Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Happening Edition

Current happenings:
>Saxony government doing a "citizen talk", protests expected in three hours, RUPTLY livestream:
>The left artist KIZ, Kraftclub, Materia, Tote Hosen (literally), Feine Sahne Antifa Filet and Casper collude to make a concert on monday in Chemnitz against rightwing people / for refugees

>Thread theme:


>Targets of opportunity

>News in german

>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat, no fatties in Auschwitz)

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>Meme Collections 2.0

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

Create memes
Spread memes on social media
Harass Journalists on Twitter
Join up with Friends and form communities
Get fit
Don't be a pathetic mockery
Beware of shills

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Other urls found in this thread:ألمانيا-تحذيرات-من-مشاهد-حرب-أهلية-مصطنعة-في-كيمنيتس/a-45252428

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Chemnitz knifestabber posing with Öcalan flag, shills will attack this and say it's nothing.

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german politician I would hatefuck

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well look at that the Shill that has a crush on the Messermann starting a Shill Thread calling for everyone to be glowed to the Screen all day watching a big nothing live.

>Fan of kurdish politician and Volksheld
So what?

i wonder wether her pussy is shaved or not

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because there is something odd about a guy who killed a 35 year old with a knife and this brave user finaly figured out what it was.

stop protesting or else,germs



This is important.

gtfo concern shill, also happening livestreams are Jow Forums culture, you CIA niggers glow in the dark.

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Im utterly thankful that some user risked his life in the depths of facebook to bring us this glowing revelation

Right, because of people like you Germany is dieing. Because the option is either a lot of immigrants or only a bit less.

First of all, reddit spacing. Secondly, you are saying you're fine with the natives being replaced as long as there's more consumption.

Thoughts about Cyberpunk 2077?
Gameplay Demo looked awesome
>inb4 degeneracy
they already upsetted SJWs with their twitter jokes and the Trailer/Demo didnt showed any Niggers yet, they are not making promotion by muh racism

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Fuck off shitskin, we dont want your conflict here, go join kurdistan

Culture does not matter if its useless distraction,

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>don't watch the beginning of the revolution, goy

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youre a fucking idiot.

>because of people like you Germany is dieing. Because the option is either a lot of immigrants or only a bit less.
Explain your arguments and viewpoint. What's bad about somebody integrating and providing value and working if he integrates and adopts the values of the country? Shit, it's even better for race improvement if you're into that (see: evolution) but sure, if keeping it "pure" is your goal I understand how you feel.

>demonstrations are revolutions
Now the shill goes full LARP

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No wonder nothing is ahppening in this country with people like you in our ranks,start thinking for a moment untermensch..what exactly is wrong about my statement? its in no way surprising that a kurd is a fan of the biggest kurdsih politican today

>yoer a shill!
>no, yer a shill!
Jow Forums hasn't changed. toxic board anyway.

It's possible that Chemnitz was our Prager Fenstersturz.I think, it's the beginning of the turning point. But Wessicucks will keep voting for Merkel and Rot-Grün. Chemnitz won't change that.

Also: Tote Hosen going full antifa mode now. Not surprising, but still sad and disgusting. These "punk anarchists" became 100% part of the anti-German establishment now. Fuck these champagne socialists!

Hans, could you please provide me with that picture of a bottled natsoc officer and cork flying away? I'm trying to mobilize my bros to attend this weekend's demo.


Because a nation is a nation due to the shared heritage and experience of its peoples. Politicians and Bankers, our main enemies, also see people as economic units that are interchangeable.

>lets be the foreigner on a demonstration against foreigners

>Tote Hosen going full antifa mode now
Always have been.

Reposting from last thread since I'd like some critique on this weird idea...

>work and respect the culture

According to my (possibly flawed) views these would be a minority among those populations but they sure exist. Now I had an idea on this ... hand pick such individuals from 'lesser' populations and tecruit them into a program where they get proper education both in intellectual as well as ideological terms. Those that pass are sent back into their autochtonous cultures as a 'cultural vanguard' with our support but also under our supervision. I would not expect this to succeed everywhere but if it does one could use it as a nucleus for 'junior partner' vassal state if backed up with a later eugenics program.

