We're two months away. It's time to fire up the meme factories in support of the president.
If you care about the white race then you want a wall built on the US-Mexico boarder. This is contingent on the reelection of President Donald J. Trump. He needs you now as much as ever, for God's sake do not fail him or your people. Start posting memes to activate the magic, Now is the time.
It's pathetic. It attracted nobody because instead of a well crafted OP post, you have made four identical threads. Stop. Just stop. Make a quality thread, not spamming this low quality drivel.
Oliver Gomez
Make good OP posts so I can fill them with hot memes and impregnate anons with good inspiration to vote.
Does it really matter what's in the catalogue that isn't related to the midterms? No, that shit can be posted anytime, but we have a limited time until the midterms so the catalogue should be filled with support for Trump and the right. Help me do that by making quality threads for spreading memes or you hate the President.
>Strawmanning You don't support him, you're just idolizing him, you're a fanatic. I don't think he's anything special, he hasn't had much room to operate, though. After the hangings of traitors, we will see how Trump runs America, without someone holding him back.