about the truth but it is the truth, so let's fucking just move along and start fixing problems. like the fucking DA office, who the fuck botched the operation on purpose? it is so easy to find this information off from the court docket, and then identifying the DA is as easy as visiting the relevant DA office in the area to start collecting intel. let the heat rise

> user aren't you suggesting something extreme?

not as extreme as raising children from out dirt as a means to condition them to kill other children. just roll with it bro, be immune to the laws of man and accept the laws of spirituality. we need to fucking end this effective immediately. we got niggas in every state, and shit is popping down in every state over the course of this timeline, so we can all put ourselves to the task of being a stoic citizenry and cleaning this stupid fucking shit up our damn selves.

a comment that made me LOL from ZH :

Are the Feds doing anything with this case? The Bundys spent over two years in jail for nothing. No bail because they might be a danger to the community? WTF?

it was dismissed "without prejudice" automatically for missing a deadline, new charges were filed and they're still in jail. calm the fuck down you sperg lords.

ok...ok...im calm!

literal piece of shit art?

Yeah you’re only person on here that actually sees this as a CIA op that was accidentally intercepted by local authorities .

It's CIA

They've been training school shooters, it's all real, we were right

They missed the deadline on purpose



thats fucking insane. maybe violence is the answer sometimes.

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Stop being a fucking neocon. This is literally a psyop. Go read about Barry Seals arrest. It’s the same shit. All school shootings are official staged.

Jow Forums is always right
about something. sifting through the evidence is better than sifting through the ashes

i dunno man - Zero Hedge articles have outlined like ... everything - not much left to "uncover" !

new charges against different people from the first case you illiterate brainlet

It's what our Founders intended when the government stops listening. Alter or abolish. The tree of liberty and all.

Everyone should start training kids in desert compounds. At least the remaining found and live ones. It's perfectly normal and legal. Tunnel networks are good just don't purchase the land and you'll be fine.

>new charges
brought on the two who are still imprisoned. What does that have to do with the 3 that were released? Why aren't any of the charges related to terrorism? Like any of us are the least bit surprised by this.

>Jow Forums was right
no shit

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When the left chased the school shooter aspect
Then the right chased the mulim aspect
And no one was talking about the dead body they found.

As connoisseur of evil. I love this. Seriously this is Bond villain level of evil right here. This crap sack world makes me smile every damn day.

speaking generally about Jow Forums

>jewish mother

I have some bad news user...

maybe instead of starting our own, we can go kill the bastards we identify with surveillance and move into their tunnels instead? saves us the trouble of digging the tunnels, and we can just move the children in and train them to be actually useful?

we don't even need to starve them, or sleep deprive them, or torture them, or any of that shit, just teach them how to dig foxhalls, slay for days, and also how to file some motherfucking tax returns and hold a fukkn job

Bump you fucking faggots

anons right. Remember how big things are. If America starts to clean up, it will inspire Mexico and members of the EU to clean up.
Our first and foremost option is to actually boycott money itself.


c'mon, at least tell the whole story. If you actually read the article, they aren't free. And they have new charges of child abuse resulting in death. Now if those don't stick ....


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Why aren't New Mexicans grabbing their arms and marching down to the DA's office over this? What has happened to Americans? Why are they so cucked?

how many of them do you think are even aware of what was happening at the compound, much less what has happened regarding the case since?

Not many unless they browse here. Though Tucker did mention it yesterday.


Bump for the only non shit tier thread rn

Because they’re all faggot neoliberals who probably believe we should be paying these nigger muzzies reparations.

REEEEEEEEEEEEE Trump please do something about this.

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new charges are only applied to 2 of them, and arent nearly severe enough.

that's the problem
might be forced into low-tech info dissemination strats soon