Yeah, kinda thinking in terms of 'kulturbegründende' and 'kulturtragende Nation' here

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Can someone give me a quick rundown on that whole Chemnitz Situation? I didn't watch the news or anything because I thought it's blown out of proportion.

Meh, not really. Not in the 90s and early 00s. But maybe I didn't realize how fully the German state had already been in the hands of the far left. And they didn't need to be so militant.

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here you go buddy
i think you replied to the wrong user there

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Thanks user, you beautiful.

>import barbarians
>barbarism rises
>act surprised

Glad to be of service...

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who drew this?
whoever did it, he's eerily in tune with how collective thought works

Zwangsfinanzierte Deutsche-Welle-Arabisch: "Sechs Personen wurden durch eine Sprengfalle durch die extreme Rechte und Opposition verletzt.

Deutschland: Warnungen vor
künstlichen "Bürgerkriegs" -Szenen in Chemnitz
Die Ereignisse in Kimnitz, bei denen sechs Menschen während einer Demonstration der extremen Rechten und ihrer Gegner mit Brandbomben verletzt wurden, warnten die Politiker vor künstlichen Szenen des "Bürgerkriegs", die die extreme Rechte in den Straßen deutscher Städte zu schaffen versucht

auf der rechten und der linken Opposition gegen sie mindestens sechs Menschen, nach Polizeiangaben in Sachsen, Politiker Deutschen zur Vorsicht verletzt führte rief vor dem Versuch, künstliche Szenen von „Bürgerkrieg“ in dem Land zu schaffen.

Deutsche Polizei keine Angaben über die Schwere ihrer Verletzungen in der Rallye gegeben hat, die von mehr als zweitausend Demonstranten der extremen Rechten besucht wurde, traf sich in einer Gegendemonstration gegenüber den anderen Tausenden dicht an der linken Seite, wie sie in der deutschen Nachrichtenagentur „DPA“ berichtet

Scherheitskräfte sprachen von "mehr als 100 Menschen, die ihre Gesichter verbargen", und einige von ihnen begrüßten Hitler, während andere Steine von der Straße nahmen.

on this fb page there is a link to some weird shit

it's about a bomb attack on lefties??? in germany all very confusing bc google translate etc

Remember when all of those bands had a feud with the Onkelz?

For what purpose? if you want vassal nation there are directer methods to aquire such. European ideas do not work in foreign nations

Szenen der Konfrontation zwischen den äußersten linken und rechten empfehlen, wenn der Bürgerkrieg in der östlichen Stadt Deutschland nehmen, und das ist, was davor gewarnt, ihn zu einem Experten in den inneren Angelegenheiten des Sozialistischen Demokratische Partei Burkhard von I_ka, wo er wies darauf hin, dass es diejenigen, die einen Bürgerkrieg in dem Land zu synthetisieren versuchen Extremisten zu gewinnen und zu verbreiten Angst und Schrecken in den gleichen Bürger. "In unserem Land nutzt eine rechte Minderheit jede Gelegenheit, ihre fantasievollen Visionen eines Bürgerkriegs auf die Straße zu übertragen", sagte der sozialistische Experte. Dies kam in einem Interview mit der Rheinischen Post in Düsseldorf

Er fuhr fort, Sicherheitsexperte I_ka in Bezug auf
die Rolle der „Alternative Partei für Deutschland“ rechtspopulistischen in die Manifestationen von rechter Gewalt in der Gemeinde Betankung, dass es eine parlamentarische Partei Klatschen und Szenen Jagd auf Ausländer in den Straßen und Szenen aus der Praxis der Gerechtigkeit selbst von Rechtsextremen jubeln., Die konfrontiert werden müssen, durch die demokratische Mehrheit in der Lage der Gesellschaft ist klar und lauter Stimme ablehnend nicht das Argument akzeptieren, wenn es um die Einheit der Gesellschaft kommt, wenn es um die Demokratie und die Rechtsstaatlichkeit kommt

Für seinen Teil, warnte die Polizeigewerkschaft gegen die Praxis der Selbstgerechtigkeit in Verletzung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, sagte der Chef der Gewerkschaft Oliver Malkhov „Wenn die Bürger das Gefühl, dass das staatliche Gesetz ihm nicht Gerechtigkeit liefert, um es in die Praxis der Gerechtigkeit zahlt selbst


Auf der anderen Seite kritisierte die Grüne Partei den Bundesinnenminister Horst Zehover nachdrücklich sein Schweigen über das, was in Sachsen seit Tagen "Skandal" passiert sei, sagte der Sicherheitsexperte der Grünen Konstantin von Knots. "Der Minister sollte sich fragen, ob er die richtige Person für diesen Job ist", sagte von Knottts. In seinen früheren Bemerkungen über die "Hegemonie der Ungerechtigkeit", als er über die Flüchtlingswelle im Land sprach, sagte Zehover, dass der moralische Boden des extremen Rechts auf Ausübung der Justiz weit von der Rechtsstaatlichkeit entfernt sei

original link :ألمانيا-تحذيرات-من-مشاهد-حرب-أهلية-مصطنعة-في-كيمنيتس/a-45252428

but that does not serve as a counterargument
if a nation is due to the shared heritage and experience, there's nothing that stops immigrants from partaking in this if they integrate. Moreso, the shared heritage evolves through history and loses or acquires parts from all the people that take part in it. I don't want to change your mind but only for people/you to give me arguments about it.
>Paris Platz in Berlin and a fuckton of french cultural reminders throughout all of Germany
>shared pure german heritage

sorry for wall of text but this seems relevant as there might be something going on??
are they rallying the moslems up??against us?

Yeah I'd hate to fuck her too.

>whoever did it, he's eerily in tune with how collective thought works
so like every Jow Forumstard that understands the concept of memes

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wtf user, wish there was a proper tranlate.
maybe arabic-> anglese better?

but who's the author? or is it an user?

Mostly since I see classical colonialism as flawed in the long term ... it generates too much counter pressure. I do not mind atrocities against indigenous rebels but in the end it is a waste of resources. So I'd say either full scale genocide and resettlement or what I proposed (you either slow-transform the culture and population or lose your vanguard and not mich of value is lost). Also an experiment as I expect that culture does actually change human population genetics within a few generations as gene variants better adapted to the prevalent culture will become dominating.

i sent source link in so translate as you wish

There's countless examples of civic nationalism like this not working, even in the USA the different European ethnics still vote as a block. Furthermore, the example that originally started this was some Pole who just wanted to come over to earn money lol, and you cheer him on, even after gleefully Poles driving out millions of Germans after the allies egged them on post-Versailles and post-WW2. What do you think is going to happen the next time around?

nations are defined by genes and heritage

not for me, maybe 2anglese provides clearer semantics
agreed, this looks fucking suspicious

Not really. But Onkelz were never right wing. Just general assi rock like Frei.Wild. Not a fan at all, sorry.

Today colonialism is not needed to profit from other countries nor is occupation through economic means and armed pressure on the governments you can extract from every nation what you want if you do it right the pressure of the population will mostly be focused on their government which can replaced easily with enough migth. it just dont see the necessity or advantages to conventional means?

go eat a nigger dick retarded degenerate subhuman. czechs are no foreigners in europe. there will come a day when we hang niggers like you

>Gewalt kennt keinen Grund, es wird einfach nur sinnentleert zugeschlagen
Immer noch nix kapiert. Sad!

>hm, these people call themselves left wing radicals and antifa, the militant street gang arm of the communist party

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Why get upset? Germans vote this shit with 13%. They are close to the AfD and together with DIE LINKE 25% of Germans vote for open, or indirect communism.

Me neither, I just remember shit being flung for ages.

Guy gets knifed to death at a festival, one iraqi and one syrian highly suspected. Chemnitzer proceed to demonstrate against Merkel and Messermeuchelmörder, potentially 10.000 people arrive, antifa as well and does what antifa does. Media screams about evil germans hunting down poor immigrants through the streets of Chemnitz, no proof needed whatsoever. Third Reich imminant, these damn Ossis and their racism and revolutions.

>czechs are no foreigners in europe.
Yeah, they only ethnically cleansed millions and millions of Germans and massacred millions of them, too. Funded Churchill with a multitude of the sums British Jews payed them.

> there will come a day when we hang niggers like you
I hope you Neo-"Nazis" never get any power. You are as bad as antifa.

Fair point if you talk about genes, nothing can change that though there's still would be a big amount of people fitting the "description" (regions from France, Poland, Chezcks, etc)
I'm gonna look up the examples, but yeah sounds right (identity politics whoa). top kek, are there that many Poles here you automatically think I'm one?

>schluchtenscheissender slav detected
you won't hang anyone you powerless loser.

you took the bait.

Yeah. I know some Onkelz fans. It's just basically one Asi group against another. Not really political.

should've done it this way

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anyone watching the roaches tubmling?

since the happenings starting 2016 with the roaches, this is extremely delightful for me, even if it's the J o o doing it, because there was this prominent anti-jew alliance led by roachking.

it's funny also how silent roachking is.

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If Roachland collapses, where do you think all the "refugees" will go, that are still in Roachland? Cheering for it is self-destructive.

>antifa literally holding a rally against people who protested the government protecting murderers

The right side of history, amiright?

integration worked!

no the first part is mroe concerning because there is talk about a bomb injuring people?

chezcks are not genetically german.. those few who are are germans

>you took the bait
I should give him a link to some MSM or what?

im pretty sure she gives great Blowjobs and does a great 69

I wonder if her cock and balls are shaved

Gruess Gott

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$8.8 and will be roach motel

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>the hanging at the end

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Danke schön
Sure, I meant that there will be populations that fit the genetic criteria outside the borders and even some who don't inside. Depends on how broad do you want the spectrum to be and the reference population

literally me

question, does anyone know what happened to the guy who stabbed someone in Chemnitz?
I've heard some dude leaked some court documents, right? Does anyone have them?

hahaha neo nazi, what does that even mean nigger? everybody who hates you is a neo-nazi? thats great for you i guess. who gives two shits about what happend in europe in the past? now we will stand united against the arabic and african hordes

It's been a while lad.
Never (you)'d you before but lurked some of your dna research related threads more than once.

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I know this is Bild and shit, but wtf are these clowns even doing? Seems like they are more concerned with demonstrations were 10 people raise an arm and do nothing dangerous besides saying some mean words.

>If Roachland collapses, where do you think all the "refugees" will go, that are still in Roachland?
It'll only fuel the hate machine that is starting to accelerate since of soon.

So beautiful!

Artists name is on the side, its Ronny Gordon

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and at least 5 out of 10 of those guys are surely glow in the darkz

So, are we going to see ten thousand germans fuck up the antifa concert? Nope... they did some walking... and the left will exploit their little walk for their own purposes.

Germany stays cücked and they german people WILL swallow their genocide.

The end.

Not surprised.
>Germans already minority
>antifa grounds
>ruled literally by an anti-German, socialist Jew
It's all so disgusting.

the news doesn't say anything about it, they just focus on the right wing rise, but not the actual cause. it's like they are trying to hide it, but that won't help their situation.

says a netherlandie, whose nations is controlled by jews since 16th century

Warrant issued and leaked, yes. Don't have the warrant at hand, sorry. I think someone posted it in the previous thread.

>if he integrates and adopts the values of the country
And if they would rather conquer your kaffir ass?

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NPD-Udo about Chemnitz

Yeah who cares about ethnic cleansing and genocide of German people! Czechs are not and never will be my brothers. Those Muslim hordes would need to increase their killing thousands upon thousands of times over to even come close to the Cz*chs. People like you would argue for alliances with Zionists, too.

Accelrate towards what?

Hey Pifken, glaubt ihr das aus diesem Kaspal Theater was wird?
Ihr habt nimms viel zeit um euer Land unf Volk zu schützen.

Entweder ihr erwacht, oder ihr stirbt im Schlaf.

reminder that eight of the ten attackers are still free.

>Accelrate towards what?
A new age.

this shit is extremely stupid. Complete failure of our state.
That reminds me, I was talking to some boomer tourists on a campinground in Norway earlierer this year. At first they looked like stereotypical german drones, but after a few beers we talked about exactly the stuff you posted and to my surprise they agreed that it's bullshit. Next they started talking about why blacks are stupid and incapable of building modern states, also they mentioned a reverse apartheid situation in south africa. Pretty based people t b h, it was really interesting talking to other germans when nobody around us could understand our language.

thanks, I'll have a look at the old thread